
Transforming Trauma into Triumph

Dr. Shanea Clancy

(July 2024)

In life’s complex web, where dark threads of despair often overshadow the vibrant hues of hope, the essence of the human spirit is rigorously tested. Life’s greatest challenges can sometimes lead to profound transformations. My name is Dr. Shanea Clancy, and I invite you on my journey from deep despair to discovering a life full of purpose, potential, and joy, which is further detailed in my newly released #1 best-selling book, "Transforming Trauma into Triumph: How One Woman’s Harrowing Beginning Led Her to God, Grace, and Growth – and How the Lessons Learned Can Help You Too!”

The Dark Beginning:

The journey to purpose and resilience often begins with a spark. My journey was no exception. Everyone’s peaks and valleys in life are varied. I am no different. Our experiences may be individual and diverse, but at the core of everything, we are human with souls looking for fulfilment and a sense of meaning and purpose. The catalyst that changed my life was a tragic vehicle crash that resulted in the untimely death of two men.  I bore legal responsibility because I was under the influence of alcohol while driving the ambulance that caused the accident.. This plunged me into a darkness so profound it seemed inescapable, enveloping me into a chasm of darkness filled with guilt, grief, self-hate, anger at God, and endless remorse. The subsequent legal proceedings culminated in a 11.5 to 23-month sentence preceding 5 years of probation, marking the beginning of what would turn out to be the most trying period of my life and testing every ounce of my being and faith in God and humanity. Even though I desperately wanted to, I struggled to see a single sliver of hope. 

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
— Lamentations 3:22

Each morning is a new opportunity to reflect on God’s work in your life. Each and every day, your slate is wiped clean by Jesus’ sacrifices on the cross.

Incarceration and Reflection:

The consequence of the double-fatality crash was a two-year prison sentence in a place that seemed designed to strip away any humanity and all hope. To add salt to the already wide-open wounds of my soul, I was sexually assaulted by a corrections officer within the first 6 months of being locked up. Four months later I was physically assaulted by several other corrections officers when I returned to give my testimonial about the first assault. Yet, it was here, in the unlikeliest of places, that the seeds of transformation were sown. My days were marked by a relentless self-scrutiny and a search for meaning amid all the suffering, frustration, and despair. Through countless hours of ear-piercing solitude punctuated by the chaos of prison life, I began to forge my path to redemption. I fought the doubt in my soul; cursing God one moment, then surrendering to Him the next. The devil was fighting for my soul while I was hanging on by a thread. This spiritual test was not just about seeking forgiveness from a higher power, but also about understanding my own role in the tragedy and coming to terms with it.

Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us.
— Hebrews 12:1

Rekindling Faith in Darkness:

My faith journey deepened in the confines of my jail cell. I clung to it as a lifeline, finding solace in prayer, worship, and scripture. It was here, in the solitude of a cell, that I reached out to what remained unwavering - my trust in God. This period of enforced reflection brought me face to face with my shortcomings, and with the unshakeable love and mercy of God. It was a time of purification, of stripping away the nonessentials and focusing on the foundational truths of my life. My progression was about finding the inner strength to face each day and every haunting memory. I focused on personal growth and goal setting for who I wanted to become by the time of my release back into society. Through continued deep reflection and spiritual guidance, I gradually learned that forgiving myself and others was essential for healing. It wasn’t about absolving myself of responsibility but about allowing myself to live a life that honors those affected by the crash and never putting myself in a situation to repeat my previous poor decisions.

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in Heaven may forgive you and your sins.
— Mark 11:25

The Healing Power of Forgiveness:

Forgiveness can be a heavy thing to contemplate, whether asking for it for someone else or desiring it from others. Learning to forgive myself was the hardest part. How could I possibly move on from the guilt of causing others such immense pain? How could I move past being violated sexually and physically by correction officers while under their forced care? Was it even realistically possible? The road to self-forgiveness was fraught with obstacles. It demanded an inner reckoning and the acceptance of my past actions.

Through prayer and pastoral counseling, I learned that forgiveness was not a relinquishment of responsibility but a step toward redemption. This period was also one of extending forgiveness outward - forgiving those I felt had wronged or hurt me. This ironically freed me from a different kind of prison. The one I had unintentionally built of bitterness and unresolved anger in my mind. It wasn’t until these chains broke in praying for others that I was able to start considering forgiving myself.

The process was grueling. It involved peeling back the layers of pain, regret, violation, and remorse. It required facing myself in the mirror. I have heard the eyes are the window to the soul and for the longest time, the reflection in the mirror that I saw was a hollow, broken soul. My eyes lacked luster and sparkle because that is how I felt inside – dead and worthless.

Let the bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
— Ephesians 4:31-32

I learned that forgiveness is not a moment but a journey. Forgiveness required me to confront my own contribution to the pain I had caused others, to own it, to feel it fully. It was only then I could let it go because God has already forgiven me. This release brought a lightness, a freedom I had not felt in years.

 Education and Empowerment Behind Bars:

Jail can be a place where hope dims and spirits break, but for me, it became an unlikely challenge for my transformation. Determined to redefine my identity beyond my prison sentence, I engaged deeply with the educational programs available to me and tutored fellow inmates. I completed courses, led inmate study groups, and began drafting what would later become part of my first book. These actions were steps toward reclaiming my sense of self and preparing for a future outside the prison’s walls. Rediscovering my spirituality within the confines of prison was transformative. I delved into scripture, prayed with a fervency born of desperation, and attended every Christian service and study group available. This spiritual immersion provided not just solace but a new lens through which to view my existence.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
— 1 Peter 5:10

Rebuilding with Resilience Upon Release and Reintegration:

Resilience for me was forged in the furnace of my cement prison cell. It was about finding the inner strength to face each day and every haunting memory. I focused on personal growth, setting goals for who I wanted to be moving forward. I engaged in the minimal programs available that would build my skills and prepare me to give back to society in a more meaningful and purposeful way.

Upon release from jail, the challenge was not merely adjusting to freedom but redefining my place in the world and reintegrating back into a society that had changed rapidly over 23 months. With a tarnished record and a past that seemed ready to define my future as a failure, I pursued a nursing career and further education relentlessly, with a focus on resilience and recovery from trauma, forensic nursing, leadership, and business.  I was driven by a desire to understand human behavior and to help others navigate their psychological landscapes.

Each academic achievement was not just a milestone but a steppingstone to building a new life, vital to my own healing process and purpose in the world. My mission extended beyond personal growth to advocacy and support for others facing similar battles and barriers, demonstrating that recovery and success are possible on the other side of adversity.

The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.
— Proverbs 11:3

Living and Leading Authentically:

It wasn’t until around 2017 that I truly embraced the power of living authentically. Embracing authenticity involved shedding the layers of who I thought I needed to be combined with implied society standards. In getting rid of  the labels of my past, I accepted my journey and who I had become - flaws and all. This authenticity allowed me to connect more deeply with others, share my story more openly, and use my experiences to inspire and guide those struggling through their own dark times. It also redefined my purpose and professional life.

As I shared my story and the lessons I had learned, I found that my most painful experiences resonated most deeply with others. Authenticity doesn’t just mean you’re not filtering what you are saying, it is about being able to know and access the best parts of yourself and bring them forward. Leadership, I learned, was not about wielding power but about showing vulnerability, demonstrating resilience, and empowering others to be the best versions of themselves.

Empowering Others Through Experience:

As a professional speaker and #1 best-selling author, coach, and consultant, I use my platform to advocate for those who struggle in silence. I also facilitate leadership training, mindset/life coaching, and a variety of consulting topics as a subject matter expert. My book, presentations, and coaching are filled with strategies for managing adversity, navigating mental health, effective communication, transforming pain into power, and turning setbacks into comebacks.

Today, my life is a testament to the power of redemption and the possibility of renewal and recovery. It is not just a recount of my journey; it's a beacon for anyone navigating through their darkest moments. I share my story to show that even through immense pain and loss, transformation and healing are possible.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.
— Isaiah 40:29-31

Transforming Trauma into Triumph" is my heart laid bare. My journey of falling, rising, and hoping. It’s a testament to the strength every individual possesses, no matter their despair. If you’re feeling lost, let my journey illuminate your path. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Join me in moving forward together, from shadows to light, from pain to promise. In sharing my story, I hope to light the path for others who may be navigating through their own darkness. This is more than my testimony; it’s a map for those who dare to find their own way to resilience, peace, and ultimate fulfillment in their God-given purpose.

Today, as I share my journey in "Transforming Trauma into Triumph" it is with the hope that my story serves as a beacon for those navigating through their storms. This book, derived from real-life lessons and strengthened by scripture, offers not just a recount of survival but a blueprint for thriving in the face of adversity. It is okay to not be okay. It is how we move forward that matters.

If you’re feeling lost in the shadows, let my book be your guide to finding light. Remember, resilience isn’t just about returning to where you were before - it’s about moving forward to somewhere better. I hope you find strength and hope in your own story. If my journey inspires even one person to find the courage to change their narrative, then every challenge I've faced has served a greater purpose. Remember, true strength is about finding the light, even in the darkest of places, and knowing that recovery, redemption, and a purpose-filled relationship with Christ, are all within reach for every single one of us. All we must do is open our hearts and accept Him as our Lord and Savior.


Clancy has held prominent leadership positions, including her role on Duquesne University’s MSN Dean’s Student Advisory Board and as Co-Chair of Leadership Butler County 2023, where she spearheaded efforts to raise over $40,000 for their class legacy project. She is currently the president of Clancy Consulting Services and has been honored with the 2023 BC3 Distinguished Alumni Award, the 2024 Duke From the Last Decade Award, and was recently named one of Pittsburgh's Finest in 2024. Additionally, Clancy is engaged in fellowships with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, is an active member of the Butler County Chamber of Commerce, and serves on multiple boards both locally and globally. Married to her husband John, who served in the Navy, Clancy is a devoted mother to their three children. The family enjoys a range of activities including volunteering, camping, traveling, cycling, and enthusiastically supporting their children’s various endeavors.


Where Does Your Value Lie?

Elena Mckinney

(April 2024)

If I asked you, "Do you know you have value?" would you answer, "Sure, I do!" Or would you wonder if you have anything to offer to the world? At the beginning of my spiritual and personal growth journey, to the same question I would have certainly answered, "Sure, I do!". I knew I mattered. But as life progressed, more responsibilities were added to my plate, changes took place in my life, and relational let downs occurred. When I paused a moment and looked inside, I would wonder if I really had value. Until my late twenties, I knew my family loved me. I had long-time friends who knew my good and bad traits and confronted me with their perspectives when I was out of line, but they also loved being with me for who I was and what I brought to the relationship and never asked me to be like someone else. After an important move and transition in my life, I found myself not surrounded by those who truly knew me. I had to rewrite my story with a new set of people and in a different culture. Talk about change!

The dictionary defines (personal) value as "the regard that someone is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of someone". Based on this definition, consider your importance, worth, or usefulness. Maybe your thoughts go to your talents or your professional success or the value you know you have and the regard you deserve in the eyes of those who surround you in this season of life. That is exactly where I was looking for affirmation of my worth: others.

For some, your identity today might be different from a few years ago, especially if you recently became a mom. That is such a huge transition in life! You might feel strongly about your value because of how invaluable you are to your family, or if you are a mom or wife with a full-time job outside the house, you know you bring value because of everything you do. You might even think, "I am not sure where my value lies these days," maybe you even think: "I feel I have no value because the work I do is so thankless," or "I have no formal job, so I am not sure what value I contribute."

It took me some time to own my personal value as something within me. I am who I am and I need to grow and learn how to interact with people around me, yet, without changing my core. I want to really grasp my worth based on who I am and not what I do. Unfortunately, if we are not careful, we let society, our circle of friends, and the social media we are influenced by dictate who we are and if we are worthy. You are not alone in falling prey to this negative belief system.

Have you ever considered the value you have above all this earthly living - in God's eyes? I did not. God says we have value because we are living human beings. The breath of God is in us! The fact that you are a human being – a living creature – is of value. I want to encourage you and remind you that your role, your life, your purpose, whatever those may be, they are essential to complete the beautiful puzzle that God has created.

When you know WHO you are, WHO God says you are, and what YOUR core values are, no matter who is around you, you know you matter within because you realize that "Someone" cares deeply about you. You know you are not alone. You will be firm in your confidence in yourself, and you will not allow fear, anxiety, negative thoughts, or negative self-talk to hold you back from pursuing deeply important, inspiring projects, activities, or adventures. Your heart will be full of God's promises for you, and you will have the confidence that you are valuable because you ARE you! But it takes work and willingness to learn who He says you are. Read His word, find a true Bible study (my church and Community Bible Study International was fundamental for my spiritual growth in God's word), and be willing to feed yourself with God's word regularly. But also look for like-minded individuals and maybe you need to shed some pain from past experiences and relationships. Seek out the help of a mental health counselor/therapist or a wise mentor. Past hurts create such a fortress around our hearts that it is hard to let anyone in and that causes us to isolate and not be connected with others. Leaving us feeling alone and helpless, or angry, bitter and judgmental.

 I hope you read this article as a reminder to never let anyone make you feel less than or not enough! When life gets hard, when you feel alone, when it seems no one understands you, don't forget what God says about you. Keep repeating His promises to yourself. Do not let others project their insecurities on you and follow your gut. That is the Holy Spirit speaking to you. Your inner being is connected to God through the Holy Spirit. Quiet the noise around you and provide a safe space for your spirit to align with God's plan. Intentionally dedicate time to connect with God and let Him speak to you. It is so vital to recharge in God's presence and word when you feel down. I encourage you to pause instead: go for a walk, take a bath, sit on the grass outside, listen to the birds, and admire God's creation. There is peace that lies in that time and research is supporting the truth that nature is restorative to our souls. As you breathe deeply, let God and your senses guide your next step. Pause again: look inside and think about what makes you happy, what you love, what you care about, and what you were good at when you were a child; those are the gifts and desires God put in your heart when He created you. What fascinated you when you were little, and what were you attracted to?

Follow your heart. It is the source of all life for everything you do flows from it
— Proverbs 4:23

If you are a mom, your time with your children is essential in their first years of their lives to grow emotionally secure, by feeling securely attached to a source of love - YOU. Suppose you could just look at the value of your time as mom, and protect it by putting boundaries around what distracts you from giving your attention to you child and finding areas where you can delegate some tasks. In that case, you can influence your child's emotional strength. Because at the end of the day, nobody else can replace your connection with your child, in spending time with your child, in forming memories with your child, in bonding with your child, in coaching your child, in inspiring your child – that's where your value lies: in being their mom. That's where you can't even put a price on the value of what you are teaching your child by being self-controlled, balanced, and emotionally regulated, as you are being you. No pretense, no trying to be someone you are not, but just leaning on your love for them.

The source of all negative thoughts and lack of self-worth comes from not knowing you are loved, not knowing that your life matters. All creation plays a small part in forming its beautiful entirety. Sometimes, from our small point of view, we cannot see the whole picture that God sees. Let's look at a few verses that describe what God says about our personal value in the Bible.

"God made human beings in His own image" ~ Genesis 1:26-27

· God must love us so much to want to be represented in us.

But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  ~Romans 5:8

It sounds like we matter enough for Jesus to die for us and save our spirits for eternity so we can be with Him.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. ~ Matthew 10:30-31

· God Himself says that "You are of more value than many sparrows".

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple. ~ 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

· If you are the temple of God because a human body is where the Holy Spirit lives and the Holy Spirit is part of the triune being of God, which in turn is a holy place, you must matter a whole lot to God for God to defend your life.

Do not rely on social media to make you feel better; do not distract yourself with more to-dos. Lean on your pain, understand its source, and ask God for wisdom to help you in moments of despair to get you through to victory. He will not leave you nor forsake you. He will fill you on the inside with His love. Ask Him for guidance and be willing to be obedient to the next step He shows you.

I found myself having to pull away from "the noise" in my life a few times. That noise might be what your friends want you to be involved with, yet it does not feel right to you. Or maybe an organization or a job that seems to bring useful connections for your future and good pay, yet it overwhelms you. Social media and various apps bring distraction to your day and take your attention away from your children or the people around you. If you are asked to put your phone down quite often by your loved ones, most likely, it is keeping you distracted from connecting with them in a meaningful way. I understand these are all ways you try to give your soul a break from the heaviness you are experiencing. I understand that getting distracted eases the rush of negative thoughts in your mind. I understand that finding help is hard if you do not have family or solid friendships around you. Many have a job to provide for your family, so it is inevitable to not be with your child all day. This is why YouAreNotAlone exists. Let me explain.

I personally know how hard it is to juggle all aspects of life on your own, so in 2015 I started a peer support group to help moms find a place to be themselves, with no pretense to be someone they are not and most of all by being able to let all their thoughts and feelings out and not feel judged. You know your time is valuable by being with your child but it is equally as important being you and doing things for yourself to stay balanced. Having a community, you can reach out to and spend time with is essential to stay connected and grow friendships in this busy season. Be only who you can be, and no one else. JUST BE YOU and join us on Wednesdays and Sundays morning at Victory Family Church and on Thursdays at the Cranberry YMCA. We also gather in the summer through play-dates at parks and moms meet for monthly dinners and fun mom and children events throughout the year .

I pray that through these words, you find the encouragement to put one foot in front of the other, keep looking up, and let who you are flow and bloom. There is a precious gift inside of you, and someone needs you. Just the way you are. You are part of a beautiful creation, a wonderfully made puzzle, and your life is a piece of that puzzle. It will not be complete without you. Cultivate your gifts and work on your hurts. New seasons bring growth and growth is tough because it stretches us. To learn something new we will most likely go through some sort of growing pains. Control that pain but don’t think there is something wrong with you or that others are not going through similar pain. Instead look inside and seek help through an in-depth study of the Bible, a therapist, a pastor, a wise mentor or join us at YouAreNotAlone. Try to listen for guidance, do not try to defend yourself, but seek wisdom for your own growth.

Action step: I encourage you to take one small step today to redirect your thoughts towards change and growth. List what you are good at and what makes you happy on the inside. What fills your cup up and puts a smile on others around you. That is worth of you pursuing and developing. Then look around and explore volunteer opportunities or find a group, like YouAreNotAlone where you can be heard, encouraged and not judged.

I see you. I know it is hard but lean on God and listen to your own heart. They will guide you to live the life you are meant to live. You and He make the best team!   In truth − with grace.

A transparent, supportive, and empowering community for moms, built through relationships


YANA – WHO WE ARE: a supportive community, providing encouragement, hope, and love while learning from each-other through relationships

YANA – WHAT WE DO: we empower women to know they are not alone by fostering transparency and vulnerability, sharing pain and insecurities, and learning new ways of thriving in this season of life through personal and spiritual growth

YANA – WHEN WE MEET: YANA meets every Wednesday morning at 9:30 am at Victory Family Church at the Cranberry  campus and on Thursday mornings at the YMCA. We also offer childcare so that you can meet with other moms while your  child plays and makes new friends of their own.

YANA provides an atmosphere for relationships to grow. 

If interested in joining us please email:


Elena is an inspiring wife, empowering mother of three, founder of YouAreNotAlone and committed to advocate for maternal mental health, by following Jesus’ leadership and example and building her spiritual family along the way.

God Qualifies the Called

Marybeth Seiling

(January 2024)

For we are God’s handiwork (workmanship), created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do
— Ephesians 2:10

I had been studying David in the book of 1 Samuel last fall and it brought to light so much insight to my past, back when I felt insignificant and didn’t know my purpose here on Earth. However, when I see where I am today, I recognize that through going through doors open in front of me, God has positioned me in such a place to make an eternal impact in the lives of many right here and now. My heart is to not just live and die to have people say there was another “good person.” I want to be remembered as someone whose life counted for eternity and for my family to look back and see the fruits of my labor for many years to come. As you read my story, I pray you will see my heart of thanksgiving and God’s empowering grace that He has given me to stretch myself in many more ways than I could have ever imagined.

When I was eight my parents divorced, and my dad had custody of my two sisters and me. As a young girl, I would not have considered myself friendly but more of a loner. I had one best friend growing up and we did everything together. My best friend’s mom was always there for me and treated me like one of her own. She helped fill the void of a motherly figure. God was so good in that time for me. My dad, on the other hand, did the best he could raising my sisters and me. We were always involved at church. My father was such a servant to others. He was an amazing example of God’s love to everyone. I grew up involved in a great youth group but always looking to others (mostly boys) to fulfill my needs and desires in which I knew only God could fill. As a senior in high school, I got into an un-godly relationship with a boy and fell away from God for many years.

 After our seven-year relationship ended I was heartbroken. I was hurt and really didn’t feel like I had any value and worth. Shortly after this hard season, I drew closer to God and spent time in prayer. Through that time, God showed me things as I started to surrender to him. My sister invited me to a Christian young adult’s ministry at her church where God brought an amazing, godly man into my life. We ended up getting married a few years later. He was all I had prayed for and had imagined a godly husband would be.

In 2013 I had the privilege to fulfill my dreams of becoming a stay-at-home mom. I had my first son and was beyond excited to be a mom. After he was born, I wrestled with thoughts of not knowing how to be a good mother because of the relationship I didn’t have with my own mom. It became a daily battle in my mind. My husband would always remind me of the verse:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.
— Romans 12:2.

I began to realize how lonely being home with a newborn who could not communicate was. I waited anxiously every day for my husband to come home in the evening from work so I would have someone to talk to. Another mom I knew reached out to me about joining MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) but was hesitant because I was super quiet and didn’t really know anyone, so I talked myself out of it. In 2015, my second son was born and although I was feeling so much joy in being a mom, I realized I had no friends and felt lonely. I made a huge, scary decision and joined the local MOPS group in my town that fall.

My first year at MOPS I enjoyed the much-needed conversation with other moms and hot food. I was pretty quiet and took it all in. It turned into one of my favorite days of the month that I looked forward to. The next year they asked me to be a group leader. I was so shocked since I thought to myself “I didn’t even talk last year to anyone and now you want me to lead a group?”. I told them I would pray about it. Of course, this was the next step in the plan God had already prepared for me. I knew this was going to be a stretch for me and I would only be able to do it with God’s grace. I kept reminding myself this scripture:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God
— Philippians 4:6

 That year at MOPS was unforgettable. God brought so many wonderful people into my group. I loved having the opportunity to lead others in this community.

Each year at MOPS God continued to stretch me. I began to realize that I was becoming a good leader but I still was missing the connection of friendships. God revealed to me that if I wanted to have good friends that I needed to be a good friend.

Those who have friends must themselves be friendly
— Proverbs 18:24

I needed to work a little harder at investing in my friendships. Not always waiting to be invited to do things but start reaching out to others. So that year I challenged myself to make as many friends as I could. Quickly, I started to realize how my circle had grown so much. Everywhere I would go in town I would see one of my “MOPS friends.’’ I lived in that for many years and enjoyed many great times with so many great people.

As years went on and my children got older, I started to feel God was calling me to new seasons. I had a lot of friends but was feeling challenged by God again to change these friendships to deep connections. I read the book “Find Your People” by Jennie Allen. It was life changing for me. It helped me to understand how to dig deeper and only open up to a few close people. Wow! For many years I was the one always reaching out and little by little I started to see the seeds I had sown come to life.

Then, last summer as I was mentally preparing for my daughter to go to school in the fall. I began to ask God what is my purpose in this next season? What was next in His plan for my life? How can I be used for your glory? I have found that my alone time with God is when I am running. It is such a great place for me mentally, physically, and emotionally. One warm, sunny day this past summer when I was out for a run, I was listening to a podcast when the Holy Spirit spoke straight to my heart and made it very clear that I was supposed to lead the entire MOPS program at my church this coming fall. I had been throwing around the idea but kept trying to talk myself out of it. I had been convincing myself that my kids were getting older and that was a ministry I was involved in years past – possibly God had something new for me.

I found that God had different plans for me. The podcast I was listening to was a lady telling a story that seemed so similar to mine. I grew up in a broken home where my mom left my dad when I was eight years old. She was around but not the ideal motherly figure. She was broken herself. She did the best she could but was always trying to fill her brokenness with alcohol. Sadly, she lost that battle in 2021 when she passed away.

As I listened to the podcast of this lady telling her story, she went on to explain her family history and the way she grew up had molded and shaped her into who she was today. It turns out she just so happened to be the MOPS national coordinator! She didn’t let her broken past define her future. As I was running, I literally said out loud “okay God” I knew this is what I needed to hear. One of my all-time favorite life scriptures has always been:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future
— Jeremiah 29:11

Deep down, I knew my fear of leading other moms in a ministry like MOPS was directly related to the fear from my past of not having a godly mother to lead me.

After the Holy Spirit gave me a clear vision this summer to lead MOPS at my church and I said “yes” I had a lot of work to do. I needed to build a leadership team. I prayed and asked God to show me who He wanted me to have on my team. I asked another mom from our church, Cheryl, to lead with me.  She leads the evening and I lead the morning group. Cheryl has become one of my best friends in the process. I knew it had to be God Who put these amazing people on my heart to be a part of my MOPS team. These were ladies I hadn’t seen or talked with in years, yet they were all just as excited as I was about the group. I had so much peace and such an amazing team leading with me.

Looking back at my life I have realized that one of my gifts is friendship. There is not much I love more than connecting myself or others to a good friendship. Well maybe coffee… ha-ha. My friends call me “The Connecter”. I know God has different gifts in all of us. I pray as you have read a little bit of my story it has challenged you to move out of your comfort zone. When we step out God shows up. He has amazing plans for each of our lives.  Trust Him!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path
— Proverbs 3:5-6

I know you may have read my story and ask God what am I here to do? I pray my story was an encouragement for you to follow what God is calling you to do. I never would have dreamed I would be leading the MOPS ministry. It was little steps of obedience where I said “yes” that lead me to where I am today. All the years I dedicated to the MOPS ministry as a leader helped mold and shape me to be the coordinator this year. Every season of life helps prepare you for the next season. I pray you follow the desires God puts in your heart even when it seems scary. You will be blessed. There is no better place to be than in the will of the Father.


Marybeth was born and raised in Kentucky but moved to Monaca, PA when she was a junior in high school. She spent most of her adult life in Beaver County where she was married to her wonderful husband Kevin in 2011. They have three beautiful children Logan, Joel and Lara Beth. Marybeth has been a stay-at-home mom most of her children’s lives. She serves in a few areas at her church but for the past several years of her life she has felt called to moms. She leads the MOPS ministry at her church, which is a true joy in her life. If you don’t find her with her kids, she will be at the gym or out for a run. She loves to be outside enjoying God’s creation!



Making Spirits Bright

Nichole Falavolito

(October 2023)

The holiday season is upon us!  Our family is pretty active during this time of the year.  We do a lot of activities together as a family.  Taking advantage of all the events around the city is something you can do with your friends and family as well.  Here are some of our family holiday traditions.

Phipps Conservatory

Every year Phipps Conservatory decorates for the holidays complete with a room devoted to an elaborate train display.  We have been going each Christmas since my husband and I were dating.  The best time to go is in the evening.  There is a winter light garden that is a must see at night. We have even seen a couple get engaged in the winter garden!  Over the years we have learned a few tips and tricks. 


1.      It is less busy to go on a weeknight.  The weekends might be more convenient, but it is so busy that it takes a lot of the enjoyment out of the trip, especially with young kids.

2.      Go at night, as mentioned before.

3.      Because they sell time slots you will want to be sure to purchase tickets ahead of time. 

 PPG Winter Garden

The winter garden at PPG is a memorable and quick little outing.  Here you will see Santa mannequins from around the world dressed in traditional attire and a small plaque with their names and traditions about them.  Also, there are usually homemade gingerbread houses on display, made by a wide range of children.  Some are quite impressive.  In addition to these beautiful displays, some evenings there is live music.  Sometimes it is adorable children and sometimes it is very talented adults.  Overall, it is a  nice experience that doesn’t take a lot of time.

Ice skating at PPG

Ice skating here feels like the most Christmasy things you can do in the city! The giant “tree” in the middle of the ice, Christmas music playing, surrounded by the glass of the PPG building… it almost feels like an ice palace.  We have not gone to this skating rink in a few years.  We tried to go 2 years ago but they changed their policy and for the better!  They now do tickets by time.  Before this change the line would be so very long.  This is a fun holiday activity that I highly recommend.


1.      Go after Christmas but walk around before Christmas.

2.      Buy tickets ahead of time.

The Winter Market

In Market Square there is a winter market.  A quaint little village is set up and vendors come in and sell unique items that can possibly be gifts.  There is hot coco and sometimes people are selling those fun things kids love like balloon animals and light up toys.  This stop could be paired with a dinner or with another mini activity.

Holiday Pops

The Holiday Pops is another tradition that goes back to our dating life.  We love going to this.  Lots of fun!  The atmosphere is festive and beautiful, and the music is wonderful!  You will not be disappointed if you like classical music, Christmas music, and holiday traditions.

Christmas Lights

We do a lot of Christmas light viewing during the season.  All of these places can be viewed from your car.  Pick up some hot chocolate or snacks after dinner or even some dinner in the car, then take a drive through a winter wonderland of lights. Here are a few of our favorite places to go. We have gone to these places for years.

1. The Lights at Clinton Park in Clinton, PA

2.      The Lights at the Pittsburgh Zoo

3.      Oglebay Resort, Wheeling, WV

4.      North Park Laser Show

I know there are many other places to visit during the holidays but these are some of our favorites.  Hope you are inspired and try a few. 

Merry Christmas!


Nichole Falavolito

Making things pretty is what Nichole likes doing in her free time.  When she is not enjoying her husband, two children, two dogs, and cats, she loves to make a big deal out of holidays, parties, & special gatherings. Recently, Nichole took a job as a professional organizer with Pittsburgh Neat.  She hopes to show you fun ways to decorate, organize, & just make every day pretty!


Rescued by Supermoms

Laura Crowson

(July 2023)

Growing up in Oregon, I remember my father's job vividly. He was a Firefighter for the Portland Fire Department for 27 years. His schedule wasn’t like most 9 to 5 jobs, he worked shifts. Twenty-four on, forty-eight off was his usual schedule unless he was called in. He didn’t talk a lot about some of the calls that he would have to go out on, but I knew every day he went to work, he was putting his life on the line for another. That’s what firefighters do, they run into burning buildings to rescue those who are trapped and in need of help. I thank God that he was able to see his career through to retirement, it’s definitely not a job for the faint of heart.

At some point all of us need a helping hand. Someone to reach out in the midst of our loneliness and despair and offer a way out. Someone to show us a way off our own island and back into connection and community with others. This is a very extreme reality for families like mine, families who are raising special needs children in an ever-changing and chaotic world. Parenting, in itself is daunting, but when you face the challenges that come with raising a child with special needs, your whole world changes. Things that you used to be able to do with ease now become difficult and most of the time impossible. You find yourself isolated and often exhausted, trying to navigate a system that is anything but easy. You pray for a moment of peace, only to tackle another day of appointments and therapies, sleepless and weary. You just want to be able to go to a church and enjoy the worship and a message, without being paged that your child is having difficulties for the tenth time. You long for someone to talk to that understands what it’s like and does not judge you or tell you don’t have enough faith for your child's healing.

This was the real-life situation that my husband and I found ourselves in for almost 5 years after our son’s diagnosis. Then in October 2014, we found a church that was meant for families like ours.

Victory Family Church saved us on many different levels. One of the first ministries established was the Endless Possibilities Ministry for special needs kids. The ministry was birthed from Pastor John and Michelle’s own experience with their son who was healed and set free from autism. We knew in our hearts that this was the place we could grow as a family and our son would be well cared for of in a place made just for him. Having all these things in place now, brought hope to our lives like never before. But there was still something missing.

Fast forward to March of 2016. The Small Groups initiative was just getting started and little did I know that God had heard my prayer for connection. Certainly, there had to be other Special Needs moms in the church because we would usually pass each other in the hall after dropping off our children at Endless Possibilities. But being in such a large church I had no idea how to find and connect with them. Once again, God heard my cry. A new group was starting called Supermom's, a group especially for Special Needs moms and caregivers. It was the lifeline that I had been searching for and the connection that I had needed for so long.

 The group has its origin story in the heart of our founder Kristi Wees. Kristi came to Victory in 2015. She was the mom to an amazing girl who was struggling with so many health issues and food sensitivities. Kristi knew what it meant to feel alone and worn out on this unknown journey with her daughter. Walking by the Endless Possibilities room she observed the same expressions from other parents and caregivers. Parents dropping off their children, passing each other in the halls, exhausted as they rushed to service. With little to no interaction between them, Kristi knew God was speaking to her heart. There had to be a way to minister to the moms of special needs kids, and not just connect them but give them an opportunity to receive rest and renewal from God, the only one who could truly provide it.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
— Psalms 23:1-2

 She reached out to leadership and soon thereafter a small group was started in the Healing Room of Victory Family Church. God laid it on her heart to call the group S.U.P.E.R. Moms which stood for Super Unique People Expecting Renewal and Rest. The passage from Isaiah 40:30-31 echoes this mission

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”

Seven years later, we are still going strong. We have some of the most incredible women in our group, and at our core we know where our strength lies. One of my favorite verses reflects this. Psalm 91 has always been my anchor. The words resonate with life every time they are spoken.

Psalm 91:1-2, Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” What an amazing Psalm! Let’s not forget the best part at the end.

Verse 14- 16 says, “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

One of the core messages of SuperMoms is that we are “Empowered by God”. On the journey with our children, there is nothing that prepares us for what we face when the diagnosis comes. As parents, grandparents, and caregivers you do whatever it takes to help your child. You go to the best doctors, travel to every therapy appointment, find any treatment and spare no expense to provide a better quality of life. At some point, you come to the end of your own abilities. People ask me all the time about how I deal with this journey that I’m on with my son. I cannot give credit to anything other than the grace of God which has sustained me over the years. John Bevere gave one of the best definitions of this word. He said Grace is God’s empowerment that give us the ability to go beyond our natural ability. No one is ever prepared for the unknown with their children. It’s a place where if you're not careful, fear will rule, instead of faith. That is another reason why SuperMoms exists. To let you know that you don’t have to walk this journey alone. This is what separates our group from others. Our focus is not on the diagnosis, but the one who makes all things possible!

The heart of the SuperMoms ministry seeks to connect all who are impacted by special needs. We have ladies in our group who are at all different places in their walk with God and their journey with their child. We also have ladies who travel from all over to attend our monthly meetings. In fact, you don’t have to be a member of Victory Family Church to come to our small group! Our desire is to provide a safe place for SuperMoms to come, share and connect with others. A place where they can recharge their battery, even if only for a short while. We have been actively meeting every month at Victory Family Church for over 7 years now. We schedule our meetings at the same time as the service so that our families can utilize the Special Needs classroom known as Endless Possibilities. There are so many special needs families in our communities that are not able to attend church unless the church provides them with the support system to care for their child. I have heard from so many parents and caregivers over the years tell me that because of ministries like Endless Possibilities they were able to finally attend church as a family again. That is the heart of SuperMoms and Endless Possibilities, to reconnect these families to the local church, where they can come and grow together, worship together and thrive together!

 The SuperMoms ministry is only possible because of the amazing men and women who serve our kids every weekend in the Endless Possibilities room. The vision for the ministry is simple. In Endless Possibilities, they believe that each child has a bright future, no matter what challenges they may face. They see them not as the world sees them, but how God sees them, valuable and complete! No two people have exemplified this more than Tanya and Ben Rings. For over 12 years now, Tanya and Ben have devoted their time and energy to see this ministry thrive! Their sense of fulfillment has come through seeing these families experience church in a new way. Seeing the relief on the faces of the parents and smiles on the faces of the kids is a reward in itself. Without people like them, and all the other volunteers, these families would not be able to attend church together. This ministry is a lifeline to these families! If you or someone you know has a desire to help in this area, please do not hesitate to volunteer. You don’t need any special training to love on these kids. Come and be part of something that truly does make an impact in the lives of these families!

To the ladies that lead with me, thank you from the bottom of my heart. We have laughed, cried, played together and prayed together. Liz Tuell, Shara Stefura and Amy Solman here’s to finishing the race that God has put before us!

Statistics taken from the Children’s Health Defense website.

Over half of America’s children (54%) have one or more chronic health conditions

One in five (22%) 13–18-year-olds has or will have a severe mental disorder

One in six American children (17%) have a developmental disability

One in every eight American children (13%) require special education services

Endless Possibilities contact info:

 Rebecca Koehler, 


SuperMoms contact info:



Laura Crowson

Born and raised in Portland Oregon, Laura and her family have lived in PA for nine years now. She is a wife to Andrew, and a mom to Coen (16) and Rylee (14). She has been leading the SuperMoms Special Needs Ministry since the fall of 2020. Her motivation comes from the desire to bring a greater awareness to the body of Christ about Special Needs. As well as advocating and connecting these families to a community that will bring hope and life to them and their children.


Walking Through the Valley

Lynette Lyden

(April 2023)

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me;
— Psalms 23:4

I walk close with my Father! I like to imagine Him holding my hand as we walk through each day. I see Him pointing out opportunities to love people that are hurting and lost all around me, the way I once was. I used to walk through the valley of shadows and fell in many pits along the way, but now I stay close because I don’t want to fall into those old traps again. He doesn’t mind.  In fact, I am pretty sure He likes it. His love for me is no secret and He gave His most precious Son to bring me close. His desire was that I had always walked with Him, but I was the one who ran ahead on my own, chasing after day dreams of what I thought life was about, but those illusions never really existed.

Somewhere in my childhood I got the idea that, when I turned 18, I would be able do things the way I wanted. In my immature and childish thinking, I thought that I would run and would be in God’s will no matter where I was. After all, I was saved at a very young age and that was all I needed to be locked into the plan of God, right? I thought I had child-like faith, but it was actually naïve faith, thinking whatever I did was His will. That is not how it works at all. So, when I became an adult, I began to run through life taking whatever came at me and believing I was doing the right things.  I probably was for a while, but slowly and gradually over time, my life got darker and darker.

I was a runner for sure, not in the “get fit” way, but when things were uncomfortable and tough, I took it as a sign that it was time to move on. Jumping from relationship to relationship, job to job and town to town, I lived life with no plan, purpose or direction.

Well not that’s not all true. Having become a single mom, I felt this was my purpose. It was up to me to make sure we had all we needed to survive and make ends meet. Even to the point of working multiple jobs at a time to make us feel secure. This is what kept me going most of the time.  The only problem with that was there was no time for focusing on being a mother. I was pulled around by work schedules and I was blinded like those around me with the culture and the world’s way of thinking. My thoughts were all about the next time I could have fun or run around with “friends”. I was on a downhill spiral with no end in sight.

Throughout this time, I would call out to God on occasion when I needed a new job, a new place to live or to get out of some kind of trouble I had gotten myself into. He was so faithful and would run and catch me before I crashed and burned. When I look back now, I picture it like I was running through this dark valley, being pulled by the unseen demonic forces leaving my faith in the dust. When calling on my heavenly Father to come help, He would swoop down into that dark valley of pits and pick me up like a Super Hero flying in at just the right moment to save this foolish young girl in trouble again. I was thankful, but quickly ran on ahead again, never considering that there might actually be a planned path of God’s goodness and mercy calling to me in the background.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
— Psalms 23:6

One particular incident of Him rescuing me was when I was on my way to a weekend get away to some place I should not have been going. A tire on my car blew out just before I was getting off the highway. That in itself, I’m convinced, was God’s protection. There was no threat of losing control of the vehicle because I was already slowing down to turn onto the ramp. However, now I was stuck there on a busy highway at rush hour, far away from “home and anyone I knew that could help. This was back in the BC day, before cell phones. I couldn’t snap a selfie and post it on social media to ask for help or play some Words with Friends while I waited to be rescued. I couldn’t even search for a youtube video on how to change the tire myself. As it happened, I barely had time to consider what I was going to do. I didn’t even get to the point where I thought about walking to get help. Within minutes, a semi-truck pulled up behind me and two men got out, walked up and never said one word to me. They put my spare tire on and left, still never speaking to me. I don’t even remember having the opportunity to say, “thank you.” I am almost positive that they were angels that God sent to rescue me or, at the least, He gave two random guys the compassion to stop and bail me out. Whatever the case was, there is no doubt in my mind that God was taking care of me, when I was so far out from under the shadow of His wings.

He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge;
— Psalms 91:4

His love was gentle, and even after all the times He helped when I asked and when I didn’t ask, I still went through a very dark time when I was afraid for my life. I had gotten to such a dark place that I felt condemned to death. I was afraid for my life with no reason why. I got some crazy idea that because I wasn’t living right, God was going to take me out. What an absurd idea! He was the One that kept picking me up and pulling me out of trouble, but I was so full of fear that I just knew the end was near. I would hold my little girl close at night to try to keep her protected and I was making a plan for her to have a home with family after I was  gone. I had even written letters explaining what had happened to people that I had left behind. Through all that, I was still determined to do it all on my own. I would not let anyone know what I was going through.

It was around that time, that I moved to another state. I don’t think I intentionally thought I was leaving my imminent doom, but a job opportunity came so I jumped on it. I checked in occasionally with my closest family, just to let them know I was still alive, but as much as possible I would keep them at bay so they would not look down on the lifestyle I was living. I wanted them to think I was fine and doing this thing called life all by myself.

There were times when I would run to my sisters for help, like when I was trying to run away again or when I just needed help with babysitting. I was so messed up in my thinking that I never considered how hard it was for them to watch me throwing my life away. They were always there for me and tried to help the best they knew how when I gave them the chance. I know they were disappointed and even hurt for me because of the choices I was making. Through it all, they always showed me love and encouragement when I came around and welcomed me with open arms.

There were many times I did try to get back to church and connect, but because I was a single parent, I didn’t feel like I belonged there. It was hard just going cold turkey into a church alone especially living in an area where I didn’t know people. First, I went to a big church so no one would notice me. That worked for a while, but as soon as there was some attention, I quickly shut that down. What was wrong with me? Then I tried a couple small churches. Of course, there was no hiding there. So, again, I ran away. I felt such shame and didn’t want to let people find out who I really was.

I moved again and by this time my children were old enough to understand some things in life. I wanted to get them in the right environment to know about salvation and the love of God. Now, some time had past and I was able to separate from many of the things that held me in shame and bondage. My naïve faith was evolving into a clinging faith. Still like a child, I grabbed ahold of my Father, scared to death that I would fall again. I tried to stay as close to Him as I possible could to avoid the pain of the past.

Then, one day, seemingly out of the blue, I caught a glimpse of a Christian television program. It was two ladies talking about scriptures on God’s love and provision. When I heard the passages, they were reading, I thought: “I know those verses, but why are they not real to me?” By this point in my life, I was actually trying to go in the right direction. The Spirit of God knew just the right timing to reach my heart beyond just trying to do the right things. He was actually showing me there was a life beyond right and wrong behavior. It was a life of purpose and intentionality.

God was revealing to me that I needed the power of His Word in my life and that I could hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit in my heart. I began to press in close to my Father in heaven and stay there. I started making time with God a priority in my days and in my life. The closer I got, the more the grip of the past began to let go. It was like shedding a dead skin and growing a newfound life and hope in my relationship with Him.

That’s when I  realized that there was a reason I was here in this world. Even deeper than just being a good person. There were actually gifts placed inside me by my Father to reach people with the love of God. These were abilities He planted in me to develop so I could help others who were now where I once was. His call on my life grew louder as I yielded my will to His Spirit, and I became what He was putting  in my heart.

My child-like faith was transitioning from a holding on for dear life to an empowering, reaching out to others faith. It became my greatest desire to not miss anything He as leading me to because He has the best plan for my life. I did not want to run on ahead, out from His arms of love, ever again, so I determined that I would make him the focus of every area of my life.  As I did, the Spirit of God living on the inside of me began to show me a future plan. He began to open doors that I was not always sure to go through or even wanted to go through. But, as I trusted Him and ask for His desire to be in my heart to make decisions based on His direction not on what I was feeling. He was faithfully showing me my place in the world and gradually over time my confidence has grown to use the gifts He has given in what ever capacity He opens up to me.

There were many times when following His direction didn’t seem to make sense in the natural world. There were also times that I did not at first want to go in the direction He was pointing.  It is easy some times when opportunities open up or decisions are to be made to quickly pass over something that my human self does not find interesting or even desirable.  However, since I had made so many bad choices before, I do not want to lean on my own understanding ever again.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
— Proverbs 3:5 & 6

I make sure that I know the way to go before I take off running. I ask my Father to make it plain and clear or I ask Him to make His desire my delight.

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and HE will give you the desire of your heart.
— Psalms 37:4

If I think He is leading me to a place that I don’t have time for or don’t think it is a right fit, I do not ever want to say “No, that just isn’t for me or this isn’t the right time.” I could give countless examples of when this has happened. Such as having a court case and being led to get it out of the court system. That did not make sense. It felt like I was losing and giving up all my rights, but He had a better plan. When moving and considering where to buy a home in an area I wasn’t looking or even had a desire to go to. Yet, it turned out to be one of the greatest blessing and places to live of my life. A time of being offered a job with a pay cut into a place that I did not think I wanted to go, has been the greatest experience of my life so far in the professional field.

Just this year, I have had yet another opportunity to miss God. I was given an invitation to step into a ministry position that I didn’t think was for me at this time. I already have a lot of ministry things going on and I thought “Surly my Father isn’t calling me to take on more?” Since I do not want to lean on my own understanding, I committed to pray about it and as I did, I went to the LORD and told Him the reasons this is not what I was going to do. There is no time for this in my life. I am already leading groups, serving other, working a job, not to mention writing and helping other writers. Certainly, this wasn’t the time to add another layer. After having the conversation many times with Him, I finally said: “Lord, if this is something you’re doing and if this is a door you are opening, I do not want to miss out on your best plan for my life. Please change my heart and line it up with what you want to do in my life. Almost immediately, a picture came to my heart of what a great honor He was placing before me! What I thought was just going to be another commitment to stretch me thin, was actually a gift He was trying to get to me. He was opening a door in the spirit realm for me to walk into a greater flow of ministry and impact on eternity. Oh, how good He is and how much He is trying to get over to us. If we could just look beyond what we see right now and in today. His vision is for all eternity and He wants me to see that too.

Now I want to make it count. I want to make every day of my life count for eternity. When I send out a message of encouragement and ministry, I count that toward someone’s eternity. When I sit with a hurting person and pray with them. I count that to go into eternity with me and them. When I walk through the valley of shadows with a lost and hurting soul, it is counted in heaven today and forever! My soul rejoices!

But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
— Acts 20:24

 I no longer count the dollars that I save up in my lifetime and I no longer count the mistakes that I have made in the past. I don’t count the jobs and positions I have held in this world; they will all fade away and will all be forgotten when I leave this place.

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
— Philippians 3:13

Through it all, God has so richly blessed! He has given me a godly husband who loves, nurtures and cherishes me. I get to live my life walking in ministry beside this great man of God. We have a beautiful home and wonderfully blessed family and most of all, He leads us every step of the way. I am so thankful for the life God has given me and led me through and for the people He has surrounded me with to live out His purpose.

This is a great story and to me it is the greatest of all time because it is mine.  But, here is the best news yet.  This miraculous work that the Spirit of God has done in my heart and my life, is not limited to me. He wants to do this in your life too. He wants for all people to know Him personally, have His unconditional love in their life and walk out the blessed plan and path He has designed for you. It is available to everyone, but it is up to you to surrender all and be ready to walk through every open door of blessing He puts in front of you. You are the one who decides, and you are the one that is taking the next step or stay sitting right where you have always been. You choose and as you go, the Holy Spirit will go before you, preparing your next childlike faith step in the great story of your life.

Today I want to encourage you to walk hand in hand with you loving heavenly Father. The Father of glory and blessing! The Father of power and might! Let go of the weights of this life that are holding you down and taking up your time and energy. Take a “right” turn off the road of the valley of the shadow of death on to the path of life that your Father is calling you to. Believe that He has a good plan for you. He has gifts He is growing in your life and when you reach out to others through those gifts will bring His greatest blessings and fulfillment in your life.  Walk hand in hand with Him today and every day in childlike faith and stop running on ahead chasing after illusions that do not exist.


Lynette Lyden

Lynette is a published author and coordinator of Voices Magazine who seeks to use her gifts and influence to encourage and promote aspiring writers.  Her Daily Dose blog has been an outlet for her to encourage readers to walk closer to God each day.  She is a wife, mother and grandmother who loves spending time and going on special outings with her family.


New Perspective

Kaycee Aubel

(January 2023)

I have a Peloton bike. I absolutely love it. We purchased it in 2018 and moved to a different townhome shortly after, which meant the bike had to be taken apart and put back together again. After the move we were so busy trying to get everything put in its place and get that bike put back together so I could ride, that I never checked to see if the settings stayed the same during the move. I just wanted to be done and ride. (If you have ever rode a Peloton or a spin bike of any type you know that all the settings for the seat, handlebars, screen, etc. matter drastically to the rider personally.) A few months after that, I decided I wanted the bike downstairs instead of upstairs where we had placed it in the move. (My husband was thrilled.) This very heavy machine had to be taken apart again, moved down not one, but two flights of winding stairs – after moving it up those same stairs just a few months earlier, and then put back together again. Unfortunately for me, patience is obviously not one of my virtues. So, again, I didn’t take the time to check the settings, I just rode.

Since then, my kids have played with knobs, pretended to ride it, and at some point, I am pretty sure my four-year-old thought she could use the handlebars as monkey bars. My husband also did a few rides here and there on his own settings and then tried to change them back as best he could. And so, not right away, but over some time, I began to feel tired and sore after each ride. Certain joints would ache just slightly, and my lower back felt taxed. It felt a little uncomfortable when pedaling – like something just wasn’t quite right. But I was busy, I had things that needed to get done – I didn’t have time to figure it out. So, I continued to ride and ignore the ailments, until recently. For some reason, about a month ago, I stopped before I got on the bike and looked at the phone that was right in my hand (as it had been every day, Google search and Peloton resources literally at my fingertips before every single ride) and I took the 5 seconds it takes to Google “how to set your Peloton bike correctly before use”. That was it. That was all I had to do. The very first link that popped up was a simple list of exactly how to set each aspect of the bike to fit your body personally and, thus, give you the most comfortable ride and least chance of injury. Turns out, my bike was way off (You don’t say!). After I took the 5 minutes to adjust the settings properly, it was like I was riding a brand-new bike. My neck and shoulders didn’t feel so tense, my back didn’t hurt, my knees didn’t ache, and I was enjoying it just as much as when we first purchased it. Why didn’t I just take those 5 minutes months and months ago? Because I was too busy, too distracted, and too worried about getting everything done that I wanted to get done. And because of my denial to simply “take a minute”, I was slowly hurting my body physically.

This same situation can happen to us spiritually, mentally, and emotionally if we don’t take the time to pause and figure things out. I needed to do this in all above mentioned areas for the past year, not just on my bike, but I wouldn’t. However, in September, God brought me to a place and time where I had no choice but to take those moments to allow Him to sort things out for me.

God Moment #9 –

A New Perspective Gained

“And all my life you have been faithful

And all my life you have been so, so good

With every breath that I am able

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

Cause Your goodness is running after

It’s running after me

Your goodness is running after

It’s running after me…” 

Those were the words of the worship song I sang along with the second day of a women’s conference I attended this past September. They brought me to tears that I fought hard to hold inside, just as I had been every day for the past year. I didn’t want to feel the tears, the pain, the doubt, the questions that inevitably always arose in my head no matter what I knew to be true when thoughts of my mother’s passing from cancer crept into my mind. I just kept going and going when those feelings started to rear their ugly face. I realized during this moment of hearing these song lyrics, God’s goodness was doing just that. It was running after me. It was chasing me because I wouldn’t stop to let it catch up and help me deal with my grief. I would run away from it with my work, taking care of our kids, scrolling social media, chores around the house, helping with my small group, shopping, watching TV series, working out, everything and anything to keep the real feelings from being felt. Though none of those things are necessarily negative things, they were being used to fill in the spaces in my time that needed to be filled with God’s mercy and grace for me. Following the worship song was a speaker who focused much of her message on stories of people being miraculously healed of cancer. Out of no fault of her own, I was crushed by this. That was not what I wanted to hear at this conference. But I needed to. I needed my true feelings to surface and be dealt with.

After this was a lunch break. I was shaky walking to the area where my friends and I were headed to eat. Towards the end of the lunchbreak the emotions I was holding in for months on end couldn’t be contained anymore. I broke out into one of those ugly cries right in the middle of my circle of friends. One of them embraced me while I cried into her lap like a baby. And another used her seemingly always soothing words to comfort and talk me through the painful cry. My face hurt afterwards, and I felt exhausted. It felt good to get all of that out, but at the same time, I was still discouraged from the message before lunch and the fact that my own mother was not one of those miraculous stories of being healed after being prayed over and believing for her healing.

It was time for the last speaker and there was only about a half hour left in the conference. I started to consider dipping out early to catch the last part of my son’s baseball game that was going on at the same time. What was a half hour? I couldn’t miss that much in that amount of time, and I just really wanted to get back to the normal day and away from the emotional turmoil I was feeling. But something told me “Just stay…” So, I did.

At the end of those last 30 minutes, I knew exactly why I had needed to stay. The last speaker was an amazing lady with an infectious laugh and a message that God hand crafted just for me that day. After her introduction remarks, she started into her message which she stated would be about her late husband and how she believes he was drawn to heaven. He had been very sick with a very aggressive type of cancer. She gave remarks about how she and her kids had prayed over him for healing the months leading up to his passing and how she even prayed for his resurrection for hours in the hospital room after he had passed. But he did not come back. He had been drawn to heaven. I wasn’t completely sure I understood what she meant but I was certainly intrigued. She was talking about almost the exact same situation my family had experienced with my mother just over two years ago. I wanted to know more.

Ironically, she had written an entire book about this experience and the perspective God had given her through it. As soon as she was done speaking, I bolted out of the sanctuary to buy the book. I finished it after just a few weeks. It is one of the best books I have ever read. God spoke to me through her words in this book, “The Draw of Heaven,” so specifically I feel like she wrote it just for me. Obviously, she did not. She has no idea who I am, but God does. God knows who I am, what I am troubled with, and what is needed to combat it at exactly the right time. Let me give you some insight into the several parts of this book written by Sharon Daugherty that I believe God put in place just for my grieving spirit…..

In the Foreword of the book: (written by John and Lisa Bevere)- “Those who have gone on to heaven began something we are to finish. They are praying for us and cheering us on to our victory. But there is a battle in the heavenlies, and its goal is to paralyze us from moving forward and reaping a harvest.”

God’s Translation to me: Your mom went on to heaven and began something here on earth that you are to finish. She is praying for you and cheering you on to your victory. But there is a battle in the heavenlies, and its goal is to paralyze you from moving forward and reaping your harvest. (I also need to add that during the same time I started to read this book, I was working on and finishing up my article for the previous issue of this publication and it was already themed around the seeds that God plants within us to allow Him to harvest.)


In the Introduction of the book: “This book is to encourage the reader to know that there is a draw of heaven upon our lives. It is also to help anyone who is struggling to find answers to the following questions: Why? What went wrong? We were doing all we know to do. Maybe if we had just done this other thing. Maybe if we had not done a particular thing. Or, possibly you have thought, “Somehow God failed, or somehow I failed in some way.” Have you ever thought that it might not have been about what you did or didn’t do? Have you considered the thought that heaven has a draw upon our lives as believers?

God’s Translation to me: This book is to encourage you to know that there is a draw of heaven upon everyone’s life. It is also to help you, as I see you struggling to find answers to your questions you still have about your mother’s passing into heaven. I know you have thought at times that I failed to answer your prayers, or that you failed in some way. But have you ever thought that it might not have been about what you did or didn’t do? Have you considered that heaven has a draw upon the lives of my believers?


In “Processing It All as a Family” Chapter: Daughter Ruthie recalls of the days leading up to her father’s passing – “God reminded me of something that He spoke to me just a few hours earlier that night, that if he were to pass that it would only catapult each of us kids into the ministry and callings that God had for us. It would not diminish us or hold us back, but it would increase us in all that God had placed on the inside of us.”

God’s Translation to me: I want to show you through another grieving daughter’s words that even though your mom passed and is with Me now, I want to catapult you and the rest of your family into the ministry and callings that I have for you. This should not diminish you or hold you back. What your mom started on this earth must be continued by all of you. I want it to increase you in all that I have placed on the inside of you.


In “The Third Heaven” Chapter: Sharon shares an account of Dr. Eben Alexander, who was given an out of body experience during a 7-day coma, meaning he experienced heaven and returned to tell all about it. – “Dr. Alexander shared how everything was connected or interwoven together. Nothing was separate. Throughout the journey, one of the beings was with him as they rode on something that appeared to be like a butterfly wing. As they went, millions of butterflies flew all around them like a river of life and color moving through the air.”

God’s Translation to me: Do you see how I have tried to show you repeatedly that your mother is with me and well. She came on the wing of a butterfly and got to see exactly what he just described – millions of them all around her like a river of life. Do you see, again, why the monarch butterflies have been so important to you personally and seem to appear at all the right times? (Please refer to God Moment #5 to truly understand the significance of this.)


Those are just a few specific examples. Throughout the entirety of her book Sharon talks at different times about the days in the hospital leading up to the passing of her 57-year-old husband. I can say firsthand that the days in the hospital when you are just sitting next to your loved one, watching their earthly body fail in all capacities, are the hardest. I have had images of my mother during her 4 days in the hospital before she passed that have haunted me. It is just such a gut-wrenching experience to sit and watch…and wait…and wonder. Perhaps that is why this excerpt meant the most to me:

Jesus said that HE has prepared a place for us in heaven and that He receives us to Himself when we die
— ~John 14:2-3

“I believe angels were present that morning when my husband slipped into eternity. As I shared earlier, I heard many singing with me from a distance as I worshipped next to Billy Joe’s body. I also believe, according to Scripture, that at the death of a believer who has given his life to Jesus, angels assist his passing into heaven (see Luke 16:22).

Notice that He doesn’t take us; He receives us as we pass into eternity. We return to where we came from.”

The images of my mother I spoke of above no longer haunt me. After reading this book, those very same images now comfort me in my grief – a complete and total change of perspective. You see, in the final hours of her time here on earth, she was unresponsive but would at different times sit up and reach into the air, like she was reaching for something that we couldn’t see, longing for it almost. She would tug at her hospital gown as if to try to get it off. Her eyes still closed. The medical professionals told us it was just something that happens sometimes in reaction to all the very heavy medications on the failing body. I disagree – 100%. I now know exactly what was happening. She was reaching for those angels and for Jesus. She saw them. They were waiting for her, and she longed to be with them. She saw that she would be healed and finally out of her painful suffering in her failing earthly body – hence the tugging at her hospital gown. She was going back to where she came from. Jesus was receiving his good and faithful servant.

So, we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
— ~2 Corinthians 4:16

Sharon Daugherty, I cannot thank you enough for the message you gave at the conference and this book you have written. It has given me new perspective. I am now able to replay some of those memories of my mother’s final hours here on earth in my mind without utter discouragement. I now imagine my mother reaching for Jesus and His angels, shedding her earthly, failing body, and floating on a butterfly wing into our true home of heaven. And all of that happened just because I listened to the Holy Spirit tell me to just stay put for another half hour at that conference.

What if I had not taken the time to sit and listen to the last 30 minutes of that conference? What if I had never taken the 5 minutes to Google and then adjust my bike as mentioned earlier? I would have missed something so significant in my life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I would still be unknowingly hurting my body each day that I thought I was helping by exercising. I would still be in despair and agony when thoughts of my mother in her last few days come about in my mind. God doesn’t want any of that for me, or anyone. Take a moment, or a few, even when you are overwhelmed, because I can promise you that is when it is needed the most.

When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn. ~Psalm 142:3


Kaycee Aubel

Kaycee is a Christian wife, mom of two children, and business owner of Brahma Bull Designs handmade jewelry and gifts. Her passion is to use her God given skills and personal experiences to spread His Truth in as many ways as possible and help others through the same trials she has endured and made it through with her faith in Jesus Christ.


Harvesting God’s Best

Sarah Grayson

(October 2022)

“Now to HIM who is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask, think or imagine. ~ Ephesians 3:20

The man God had waiting for me was not my idea, but something so exceedingly greater than I could truly ask think or imagine. I often wonder what would have happened if I would have clung so tightly to my thoughts and my ways, I could have missed the greatest blessing God had for me. Like so many of us do I had envisioned my dreams and future coming to life, outlining what I thought I wanted, looking and observing and waiting for it to cross my path. I set expectations for myself, my life and parameters for the person I would share a future with. I sat with God pen to paper hours on end pouring out my heart and desires, anxiously waiting to hear His voice and to see the promise come to pass. “Acceleration, I’m going to accelerate some things in your life. Things that could take years in your hands, can take seconds in mine”.

The Lord gave me this word two years before one manifestation of it would come to pass and set me on a path of pursuing complete surrender to His plan. At the time I was completing my second year of ministry school and God had been doing a transforming work in my heart revealing to me the places and spaces He had for me to occupy. In that time, I allowed God to continue to develop me in all the ways that I needed to be while allowing myself to sit with Him in all the question marks I had in my life. What would be next, could pastoring be in my future? Who will I do it alongside, will I ever meet a man that could walk with the same passion and pursuit that I had for the future God was showing me. Questions would come and in the quiet times of my day I would tell the Lord, I want Your best, Lord I want Your plan, I want what You have. I truly desired God’s best in not just one arena of my life, but I longed for His best in every area and for correction if I was leaning into anything less.

“You are going to end up here one day” were the words my Husband shared with me months after meeting. The story attached to these words is one that only Zach can share in full but so significant to the story God was weaving together. Zach grew up in Kentucky, moved onto the military and landed back in his hometown to pursue life and work. Zach had been sent to Pittsburgh, PA on a work trip and was taking the day to explore the city. While enjoying the day and taking in all the Pittsburgh sights, Zach heard those words, “you are going to end up here one day.” Confused, he said What!? And shook it off but knew in his heart, these words were from God. Zach had been exploring his faith and walking with God for a little over 2 years and been pursuing purpose while leaning into people and mentorship throughout his weeks. A year went by, and Zach had been experiencing some struggles in his workplace that had him considering moving on. One evening, Zach was scrolling on social media through open positions in his field and stumbled on a logo that was far from familiar. Zach recognized the logo of the company he had visited a year prior in the Pittsburgh area and felt compelled to apply. Zach accepted a position in the Pittsburgh area in October of 2018 and not long after started seeking a church and further opportunities for growth. Zach was on the path God had prepared, little did either of us know all that God had waiting.

Zach connected to Victory Family Church and was soon after accepted into the ministry program there where our paths crossed one evening, between the end of my day and the beginning his. A Pastor had invited me to lead alongside in some of the evening classes. Initially I was very surprised and honored to be extended the opportunity. Several months prior I had been wrestling with switching into the evening program but chose to stay rooted in the program I began. When I was invited into that space two desires of my heart were fulfilled. What I couldn’t see at this time was that this invitation would be pivotal for the connection God was orchestrating.

Zach was very outgoing, funny and talkative and absolutely the one you want to have with you when you need someone to lighten the mood. There was a boldness about him, and he wasted no time getting into conversation with me about the deep things of life. Zach seemed very familiar, but initially, I was taken back by how quickly he was seeking to get to know me and my life in just one conversation. We joke around now, but for several weeks I wasn’t so sure about entering into anything beyond friendship and the list of hesitations continued to grow. I questioned things like how much older he was then I, and really started to zoom in on all the things I could see and hear. It took some intentionality to really submit my hesitations and fears before the Lord and truly walk out what I believed about His word and walking by Faith. Weeks went by and Zach and I had numerous opportunities for interaction, passing each other in the same halls and sharing the same spaces. Zach was persistent, He sought me out, engaged me in conversation and pursued me in a way I hadn’t experienced before.

I began to spend some time in prayer and the more I listened for the voice of God and learned about Zach and things of his heart, I began to open mine. My prayer became, “God if Zach is who you have for me, help me to take steps forward, but if He’s not, please close the door quickly.” Zach continued to pursue and before I knew it, the Lord led us into friendship and a relationship that would reveal the love of God in my life in a way I’d never experienced before. The waiting met the promise on May 23rd when Zach and I said, “I do”. Zach and I have been married for a little over one year now, and as I look back, I so clearly see the handiwork of God in orchestrating the places, spaces and specific season Zach and I would meet. More than anything a posture toward purpose set me on a path to be able to receive God’s promises in my life. In sharing just a few takeaways from the space between my waiting and harvest season that I hope will encourage and help you in yours, would be these:

· Pursue Purpose. God see’s you, He knows the desires of your heart and He knows how to bring a person alongside you that will not only meet your every need but bring a peace and joy that only Heaven can. The Bible tells us He knit us together in our mother’s womb, he knows the hairs on our head and every plan, purpose and relationship that is right for you. We only see half the picture, we can see the outside of people, we can hear their heart, have knowledge about their lifestyle but truly God see’s the hearts of people and knows what to bring into your life and when you are ready to receive it. I am so grateful God didn’t bring Zach a second too early or a second too late, he came right on time.

· God’s promise will bring Peace. God is preparing things behind the scenes. The scripture tells us, man plans his own way, but the Lord directs his steps. When God is directing your steps, you can have peace that you are going in the right direction. God directed every step of allowing that relationship to form in my life. From the time God spoke to my heart to the word that settled in Zach’s that would lead him states away for our lives to merge. God directed every step. Truly leaning into and inviting God into this relationship allowed me to take steps toward the future He had for me. Allow God to direct your steps, allow God to lead you and guide you into every good, pleasing and perfect thing He has for you. You may be struggling and have question marks in your life, like I did mine. Can I encourage you God has the answers, He created the path you're walking on and knows where it’s going, Pursue Him, He will not let you down.

· God will use People to provide confirmation. If I didn’t believe it before, it was so evident that God used people over and over to provide clarity and confirmation for our connection. I think back to the Pastor who invited me into the space that God would use to bring Zach and I together. What I thought was an opportunity to grow in my ministry skills and capacity, God saw as the platform to form the greatest relationship of my life. God used a person I trusted and respected to help me take a step into a place where He could provide. What a joy it’s been to see the fruit of what God brought together with Zach and me. I often still find myself thinking about how miraculous it is that the One who hung the moon and stars, looked at me and knew exactly what I needed in a person to share life with. What I’ve come to depend on as I continue to walk with God is that his word truly never comes back void, that all of His promises really are YES and AMEN. Every good thing He has laid out for you to line up with Him and walk in it.

“Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteous and ALL these things will be added to you. ~ Matthew 6:33

When I met Zach, some precious things were added to my life. What are you seeking after? If you are seeking after a Relationship instead of God, a job instead of God, an opportunity, instead of God? I’d encourage you to course correct. The scripture tells us seek HIM first and all these things will be added to you. The remarkable thing with God is that when you are seeking, when you are stepping, you don’t have to know the way, you just have to know the Waymaker. The man God had waiting for me, truly wasn’t my idea and wasn’t in my time. It’s funny how often we seek to take the steering wheel of life into our own hands. Planning out the dreams of our heart, making decisions and expectations about what our lives will look like and the timing it all must occur and holding tightly until we see it come to pass. We read scriptures that promise us His ways are higher, His thoughts are higher, and we rest in these while still seemingly striving after what we believe is best for our lives. The journey to my harvest season and meeting my husband was one that will forever speak of God’s faithfulness in my life and has allowed me to take my hands off some things so God can fully take them into His. My prayer for you is that in the space between what you are waiting on and hoping for that you would seek God and trust him knowing that your harvest season is surely on its way and the waiting is worth every bit of walking in the fullness of what God has for YOU!


Sarah Grayson

Sarah serves with Pastor Chris Palmer to accelerate and multiply the Outreach Ministries at Victory Family Church. Sarah also serves as a Lay Pastor at Victory and is passionate about helping people experience true relationship and transformation in Christ.

Sarah is so grateful for the life change that occurred for her when she encountered a relationship with Jesus and the abundant life, blessings and opportunities she’s had as a result



Darnell Dinkins

(July 2022)

My eyes burn, blinking seems harder than it should. It smells like burnt plastic and there is the silent buzz of raw electricity. My ears are ringing, there is smoke, wind and I am laying in the grass staring at a huge tree. Autopilot kicks in and I unbuckle. My nervous system is triggered, and I run the fastest 40-yard dash of my life. I notice chunks of my car everywhere, like a busted bag of trash. I am confused but still running until a nurse (who witnessed the accident) grabs me asking “If I am, ok?”. It’s as if I am a spectator to my own life. Am I hurt? Am I going to be, ok? Am I dead? I pinch myself trying to calm my nervous system and bring my mind back into reality.

keep up and connect the dots, and I am mad. “Stop poking me in my face!” judging from his reaction this came out a bit harsher than I had hoped. I breathe, close my eyes, and calm myself down.

    Just an hour ago I was listening to Kirk Franklin, driving to practice on a regular kind of Monday. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am a regular guy who was just in a potentially life-threatening wreck.

    The daze of what is happening is overwhelming. I run back to the car. I want to flip it to see if I can make it to practice on time. It’s only 8am. I was going 75 mph, I hit a patch of black ice, flipped and rolled dodging every tree on the embankment only to come to a stop when the car ran out of momentum. My Expedition is now the size of a Jeep. The metal over what was the driver seat is mangled, shredded even, and smashed into a violent point over what should have been my head. When the car leapt into uncontrolled flips, I can feel God’s presence. I can feel Him around me. I am acutely aware of the chaos I was being thrown into while the rest of the world remains calm.

    You hear stories of near-death encounters and what they see, how they feel. But in the few seconds my mind can hold onto amid it all is how badly I want to tell my daughter I love her, and I do not want to miss the birth of my first son. The miracle of my survival from this accident is not lost on me. I walked away with eight stitches below my left eye. That is it. No broken bones, no head injuries, nothing. This scar has served to remind me of God’s faithfulness not only in good times, but more importantly in the hard times. “My God will not leave or forsake me” (Hebrews13:5, NIV)

  “Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh.” -Leonard Cohen

      Scars are proof we’ve been birthed and not buried.  A scar is the final step of your flesh’s healing. Hopefully you’ve healed emotionally from whatever you were experiencing physically. Each scar does tell its own story of survival. It reminds us that we can endure hard things, find our physical bodies altered and still breathe strength in ways we never thought possible. The scars are sort of where the experience and the stories we will tell about them collide. Scars tug at all our collective heart strings because we are reminded of the fragility of life and the tenacity of the human spirit. As kids our scars are often spoken of like rewards from mischief and adventures. As adults they are mostly difficult circumstances, mundane operations, or the secrets of our souls. These scars have played witness to some of life’s most intimate experiences, and we bare their honor every day. This scar could’ve made some of you a mother, this one could be from cancer caught in time, or that one your proudest moment of heroism. Scars and the experiences that created them usually have the power to transform not only our lives, but the way in which we view the world. These same scars (if easily visible) also transform the way the world experiences us in return. Maybe within this healing of our scars we earn grit, character, and resilience. We are turning into a version of ourselves that’s newer, braver, more confident- because we have experienced challenges and risen above them. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

    I have this daily replay of the accident in my shower every morning, even 19 years later. After I get off my knees from praying and thanking God for the breath to wake up each day. I confront this scar, this blessing, this miracle, these plans for my life daily.

     People go through accidents daily where their losses make no sense, losing life, limb, and everything in between. While I walked away from a horrific accident with a 2-inch cut. The miracles, signs, and wonders of God are all around us daily if we slow down enough to notice them. 11 minutes. 11 minutes. In just 11 minutes my life was changed twice. After the accident I got a voicemail on a busted phone, 11 minutes after the wreck. When I return the phone call, I am told my lifelong dream of making it into the NFL is about to become so much closer to being my reality. They would like to sign me to the New York Giants and send me to NFL Europe. 

    I remember the thrill, the relief, the uncertainty, the anxiety, because up until this point I can remember almost every criticism from every coach, parent, cousin, friend, and peer as they question the ability that God put inside of me. In an instant, my vision becomes my truth. As I replay these scenes I can hear and feel the trouble, the obstacles, the adversity, come back just before the breakthrough. The rain always shows up before the rainbow, the pain before the healing, the discipline before the success and I can feel myself breathing harder remembering how many small sacrifices got me to this exact moment. Thinking back on these times brings me back to a dream. A dream I had that felt so real, I saw myself playing at Giants Stadium. Once I saw myself in this dream, I became more determined in my thoughts and actions to create habits and these habits when done with consistency create character and routine. Making room for this routine to carry out your destiny, especially when our physical reality can feel so limited. 

    Since leaving college, my last game at Pitt Stadium, to being a supervisor for the probation program in Pittsburgh, my life had changed. I got married, had my first child, the most beautiful baby girl, Kayla, and had another on the way. Obviously, the habits, routines, and rituals I relied on needed to be adjusted. I needed to make room for my family, a 40+ hour work week, working out, personal time and I needed some consistency to fit all of this into my life. I began getting up at 7am to feed and spend the day with Kayla (she was a daddy’s girl), then work from 3pm to 11pm, then training in the police gym from midnight to 2am everyday upheld my fated consistency even when life got complicated. 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1

    When I would leave the gym, I would sit in the car and speak softly to myself. Remind myself that I could believe in the things I hoped for and unseen even when it felt like there was nothing to believe in and no-one left who believed in me. So, whether I was on a football field, at work, within relationships, or at church, my habits, routines and rituals would play a significant part in laying the foundation to my future. When I stand and see the scar on my eye I am really being reminded of the power of my endurance, my steadfast dream. I grew up surrounded by a culture of African American men who had a lot to say and not a lot to do. Over promising and under delivering. I knew I didn’t want to just use words. I wanted to move mountains. I was determined to withstand my Goliath with actions and not just words 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-4

    When I find myself, wrestling with do I work out another day? Is semi pro going to lead to me the NFL? Others critique saying or implying that I should give up on my dream and accept a regular job like everyone else? When everyone else has all the answers, opinions, and schedules to create the life they want you to have, you must be determined to create the life you want to have. In this season, I relied strongly on the thoughts and words of God on the foundation that had laid within me so far. I have learned that with Christ there is nothing I cannot do. This scar is more like a medal of honor. An honor to carry and endure through the trials of these difficult seasons. This was a true test of my patience and resilience

     This season relied more on the fundamentals of the man I was becoming with God. This call from the Giants offering me $300,000 to fulfill my dreams while supporting my family, was a dream come to reality. I saw success where there previously was none. This should confirm for me and for you that, no one else knows what God has called into your life. No teacher, no coach, no friends, no pastors, no spouses, not even parents need to confirm what God is doing within you. You must believe that this is your God given destiny and start doing the work. The word believe is tattooed on left forearm. As I see the trident scar on my left eye and the tattoo on my arm knowing the fullness of the sacrifice that was made for me. Scars in His hands and feet, scars across His back and so thankful for the relationship that not only protects me from actual harm but also manifest my dreams into reality. I hope this chapter resonates and confirms the dreams you have for yourself. The ones no one knows about or sees or confirms.

     Often, we use makeup or surgery to cover or decrease the scars of our lives, when they could be the very reminders, we all need each day of how blessed we truly are. Do you have any scars you try to hide? Do you have any scars that take you back to a hard chapter? Do you have any scars that remind you of your goodness? We’ve been cultured with perfection, coving our scars and imperfections, but these shortcomings are the things that accentuate our spiritual gifts and blessings. These shortcomings become the cracks where we can more authentically, pour out our light, and share it with the world. This scar, this moment, this replay reminds me of the building blocks of my character. Maybe you don’t have scars, but what are your habits? What are your dreams? What do you want to be remembered for? What do you do every day? Every month? Every year? What’s our new year’s resolution? 

If you show me your habits, your friends, your dreams, and your goals I can predict your future?

  We are not passengers in our futures, we are the drivers to our own destiny. While in training camp in Tampa I began journaling to work through the accident, I made a deal with God that I would document the sequence of the rest of my journey. That when the praise, the notoriety, the insecurity, the things I was still struggling with as a boy, became the foundation of the man God was transforming me to be from DJ to Darnell Joseph. 

    I had a short time when I wanted to cover my own scar, my own imperfection. I had to see myself as being imperfect, I had to be unafraid of what others may see in me, I had to be unafraid of my own imperfections. When I touch this scar, I am confronted with the reality that I had to love myself.

     That in order to maintain the rituals, habits and routines that determined my success it was an imperfect road, the ice, the crash that ushered in a profound change. The trident shaped scar that became my lifeline for the moment everything changed. So, although I once considered removing it, my own scar reminds me that the things I thought were burying me were just part of my transformation to being birthed. 

Take away: 

    God’s favor is covering and transforming us daily.”

 Excerpt From

F.O.C.U.S. - Feeding Ourselves Confidence Under Stress




Darnell Dinkins

Pittsburgh native and product of the Hill District. I played in the NFL for 9 years, & and won the Super Bowl XLIV with the New Orleans Saints.  I have spent my time, money, & influence creating change for people.  I am a gifted speaker, a man of God, & visionary.  I believe we all have the potential to be great.  So, let’s get motivated.


A Work in Progress

Bruce Burman

(May 2022)

Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you lived completely surrendered and obedient to God? I think about it a lot. As a younger adult I was introduced to the God of the Bible. Even though I knew Him to be worthy of my complete obedience and devotion, the notion of completely surrendering every aspect of my being to God was both existentially exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Not being one to ever shy away from an adventure or thrill, I surrendered! More accurately, I began the process of surrendering. By that I mean the process of learning to live by faith, learning to empty myself of myself and to trust and believe God more each day.

As I grew in my faith, I began to get glimpses of who and what God created me to be. It began to make sense why I had always gravitated to situations and circumstances where help was needed and why I ended up working in the service industry. I was always looking for an opportunity to help because I enjoyed it and it made me feel good. I did those things because God created me with the heart of a servant. As I began to understand who and what God made me to be, I began to be more intentional in how I served. I was no longer serving for the good feeling - I was serving Him and serving for Him because that’s what I was created to do - I was surrendering.

Living with intentionality began to give me an eternal perspective of life. A perspective that sees beyond life on this earth and sees how we serve here impacts us and others in eternity. As I contemplated this and how I was serving in the business world an ideal began to take shape in my mind and heart.

My ideal believes that a business should serve the whole person - physically, emotionally, spiritually. It is displayed in partnering with people that are created with servants' hearts and equipping, empowering and encouraging them to build relationships with the freedom to minister peace, patience, kindness, grace, love, laughter, a listening ear, encouragement, and compassion.

Because of this value, we recognized a person’s time is precious and is to be greatly valued and that they deserve our undivided attention and should be served the best available product with a sense of urgency. This belief became our mission statement -We exist to seek and create opportunities to serve people’. – This ideal became our philosophy - Provide excellent products and excellent service and let profits take care of themselves. This ideal became our strategy - Do a few things ridiculously well. This ideal became our goal - Do/be better than we did/were yesterday. These ideals became the ‘Kairos Ethos.’Kairos is a unique Greek word for time, specifically, opportunities or moments in time. Ethos –the guiding characteristics and beliefs that manifest themselves in our aspirations, attitudes and actions. As long as my wife and I have been together (since the late 80’s) we have been going to coffee shops. It’s our thing. We had always had the dream of opening a coffee shop, and in 2006 we leased a 100 year old stone cottage in Butler and began renovations. After about 1 year of writing a business plan, drawing and submitting floor plans for permitting, knocking down walls and service counter, upgrading bathrooms, new flooring and a lot of painting, we opened Kairos Coffee and Tea. We had created an opportunity to serve people - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We understand that people generally are not looking to make an emotional or spiritual connection with their barista when they go for coffee. That's not how it's supposed to work. But we wanted to challenge that. It was our goal to build relationships with the people we served with the hopes of connecting - with those who were open - at an emotional and spiritual level.

We created a place where we could be more intentional about serving. We created a place for people to gather and experience great service and great coffee.

Having worked many years in restaurants I was familiar with working with food and building systems that worked efficiently, but my knowledge of coffee was pretty limited. We sought the expertise of a Barista Championship Judge to come from out of state and spend a couple of days with us educating us in the traditional Barista craft. We opened for business soon afterwards and quickly became a very popular hangout. Within about 12 months we were opening a second location thinking more business activity meant more income to carry the first location (which was not doing well financially). It didn’t and our dream began to implode.

We found ourselves in the very difficult position of having to close our first location. That was a sad, terrible and tough time. There was no getting around that situation. The only way out of it was through it, one day at a time, one step at a time, one breath at a time and in total and complete dependence on God. Even in that very low place I knew that in this situation (of my own making) that God was there with me and would lead me, if not, carry me out. I knew I was not going to die in this experience and that all that I had to lose or had lost was His to begin with.

I had no idea what was going to become of me, but I knew that with God it would be o.k. We managed to keep our second location open and began the long process of repairing and rebuilding the fragile foundation. It was about 10 years before we felt like we could actually begin to build on that foundation. Through it all God continued to demonstrate that he is trustworthy, faithful, capable and sufficient for all of my needs. This was made abundantly clear one day in the parking lot of the bank as I was digging through my truck for change to make payroll. God spoke to my spirit so clearly I believed it was audible, “I will provide”. He always has and he always will. This promise is a part of my decision-making process.

The process usually goes something like this; I ask myself (not necessarily in this order) - What if I do this? What if I don’t do this? Is this wise? What is my motivation for doing this? Does God want to bless me? Does this honor God? Do I believe he will provide? Is this consistent with the Kairos Ethos? What does this decision say about what I believe about God and who He is?

Do I trust Him? What’s the worst that could happen?

Years later, our coffee business had expanded into breakfast and lunch, and we had put our rocky beginnings behind us when in March of 2020 yet again we were closing the business, this time due to COVID-19. That was a scary and troubling time because of so many unknown variables and because of all the voices competing to be heard. For the first couple of weeks of the shutdown I did my best to stay informed so that I could make good, informed decisions but that only added to the fears and concerns I had about our future. After asking the questions of my decision-making process about my new situation and circumstance, I decided it would be a good idea to quit TV and social media for a while.

As I began to detox from the noise of the world, I began to recognize the opportunity I was given to be at home with my family with nowhere to go and nothing to do but enjoy them and to turn my attention to God and what His purpose was for me through all of this. Even though there was so much uncertainty I enjoyed a calming peace from the assurance God had given me that ‘I will provide’. After about eight weeks of ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ and no end in sight, and when I had decompressed enough from the pressures of running the business and detoxed enough from the noise of the world, I decided that our best next move would be to put the equipment we had sitting idle to work for us by opening a coffee trailer. But it could not be just any trailer. We wanted to do something fun, unique, eye-catching and different! We wanted to make a bold brave move because after all, we had the security and confidence of knowing that He will provide! Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?

We found a bright red, vintage horse trailer on Craigslist located in Maryland. Within a couple of days we had taken delivery of it and had begun converting the trailer into a mobile espresso bar. Exactly two weeks later we were inspected, approved and open for business! It became apparent pretty quickly that the coffee trailer was where we wanted to be and that a bigger trailer would be necessary to provide us with more protection from the varied Pennsylvania weather and allow us to keep up with the amount of business we were seeing at the horse trailer. After a year of searching, we connected with P & S Trailer service in Helena, OH who led us to a vintage 1971 Airstream Land Yacht trailer parked in a cornfield. P & S specializes in airstream conversions, and after six months of planning, meetings, and collaborating they were able to bring our vision to life. In April, 2022 we took delivery of our 25 ft coffee trailer which is located semi permanently at the intersection of Rt 19 and Rowan Rd in Cranberry Twp, Pa (8001 Rowan Rd).

During a pandemic had become a great time for us to be in the service business. We’ve had countless opportunities to serve people that we never would have had if not for the pandemic. Just being there and being ready and willing to listen to their struggles, worries and opinions without judgment has led to many meaningful conversations about life and spiritual matters. We have met so many wonderful people and have made so many friends and have been profoundly blessed by the kindness, encouragement, and generosity of the community we serve.

At times it seems like the future that this world offers has never been less certain or stable than it is now, but we know as believers that He is preparing us for a glorious future eternity in His presence. We know that God is in the process of bringing people to himself. We know that he is faithful, reliable and trustworthy. We know that he is worthy of our complete and total obedience, devotion, and surrender. We know that He will provide, He has said so (literally).

To learn more about Bruce and Kairos Coffee Roaster and Tea Co, click the button below to check out their website.



Bruce Burman

Owner Bruce founder Kairos Coffee Roaster and Tea Co in 2006. Our first location was on New Castle Hill in Butler, PA. A year later we moved into Iron Mountain (the underground mine) in Boyers PA where we have been located ever since. With the arrival of Covid-19 temporarily shutting down the Iron Mountain Cafe, Bruce decided to take Kairos on the road. Thus, the mobile coffee bar inside the bright red vintage horse trailer was born. In April 2022, Kairos added an Airstream coffee trailer, which is permanently located at 8001 Rowan Road, Cranberry Township, PA.


 Wonderful are His Works

Steven Smith

(January 2022)

 I hated looking in the mirror as all I saw was the sum of my mistakes. Some days I didn’t even make it to the mirror because I just didn’t care. I failed big time. Not only had I missed it a few times but had successfully created a lifestyle of missing it. I was supposed to be a Christian and Christians don’t do the things I did. I was ashamed of who I had become, and I believed God wanted nothing to do with me because of my choices.

My life didn’t start out that way, when I was born and raised in Dubuque, IA. My parents, Rod and Kathleen Smith, accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior when I was six years old. Even as a young boy, I recall noticing a positive transformation in my parent’s lives. I could tell that they were “happier.” The way they responded to me, and my siblings was being refined by Love. I was intrigued by what I saw. At the age of eight, I asked my dad if I could accept Jesus as my Savior. He said I could, so I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior on April 18, 1987.

My parents led worship at our local church. I picked up a guitar when I was eight and began learning how to play. I wrote and recorded my first song when I was nine. I titled it “Hey Man.” The verses were calling out to people telling them they needed a Savior, and this Savior is Jesus. I was pretty excited about the song. It came to me almost effortlessly. I also helped to run the sound board for church and sang for a special at church with my brother and mom.


Mom, Kathleen, smiles, “I have the photo of Steven performing and it will forever be in my heart! What a treasure to have our children serving God alongside us.”


Growing up, my dad required I read my Bible every morning before going to school. I read a chapter at breakfast every morning as an act of obedience. I recall reading about Joseph but there was no living understanding of the Word. When I came back to this story later in my life, I received revelation that I was a type of Joseph the Lord was raising up. What I didn’t understand in my immaturity was that the Word was an invitation into a Trinitarian (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) conversation. I didn’t know that I could sit and talk to the Lord about His Word and ask Him to reveal truths and mysteries about Himself to me. I didn’t know that it was about having a relationship with God. I was not connecting with God relationally during my devotions, and therefore the Bible was more of a storybook and a list of commands that I was to obey if I wanted to be a “good Christian.”

Throughout junior high and high school, I was an honor roll student and an active leader. I was the student body class president, captain of the basketball teams, lead role in theater, choir, a leader in my youth group and extra-curricular activities. I had a few friends I’d spend time with outside of school. They were not Believers, but I enjoyed their company when I wasn’t busy with sports. I was enjoying life and staying busy engaging in mostly productive activities.

I had a few romantic relationships in high school, one of which I thought was going to culminate in marriage. The relationship lasted for many years. During my first year of college, though, she told me she never wanted us to be more than friends. This was a complete and total shock to me. Everything I had believed came crumbling to the ground. I was in so much pain. In that pain, the enemy said, “See, you lived your life for God, you did your best to serve and obey Him and this is what He gives you.” I bought that lie hook, line and sinker.

“Even though it was hard to watch,” Mom recalls, “we held on to the words we spoke over our children all their young lives: Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

This was the turning point in my life where I became completely offended and blamed it all on God. I chose to believe that God had let me down and that He didn’t care about me. Everything I’d held sacred in obedience, I threw away. I started living immorally: drinking and partying. This season of rebellion lasted for 12 years. It was a broken cycle of going to church on Sunday and partying and pursuing selfish wants during the week that led to shame, guilt, anger, self-hatred, bitterness and depression. I would wake up regretting everything I had done the previous day.

I hated looking at myself in the mirror. All I saw were my mistakes and failures. I believed God was angry at me. I believed His love for me was based on my level of obedience to Him. I was afraid of God and thought He was waiting to let me have it. Out of shame and guilt, I would daily drown my sorrows in alcohol and drugs.

My parents continued to encourage me to participate in church and family activities. My mom was and is faithful in her prayers for her children. I always knew she was praying for me, but I was always so filled with shame. I felt like I was such a disappointment to my family.


“I chose to not focus on what I saw with my eyes. I chose to profess what God had for our son! When we, as parents, changed our words, the power and authority of God began to manifest…Hallelujah!”


I’ll never forget when my dad stopped addressing the obvious sin I was in and pressed in to loving me in the midst of my weakness. I couldn’t make sense of why he wouldn’t say something when I came to their house hungover or after having some drinks. I began to feel a deep internal shift in my heart.

During this dark season, I continued to attend church a few times per month. I had a desire to be godly but had no ability within myself to walk away from a lifestyle I had created. Nevertheless, I gave it my best shot to “do what I thought was right.” It was in this darkest hour of my life that the Lord met me.

wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay hold of me. If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, And the light around me will be night,’ Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You.” - Psalms 139:7-12

Through a church group that I still participated in, I learned that a brother with a gift of prophecy would be visiting and was told that he could “read my mail” or tell me things about myself although never having met me. I did not have a gift or experience with the prophetic and was intrigued to go to the meeting. I asked the Lord, if He really loved me and was calling me to come back to Him, let me be the first one this man prophesied over. Sure enough, when I attended the meeting, the man chose me first in a crowd of about 200 people.

He said, “There’s a call of God on your life to evangelize, minister, preach and sing. You were born to have a microphone in front of your face. You’re called to the nations. You’re called on mission trips. God has called you to be a leader and you’re going to help young people not make the decisions you’ve made.”

What marked me the most that day was that God heard my prayer and answered. He really did love me and wanted me to come back to Him! The Lord continued to gently lead me in love. I continued to struggle in besetting sins, but as I turned my attention towards Him, in the midst of my brokenness, I began to hear Him speak to me.

In this season of returning to the Lord, my dad told me about the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC). He said he heard IHOPKC consisted of a large community of Believers going strong after the Lord. He invited me to visit IHOPKC and attend their Passion for Jesus Conference with him in 2008. I said yes to the invitation and really enjoyed my time there. During the conference, I decided to move to Kansas City for a fresh start.

After returning home, I did some research and found that IHOPKC offered internships and also has a university. I chose to enroll in the Forerunner Music Academy (FMA) at the International House of Prayer University (IHOPU). By the summer of 2009, I’d sold all I owned, packed my car, and left Dubuque to move to Kansas City.

After two months of school the “honeymoon” ended, and I hit a wall. A student who sat next to me was weeping as she worshipped, and I realized that was not the same Jesus I was worshiping. Instead of seeing this as an opportunity to ask someone about it, I quit. To subdue the pain of my confusion, I resorted back to drinking.

In November 2009, the Holy Spirit began to move powerfully at IHOPKC. They started having nightly meetings. I had no understanding of revival but decided to attend one of the meetings to see what it was like. “I stopped by the meeting and looked around the room to see most people laughing, singing, and appearing to be super joyful. I wasn’t feeling that way so after 20 minutes, I began to believe a lie that I was the only one not being encountered by God, so I left in shame.”

Being divinely drawn, I turned the meeting on via live web stream. I watched for three hours and could not stop weeping. I laid down on my bed and cried out to God and said, “Lord! I know You are moving in that meeting, but I don’t know what to make of it. I know You’re everywhere, and I don’t believe I have to be in that meeting for You to encounter me. I’m not getting off my bed until You come save me!” The Lord answered my prayer immediately.

I began to feel what felt like hands on my stomach rolling away the top of a sardine can. I was completely baffled. The Lord whispered to me, inviting me to ask the Holy Spirit what He was doing while moving on me, so I did. He said He was answering my prayer and rolling away the walls I had built around my heart.

I then felt a finger writing on my right side, so I asked what He was writing. He said “Beautiful.” He then wrote over my heart. I asked what He wrote, and He said “Mine.” I was shocked that He was writing these things on me. I said, “Lord, haven’t You been watching all of the bad things I’ve been doing over the last decade!?!” He said, “I see you as beautiful and I delight in you (Is 62:4; Zeph 3:17). I see you through the blood of my beloved Son that has defeated death, sin and the grave” (Rom 5:1, 6, 9; Eph 1:4-8; Col 1:19-23). This revelation of His love shattered chains that had bound me for years.

Over the course of the next five nights, I would lay down and ask the Holy Spirit to come. He would come, and I continued to have physical manifestations of His love for me. I had smoked for twelve years. He took a thin warm rod and played my vocal cords like a violin. I could feel my vocal cords tighten. The next morning, I went out to smoke a cigarette and it was as if it was the first cigarette I had ever smoked. He had healed my vocal cords from the damage of smoking (1 Pet 2:24; Is 53:5; Ps 103:3)! He continued to do many things like this for me. I began to know Him as the Psalm 139 God Who fashioned and formed me in intimacy in my mother’s womb.

After five nights of encountering the Lord, the self-hatred, guilt, shame and condemnation had been completely broken off of me. Instead of feeling dirty, I felt clean (2 Cor 5:17). I used to hate looking at myself in the mirror as I only saw my mistakes. Now when I looked in the mirror, I felt incredibly handsome and loved. I was created in His image (Gen 1:27) and greatly loved by the Father God Almighty (Jn 17:23)! I called my parents to tell them about my experience and came to find out the first day of my encounter was my grandfather’s birthday! They were amazed at the goodness of the Lord to reveal His love to me this way.

During the four months following my encounter, I had a supernatural thirst to read my Bible every day from sunrise to sunset. The Lord walked me through the Old and New Testaments and gave me fresh revelation of His Word. It was a foundational time of communing with the Lord.

I signed up for an internship at IHOPKC called “Intro to IHOPKC” in the winter of 2010. This internship was a full-time training program designed to prepare individuals for a lifetime of prayer and friendship with Jesus. I completed the first and second tracks over the duration of six months. After completion, I served on the Intro leadership team for nine months.


Kathleen exclaims now, “Our hearts rejoiced with Steven as God is forever faithful! He was now set free to be all he was created for! Our son is back, and we will forever be grateful!”


During my time serving with the Intro team, I had a dream that led me to move to Colorado Springs and join the prayer room staff at Every Home for Christ in June 2011. I met my wife Rachael upon arrival. She heard I played the guitar, so she asked me to join her worship team. We worshiped Jesus together at the prayer room and soon began dating. We fell in love and were married on January 21, 2012.

Shortly after marriage, we moved back to Kansas City to rejoin staff at IHOPKC where we continue to serve. Our first daughters were born in 2013. They are identical twin girls named Liviya and Eviana. Our third daughter, Bella, was born in 2015.

Shortly after Bella’s birth, I was struck with Bacterial Meningitis. I was hospitalized for 17 days and then sent home with 12 different drugs. After two weeks, I was readmitted to the hospital with Chemical Meningitis. I was released the second time after only 4 days.

Although a scary and stressful time for us, the Lord used the hospital visits to show Himself to me as Jehovah Nissi (The Lord my Banner). The Lord cultivated a deeper desire within my heart for my children during my stays. The Lord told me that He used this event to turn my heart towards my children and my children’s heart towards me (Mal 4:6). I’m forever changed from glory to glory by the grace, mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord (2 Cor 3:18).

My wife and I continue to daily worship and seek our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We desire to partner with the power of the Holy Spirit to walk in the first and second commandments (Mt 22:37-39) and to walk in a manner worthy (Eph 4:1; Col 1:10; 1 Thes. 2:12) of being His sons and daughters. We want to encourage those around us to love Jesus wholeheartedly (Mt 28:18-20). We desire to train our children in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. We want them to know Him and to be known by Him. We believe relationship with Jesus to be the most important part of life and will continue to pursue Him daily until we see Him face to face.

"I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; But one thing I do: Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”-Phil 3:13-14


Steven Smith

Steven is the Director of Finance for the International House of Prayer University in Grandview, MO.

Steven has served in multiple capacities at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City since 2009.

Steven is grateful for the opportunities the Lord has blessed him with to serve and love those whom the

Lord has placed in his path. He relishes an occasional round of golf and finds life most enjoyable celebrating his family and close friends.


 Happy Holiday Connections

By Beverly Rodgers

(November 2021)

 The approaching holidays are depicted as the most wonderful time of the year, a season where “hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near” and everyone will “be of good cheer.” Despite the expectation of spirits flying high, statistics reveal that the majority of people have a different experience. Studies determined that 60-70% of people encounter elevated stress during the holiday season. Yet in congruence, results also concluded that the prominent desire around Thanksgiving and Christmas is meaningful connection with others. Why the gap between what is anticipated and what is experienced? Though results varied slightly by generation, a few pronounced themes emerged that are worth our attention.

Slow Down

One of the primary causes of stress during the holidays is attributed to “lack of time.” If we already lead busy lives, the hustle and bustle of the holidays often produces an excess of hurry and worry. When the body is hurried, when the schedule is busy, it actually creates a frazzled, distracted mind. This degrades our health and constrains our capacity to be present, even to ourselves. Loss of self-awareness is also accompanied by unintentionally placing unrealistic expectations on others to meet our needs, which results in frustration and disappointment.  Proverbs 19:2 reminds us, “Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.”

Haste is defined as “excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.” By trying to find our way too quickly, we may end up missing it. In the days before I understood the value of rest, I would just keep going until my body became so exhausted that I was left with no other option than to stop. On occasion, I still fall into becoming a task master, so overly focused on tackling my check list that I don’t even pay attention to the cashier or the lonely elderly lady in front of me! At the end of the day, even if I achieved all my goals, I noticed that I still felt empty, like something was missing. As Proverbs 19:2 reveals, that’s because something was!

Slowing down not only helps us to be more efficient by applying our energy to the current activity, but it also helps us to find more joy in the process. Consider ways to invite fellowship into your tasks. My mother invites a friend to help wrap gifts. Shop together! Have a baking party! The possibilities are endless. Being productive in good company can revitalize routine errands, make accomplishing to-do list items more enjoyable, and add a few laughs too.

“For whoever enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following the same pattern of disobedience.” ~ Hebrews 4:10-11

If we want to keep our way, we must also prioritize restful periods between our efforts to maintain peace and recharge.

Notice that slowing down requires effort. Slowing down makes us aware of our surroundings and attentive to the moment at hand. Think about what happens in other areas when they are rushed. When I eat at lightning speed, I don’t taste my food. Therefore, I don’t enjoy it, and I’m left unsatisfied, wanting more. When I read the Word of God but don't digest it, my spirit does not receive nourishment. Likely, when we interact with others but have no exchange of giving and receiving, our soul is not satisfied. A noisy mind deprives us of the ability to truly connect. Often, others perceive when we are physically present but mentally checked out, and they may associate the lack of engagement as a lack of caring. Building meaningful relationships requires us to be present.  Hurrying makes us self-centered and removes fulfillment in relationships. Understanding this concept is meant to motivate a change of pace. When we trust God to meet our needs, we have the ability to extend love and minister to others out of overflow and see how we can meet their needs. Indeed, here is the instruction given to us on how to live in Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves.”

If you look at the life of Jesus, you’ll see that He was never in a hurry. This allowed him to minister to others. His example shows us how slowing down to care for those in need is more fulfilling than getting to check off another box. Jesus came to serve and not be served. And He put relationships first!

Be Realistic

Women are particularly affected by stress during the holidays because they often strive to make them perfect for their families. Check yourself to see if doing something you ‘need to’ is truly for the benefit of your family or if it feeds your own need for self-worth. God provides comfort and security, meeting all of your needs through communion with Him and those He brings into your path...apart from what you DO. Our family might not place the same emphasis on getting that ‘thing’ done either. Their underappreciation is liable to make certain efforts feel void, which usually counters the actual intention to make them feel loved.

What if the house in perfect order took a back seat to watching a Christmas movie or playing games together? If hosting is your gift and you enjoy cooking, gift wrapping, and other preparations, go for it! But, if you are only doing certain tasks because you ‘should’ or ‘need to,’ consider redefining expectations or eliminating certain unfulfilling traditions and starting new ones! Instead of focusing on what you are losing, consider what you would be gaining: quality time, joy, peace, energy, and so much more!

 Something I did to reduce stress and ease the holidays was stop sending Christmas cards. If you cherish this element of the holidays, I understand this may seem extreme. For me, sending cards felt tedious and more routine than meaningful. I actually love giving cards, but my preference is to give them spontaneously when a message for someone is placed on my heart. Now, this is with the caveat that I’m single; I don’t have a big family update or pictures with my children, so I have found more peace with dropping this from my holiday repertoire. With my schedule and phase of life, this was a worthy trade-off. Another alternative employed by my aunt is sending a family Thanksgiving card. That way you still stay in touch with those you love without the added time crunch during Christmas when other priorities are imminent. If you can get your family on board with forming new traditions or doing things a little differently to create more space for connecting, it’s worth letting a few ‘obligations’ go!

Give of Your Heart

Another significant source of pressure during Christmas comes from the financial burden associated with gift giving and hosting. Assuming the role of primary provider, men often carry the weight of this burden, unless you are a single mother. A pause is necessary to shout out to single parent homes - you are superheroes! Regardless of your situation, the financial strain is prevalent. Media will continue to distort the purpose of Christmas through emphasizing giving the best, most expensive gifts. Every giver wants to see that overjoyed expression on the recipient’s face when their gift is opened, but we must keep in mind that these are merely material things. And how often these gifts are forgotten as the next shiny thing takes their place. Let’s be real, many times, within a month or two that gift is collecting dust. Can I get an amen from all the parents out there?!

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver…  ~ 2 Corinthians: 9:6 & 7

But there are gifts that have lasting, eternal value. Instead of slaving to provide a temporary pleasure, give a listening ear. Offer someone encouragement. Support someone in need by volunteering with a friend or family. Exchange over-time hours for quality time with your family. Go watch your niece’s Christmas play. These gifts not only provide true satisfaction for others and create memories that last a lifetime, but these are also the kind of gifts that give back!

There are financial demands associated with the holidays but keeping them in perspective is more than half the battle into maintaining peace! Giving gifts is a joyous thing, but we must make sure to maintain focus on the true meaning of Christmas and promote that within our families. Your presence is the most loving gift you can offer anyone! Nothing shows someone they are more valued than giving them your time and attention.

According to psychological research, this is what people desire the most during the holidays. One of the key conclusions of an assessment performed by Healthline states: “the most important aspects of the holidays are the opportunities to connect or reconnect with friends and family.” As we discussed, often a hectic mentality removes us from actually being present to enjoy what we desire most. By shifting our focus to spending quality time with loved ones and taking time away from our normal schedule to connect and slow down, we ensure improved satisfaction from what matters, interactions that have eternal value and provide real fulfillment.

Get Connected

This isn’t always as easy as it sounds, or we’d already be doing it. Though connection is the most desired attribute of the holiday season, it also makes the top three list for holiday stressors. Relationships can be our greatest source of satisfaction...or our greatest source of stress/frustration. Emotions run high during the holiday season, which has a tendency to elevate our vulnerabilities. Little things that wouldn’t normally bother us may blow out of proportion at the smallest trigger. With an overload of family gatherings, events, and work parties, exposure to people or situations we want to avoid, makes the holidays challenging.

When David inquires about killing the taunting Philistine giant, Goliath, upon his arrival at the Israelite battlefront in 1 Samuel 17, his brother drops some harsh words, reminding David of his lowly past and calling him conceited with a wicked heart. Instead of letting these words penetrate, look at what David does in verse 30, “Then he turned away from him toward another…” Had David heeded this criticism, it could have discouraged him from the moment that would expose his character, bravery, and skill to those he would one day lead as king. A fire dies for lack of fuel. Often, responsibility falls on us to stop reacting to the argument, walk away, and guard our heart. While their relationship hungers for healing, the timing was not right. David cut his brother off to preserve his joy, maintain his peace, and focus his energy where it was required - to be effectively present to himself and others.

Occasions that require close quarters with strained relationships may be triggering, which usually results in a lot of stress! This is where boundaries are necessary to gain emotional space. Instead of overplaying scenarios, bottling up, lashing out, or forming a protective wall, setting appropriate boundaries protects you while allowing God to go to work in the relationship. God cannot maneuver around walls, but He can work around boundaries to improve the dynamic while preserving your heart and mind. We cannot control or change another person, but through humility and forgiveness, God can redeem and restore relationships.

Due to finances, circumstances, location, or loss of loved ones, some people might experience greater loneliness as it is not possible to  be near loved ones. To some degree, I am familiar with the depth of this loneliness. My first holiday away from family found me at an in-patient eating disorder treatment facility across the country. Because I was not in a healthy state, I harbored feelings of sadness and envied others who were able to be close with family and friends.

After this recovery program, I relapsed to realize in subsequent years that even when I was with my family for the holidays, I still felt lonely. Year after year, my struggle with food completely robbed me of my ability to be engaged in the present. Frequent exposure to food, alcohol, parties, shopping, unhealthy relationships, and a number of other activities require boundaries and support to navigate during this season for almost everyone. Another common holiday thread unveiled through research is people’s tendency to fall into unhealthy habits or lose the consistency of new healthy patterns that were established. Spending time with God, exercising, eating well, making time for friends, and the activities that contribute to enhanced health may decline if we do not maintain self-awareness, rest, and connection.

When I was unable to handle my emotions, addictive binge eating became my coping mechanism. Every holiday gathering with its endless sea of food resulted in a severe struggle that I usually did not win. Eventually, this cycle of defeat drove me deeper into despair. I couldn’t see how things would ever be different, and I began to dread the holidays. Even though I was loved, I felt so alone. More than anything, I desired connection but couldn’t form life-giving relationships because I was not mentally well. I felt embarrassed. I felt ashamed. In every other area of my life, I was strong. I actually felt more distant at home with my struggles on display for all to see. It almost felt more painful to be close to loved ones and feel distant than to have miles between us, a reason to feel alone that did not point entirely back to me. Memories of the holidays during these years were merely a blur. Despite my hopelessness, all of that was overcome to experience greater joy than I could have ever imagined...

After I developed a relationship with God, I hit the pause button to take care of myself and heal past wounds.  Maladaptive behaviors progressively ceased as my needs were met through healthier channels. Instead of focusing on external behavior modification, I finally worked on the inside, found security in my identity outside of performance, and learned to build genuine, supportive relationships. This changed everything.

This time when, Christmas again found me states apart from my family, I didn’t feel alone. I was able to press into the true meaning of Christmas - the gift God gave the world through His Son Jesus Christ. Somehow peace guarded my heart, and I knew that if I never had anything more, God’s love was and would always be enough and life was worth living because of what He did for me. Sitting on the couch in my apartment, illuminated only by a beautifully decorated tree, my heart was glowing from nothing this earth could take away.

It was during this time that I understood the significance and value of developing close relationships. If we do not build healthy relationships, we will form unhealthy ones. And not just with people but with food, money, our job, shopping, or anything used as an escape from temporary, insatiable emotions that only relieves and covers up but doesn’t heal. Emotional stability and self-awareness are critical to navigating healthy relationships.

Changing how we operate in a long-term dysfunctional relationship or forming new relationships can be scary, especially if people in our past disappointed or hurt us. Often a strained relationship reveals where we are in need of internal work. I used to be terrified of confrontation, a well-practiced avoider and people-pleaser. In my situation, taking responsibility for my behavior and uprooting lies allowed me to heal, learn, and not risk repeating the same patterns. Learning to communicate boundaries, even in healthy relationships, relieved stress and released weight I didn’t even know I was carrying. I watched my confidence and self-worth improve along with my ability to handle interactions in every area. The change didn’t start with others...it started with ME!

In everything, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus Himself: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’   ~ Acts 20:35

And that was only the beginning. We can’t give what we don’t have, but after a long and hard season of investing in myself, my heart gained the capacity to extend love to others. My pain has now become the passion and purpose I live for! To encourage and empower others and watch them start to believe in themselves is the greatest gift I could ever give. And this gift gives back fulfillment to my soul far beyond what I put into it! We are hard-wired to experience joy and blessing by sharing what we have.

At one point, I didn’t have money to give material gifts, but I could provide the gifts of hope, encouragement, a listening ear, compassion, understanding, and time. With boundaries and periods of refreshing in place, I was shocked to discover how much joy I experienced when the holidays became about others instead of me. This mentality allowed me to embrace deeper levels of intimacy surrounding the holiday even amidst being single the last six years. I’ve actually come to cherish the quiet, reflective Christmas mornings before commuting to spend time with loved ones.

Let’s refute the words of well-reputed psychologist Carl Jung, “people are too busy to live emotionally healthy and spiritually awake,” by slowing down this holiday season. Trust as we set aside mental traffic, tame the to-do list with perspective, and make more effort to engage in connections, our joy will be enhanced, and we will give the most meaningful gifts that create precious memories and last for a lifetime!

Beverly Rodgers

A Research Scientist by trade and former Division-1 athlete and record holder, Beverly is an aspiring writer in faith-based health and wellness!  Beverly wants to share what she has learned to help others transform from the inside out. Her goal is to empower you to make healthy choices, nourishing the mind and body so you can focus your energy on pursuing purpose and enjoying life & good health!

Check out more articles by Beverly, here - Rebuild Your Temple

 Healed by His Promises

By Kathleen Smith

(September 2021)

 From the time I was a young girl, I have believed in God. I recall wonderful memories of being raised in a family where He was first. But it wasn't until later in my life, that I understood the need to make Him my Lord & Savior. I am so very thankful I did.

I was born in Dubuque, IA, raised in the Catholic church and married my high school sweetheart in 1978. During the first years of marriage, my mother-in-law who too, loved God became Born Again as she was baptized. She had been a member of church for some years and when she chose to be baptized, it was with a pure heart. When she came out of the water....the Word of God became alive to her. She shared that love everyday with everyone that came across her path which included us! We both confessed Jesus as our Lord an Savoir and became born again in 1986 at the age of 28. This began the best journey of our lives as Christians!

As our family began to grow, we attended and served in four area churches as Worship Leaders; our three children attending and serving with us. After 20 years of faithful serving we felt we had exhausted our spiritual growth opportunities in that locale and began praying for God to move us to an area where our spiritual and personal lives would be more robust. In 2009, God called us to Victory Family Church in Cranberry Twp, PA.

Rather than going into a leadership role as we had done in the past, we believed we needed time to soak in the teachings of this Rhema (God’s spoken Word) church. We were absolutely captivated by the astounding power the Word contained regarding so many aspects of our lives which we had not understood in the past! But our Heavenly Father knows our needs before we even realize there is one and this was the time. It was here that we learned

God’s will for us to live long healthy lives. We found out healing was for all God’s people. It was part of the redemptive plan He carried out in the life of Jesus.

Not long after that in 2012, I woke up in the middle of the night in extreme pain that would not go away. I never had that kind of excruciating pain. I knew something was very wrong. I found myself in the ER of our local hospital with a 6cm mass in my abdomen. They were concerned of the tumor being cancerous and directed me to find a specialist immediately. Being fairly new to this area, we were still filling our medical needs in Iowa when we would travel back to visit family, so we had no relationships with physicians here. I reached out to a friend of mine who is from this area, and she immediately connected me to a surgeon who not only specializes in Gynecology/Oncology but he is a man of God attending our church as well!

· By His stripes I am healed (1Peter 4:12)

· He sent His Word and healed me (Psalms 107:20)

· No weapon formed against me will prosper (Isaiah 54:17)

· I will live and not die and declare the works of the LORD (Psalms 118:17)

With my grandmother and mother both having passed away from ovarian cancer, I knew decisions made would be critically important. My time in the Rhema Word of God came to the forefront. I immediately began to stand on healing scriptures.

As God would have it, Marilyn Hickey, who has a global healing ministry, was scheduled to speak at our church! I attended both of her services. When she called for those with tumors to stand, I obeyed. She then spoke the Word of God over us and I stood in agreement with her prayer. God's Word is Truth! It never changes, and I knew it was for me!

The tumor continued to grow, so I chose to have the surgery to remove it. Dr. Alex said it was the strangest tumor he'd ever seen! It was the colors of purple and green and everyone in the operating room couldn't believe what they were seeing! They tested the tumor many times during surgery and found it to be benign. We all rejoiced until one week later when the fateful call from my doctor came stating that the tissue surrounding the tumor tested positive for ovarian cancer. The medical reports showed a Grade 2 of Grade 3 ovarian cancer. Medical protocol is to now remove all lymph nodes and to begin rounds of chemotherapy. Decisions needed to be made. All I can say is "I KNEW that I KNEW" Jesus healed me at the whipping post and I didn't need what was offered medically from that point on.

I had been praying out loud every morning in our home declaring God's promises for a believer's healing in the Word as outlined in Doty Olsteen's booklet "Healed of Cancer". I know that He is no respecter of person, meaning He does not choose some over others to be healed. I was confident that what He did for Ms. Doty He would do for me. There was even a point where I put my Bible on the floor and stood on it, as Scripture says: "After you have done everything...STAND." Eph 10:13

We met with our wonderful doctor to let him know I had made my decision to decline all medical treatment and stand alone on the Word of God! He understood my heart but his medical duty was to recommend the prescribed protocol which I kindly refused. 'By His Stripes I am Healed'! My extended family was 'concerned' but there was no big push from them. I absolutely had to 'capture every thought from the lying enemy and replace it with the Word of God. I only read and listened to Scripture and teachings that spoke to the Healing of God. All other input was off limits at that time. My focus was completely on God and His promises to me.

I went home and for the next several months continued in my daily speaking out my Scripture promises by way of declaration. I also know the importance of nutrition and knew I needed to increase my awareness of sugar intake, as sugar feeds cancer cells, and I was going to starve them! Blood test after blood test after blood test, I watched God swiftly reduce my cancer counts. Praise the Lord!

I will never forget that wonderful day in 2013, nine months after my diagnosis as Rod and I were sitting on our back deck enjoying our morning coffee when my doctor contacted me to let me know that "Your last blood test confirms that all of your counts are within normal range". HALLELUIAH! Praise The Lord!! My doctor is a member of our church and a strong Believer. He was very pleased! He called me 'A Bold Woman of God'!! My family was thrilled! They all supported me and I'm sure had their own enemy voices to deal with...but we are united in Christ and we are a very close family! Praise God!!

Since that victorious day in 2013 until I take my final breath on this earth, I stand as 'The Healed of The Lord' and "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." I proclaim His loving kindness, goodness & mercy to those who are called by HIS Name; that Name which is above every name to be named!

A special thanks to Pastors Craig DeBower and Pastor John Nuzzo for teaching the full gospel of the Word, which includes our healing!

Because of leadership like this, every week at Victory Family Church, I gain a deeper knowledge of the Word built up in my spirit man, a stronger determination and a greater faith...and so can YOU!!

Start today by taking Gods Word in daily. He said in Romans 10:17, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Keep your eyes and heart on what God says...not the world! Delight yourself in Him (Psalms 37:4)! I also recommend these resources:

· God's Will to Heal by Keith Moore... online video series from Faith Life Church in Branson, MO and Sarasota, FL.

· Dodie Osteen's small book "Healed of Cancer" which is for all healing not just cancer.

· All of Kenneth E Hagin's teachings on Healing! "Healing is the Children's Bread"

· "Bible Healing Study Course"....so many to choose from. Videos, Study Courses, YouTube sermons...

I leave you with one final Word, straight from the heart of God that I continue to speak over my life and body often:

"I shall live long to declare the works of the Lord! Praise His Name FOREVER!!


Kathleen Smith

Kathleen’s calling is to lead others in their walk with Christ and that shows in all of her activities.  

She is a wife of 43 years, a mother, grandmother and lay pastor at Victory Family Church. She is active in church children’s programs, leading small group studies and partnering in prayer for any in need.


 Our Prolife Family

(July 2021)

 One night, my nine-year-old son Owen asked what the “March for Life” is. His K-12 school had just sent a busload of high schoolers to the event, and he was getting curious about the details.

I tried to get away with a vague response, “It’s when people take a stand for the rights of others.” I shut my eyes tightly, and quickly prayed that Owen would ask no more questions. If you knew how God made Owen, you would know that I spoke a frivolous prayer. Owen never lets me off that easily. He will find a way to get to the bottom of things.

“What rights are people standing for?”

“The right for everyone to have a chance at living.”

As Owen thought on that for a few seconds, I jumped in with more information, hoping to silence any further questions. “People go to Washington DC and march and hold signs that explain to everyone that all life is valuable and important.” I found my eyes shut tightly again. And again, no such luck that Owen would drop it.

“But, everyone knows that life is important. You mean the life of people, or animals, or plants?”

“The March for Life is standing up for the lives of people.”

“Who are the people they are marching for?”

“People who can’t speak up for themselves.”

“Mom, WHO can’t speak up? Who needs kids from our school to stand up for their life?”


“Mom, if you don’t know, I bet someone in my class knows about it. Kids were talking about it at school.”

Scenarios flashed through my brain of Owen learning the answers to his questions from misinformed students. My son would NOT be learning about this issue from anyone but me. I took a deep breath. “Owen, some women get pregnant, but they don’t feel ready to have baby. Maybe they don’t have money, or maybe they’re scared because they’re all alone, or maybe they just don’t want to be a mom.”

“I know. I know all about adoption. Two kids in my class are adopted.”

I swallow the lump that immediately formed in my throat. I take another deep breath, “Have you ever heard the word ‘abortion’?”


And then I tell him. I try to make it seem better than it is so that I don’t completely break his heart. I try to tell him that the mommies are misinformed by doctors. I even try to tell him that

the baby doesn’t feel it. I try to say that the baby gets to go straight to Heaven. But it doesn’t matter. He is already shaking his head “no,” and he is telling me that it can’t be true. He is in such a state of hysteria, despite my putting it as gently as possible, that I begin to take some things back. I am not proud of what I said next, but I wanted to bring peace to Owen’s heart and enable him to cope with the information. I was already regretting telling him. It was too much for his young mind to bear. What I had thought might happen is that he would get sad, we might pray together, and he would desire to “march for life” himself some day. Instead, he buried his head inside his hoodie, and was sobbing as if grieving for all the babies. And I think he was. So, in desperation, I said, “Buddy, the baby is so tiny when they do the procedure. You might even have to use a microscope to see the baby.”

“THAT DOESN’T MATTER!” he shouted. “God still made that teeny baby!!!!”

I broke down at his proclamation of this truth. “You’re right, Owen. You are so wise, and we should be sad. It’s okay to be sad.”

“I am sad, but I am very mad. We have to do something!”

I held him for a little while as he sobbed in my arms, and I wept tears for the babies too. I also cried for the loss of some more of his innocence.

Minutes later, he peeked up, wiped off some tears, and said, “Walking around Washington DC isn’t going to help. What else can we do? Does President Obama know that this is happening? This shouldn’t be allowed. We have to do something tonight!”

I soothed him with the explanation of how so many people are pro-life, how we can stand together, we can write letters to our government officials, vote for prolife congressmen, and help mommies who are struggling with the decision. And we did pray together. My heart almost burst as Owen mentioned to God to have fun with the babies who are playing with his (deceased) baby cousin Skylar in Heaven. He also prayed, “Please make abortion not be allowed to happen ever again.”

I was proud of my son (and very convicted) that he was not comforted by the “baby is microscopic” explanation. I was also proud that he was outraged and shocked. I realized that somehow I had become desensitized to it all. Numb to murder. Lukewarm about taking someone’s life. Owen’s reaction should be our reaction to this devastation everyday.

Fast-forward to today. Owen is now 16 years old and has marched for life in Washington DC twice, so far, along with his sister Madalyn. Owen also now knows that doctors suggested that we “terminate the pregnancy” when I was pregnant with him, due to my very high-risk pregnancy and Owen testing positive for Spina Bifida, which he does not have. My husband and I have also told our children about how it was highly recommended that we kill their brother Sawyer who was born at 24 weeks, due to another high-risk pregnancy. My son Sawyer was born at a gestation where abortion is legal in many states without a medical reason. (As nine-year old Owen would say, "That doesn't matter!")

When I went into labor at 24 weeks, doctors actually asked my husband and I if we would like our 24-weeker to "go peacefully" or if they should medically intervene. This

question, along with several prior abortion recommendations, was extremely upsetting to us and so very, very wrong. Many viewed us as irresponsible for choosing life. We are so thankful to say that our 24-weeker is now fourteen years old, and is a walking example of the importance of the pro-life movement. God has also used Sawyer's little life to bring many to Himself as they witnessed a miracle that brought them to their knees.

During my pregnancies and through a previous miscarriage, the Lord comforted me with the hymn “What ‘Er My God Ordains is Right.” So powerful for uncertain circumstances and trials of many children! , the scripture in Psalms 46:10 came to my thoughts often “Be still and know that I am God”.

My husband and our three-children will continue to stand up against abortion. We will not become complacent or desensitized, but instead will recall how shocked Owen was when he found out that abortion is not only legal, but often recommended. We will speak up for the millions who cannot speak for themselves. We will be advocates for the prolife movement. We will vote accordingly. We will march. We will pray. Will you join us?


Katie Agate

Katie resides in Pittsburgh, PA with her husband and three children.  She is a former teacher and now runs her own consulting business.  Katie and her family attend Grace and Peace Church.


For more information on the March for Life visit marchforlife.org

I love watching others' companies grow as I make their branding and communications clear, cohesive, and engaging.

I now have a team of graphic designers, writers, and social media managers; however, everything is overseen by me, and I have my hand in every aspect of my clients' requests. Check out what Katie has to offer at her websitekatieagateconsulting.com

 Unveiled and Unified

(January 2021)

 As a stay-at-home mom and a military wife, I have been journaling for a few years now. I hope through expanding into writing articles, to be an inspiring voice of encouraging those who read. As I write, I am overwhelmed by the gracious and undeniable love of God and encourage others to explore His love through journaling and writing, also. This is why I am writing these words that are on my heart to you. I hope that you are truly moved by God’s voice in your journey of being unveiled.

Marriage is the topic that is on my heart to share with you. Marriage is a relationship that we hear many voices speaking about. These voices will often try to direct us to what the fulfillment of marriage is supposed to look like. Most of what we know about relationships are often influenced by the environment we grew up in and our culture. That is why it is so important to God that we understand His heart on what He created. Yes! Marriage was created by God and it was the first relationship that He gifted to mankind. Therefore, in marriage, we must yield first and foremost to His inner voice and His Word to cultivate the right kind of connection. Marriage is sacred to God and with His guidance it will be such an amazing union to be a part of.

Love is such a big and beautiful statement to express to someone, and as the years pass it will require both of you to grow and sacrifice for the win of having a vibrant life, unveiled, completely open and bringing glory to God. It is easy to reveal strengths with your spouse, it’s our weaknesses and shortcomings that we work diligently at hiding in our relationship. This, unfortunately, leaves important areas of our hearts unhealed and may eventually resurface in our marriages causing any hidden areas to be much more damaging and hurtful.

Genesis 2:25 says, “and the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.”

According to God’s word, it is the unveiling or openness of a husband and wife that will cultivate a blessed marriage. The imperfections and shortcomings we face are a part of being human so don’t hide them from God or your spouse. I am here to encourage you to reveal anything hidden in the difficult or tempting seasons your marriage will face. Marriage was never designed to be a covering or hiding place. Coverings breed shame and because marriage is not a covering, hiding won’t be a sustainable way to receive peace. This will only leave you feeling more defeated. Remember, this is not God’s desire for you. When God found Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with coverings of fig leaves over their bodies after they had eaten the forbidden fruit, He asked, “who told you that you were naked?” We were meant to live unified together, unashamed and unhidden with God and our relationship with our mate.

There are many marriages today that are still in hiding. They have made coverings and have patched over hurting areas in secret where they won’t allow God or their spouse access. This shuts down the opportunity for God’s healing power to take up space in those veiled places so that His glory can be revealed in their exposure.

Sometimes, it’s as simple as holding a small resentment towards past hurts or relationships and we don’t realize it but that resentment begins to grow. Other times it’s keeping secrets, financial issues, or immoral sins that need to be brought into the light so we can be set free. It could even be just that you do not know where to start. If you’re reading this and that is your situation, I encourage you first of all ask God for help. Begin by being open with Him.

Then pray for your spouse and ask for simple next steps. It may be turning to your local church or pastor or it could even be reaching for resources such as books, marriage devotional or podcasts on marriage.

Remove the veil

Instead of hiding, let’s be moved to humble ourselves and submit our marriage to God’s designed plan. Take the journey of transformation together into whom God has already said you are in His Word. Matthew 27:51 says when Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the temple was torn in two. This veil was the covering that separated people from the holy of holies . . . the presence of God. Jesus’s death on the cross opened up the way for us to be unveiled and uncovered before God. No longer separated and now have a right relationship with Him like no one could before that time. This is a direct parallel of what happens when a marriage relationship is unveiled. By bringing the blood of Jesus and salvation into the relationship, we can begin to have the healing that is necessary for all the hidden places in our life.

This is the reason why it is truly beautiful and remarkable to be unashamed in our relationships. God wants to take two individuals to create one beautiful new unit. A unified marriage reaps heavenly benefits that will bring ultimate fulfillment and completion that is nothing like you’ve ever seen. He begins His best work of molding and forging new blessings in the fire for you. He is a refining God, who pulls out the reflection of His perfect heart in you, which brings the ultimate unity in your marriage.

I challenge you to remember, when there is nothing left to hide there is everything to gain. Allow God’s sacred and unfailing love to become your own. Cast aside the weights that have held your relationship down and start allowing yourself to walk boldly in reflection with Him, fully unveiled and unified with the original creator of Love.


Junel Wasmund

Janel is currently a stay-at-home mom and military wife. Journaling is a great outlet for her to connect with God’s heart for some of life’s biggest challenges. Through expanding into writing articles, Janel hopes to be an inspiring voice of encouragement to the world around her.


Big Faith