How do I make my wrapping stand out this Holiday Season?

(November 2021)

The Paper

First and foremost, the wrapping paper is key to your gift-wrapping success.  Finding unique paper is one of my many, albeit bizarre, joys in life.  I am a little embarrassed to say I have a wrapping paper collection and often must talk myself out of buying more.  I have two categories of paper, every day and Christmas.  They are kept in two different areas in the house and the two shall never meet! 

Today we will be focusing on Christmas gift wrap.  When looking for great paper I try to find a good variety in the same color family.  Coordinating but not matchy matchy.  I look for a few solids, larger stripes or patterns (or plaids), and then a few fun patterns.  By choosing paper in the same color family, you will create a visually pleasing experience.

     The Ribbon & Embellishment

This is like the “icing on the cake”.  Most people wouldn’t have cake without icing! There are many ways to top a present.  My preferred method is with real ribbon, adding a touch of class to your gift.  Many craft stores have good sales throughout the year, and it makes the supplies more manageable on the budget.  Remember to choose ribbon to coordinate with your paper selection.  Select two to three types of ribbon for the best results.  Solid colors go with more, but a fun pattern or texture is never a bad idea for interest. 

Using real ribbon is my personal preference and to me adds a classier touch to your gift wrapping.  In addition to ribbon using embellishments takes your wrapping to the next level.  There are many little “trinkets” you can use to top your gifts.  They can be store bought items, branches from your tree, berry branches, pictures, bells, pinecones, or even recycled ornaments.    

More Tips

Wrap as you go!  This is probably my number one rule during the holidays.  I enjoy wrapping probably a little bit more than the average person, so it is rarely a chore.  If you wrap as you purchase, you won’t get overwhelmed by it. After the kids are in bed pop on a show or even a Christmas Movie on and get to it.  You might even find it relaxing.

Boxing everything before wrapping will keep your gifts looking neat and orderly.  It will also make wrapping easier.  Using a gift bag is also an acceptable way to keep things neat.  Just keep in mind your color family when choosing your gift bags.

Use fishing line to tie on some of your embellishments.  Some of the odd shapes pose problems when it comes to attaching them to your gifts.  It is easy to hide, holds items well, it is an item you may possibly have around the house already, and it is not expensive.

Use envelopes to “wrap” gift certificates, gift cards, or those pesky printouts of the gifts that didn’t come in time.  Perhaps invest in some nice envelopes that coordinate with your gift wrap theme and don’t be afraid to tie some ribbon on there!

Create a wrapping “station” during the holidays.  I have a small bin that I keep a pair of scissors, plenty of tape, all my gift tags, a pen, ribbon, and some envelopes.  I prefer the bin because I am often moving around with my wrapping.  This way I know where everything is and never have to go searching for it.  And if others need to wrap anything they need only look in the bin for the supplies. 

Holiday Wrap Up

At the end of the year, I do save what paper I have left.  I try not to over buy since I do enjoy creating a “vibe” with my paper each year.  The following year I will assess what I have a lot of and usually I will work that into my color family.  If I have a little, I will use if for a white elephant or something that is not going under my tree.  I have a wrapping paper bin that gets put into storage with my Christmas decorations and it is safe and sound until next year. 

Get creative and figure out what works for you!  Take your gift wrapping to the next level and make it pretty!

-Nichole Falavolito – Make Things Pretty


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 “How to respond to criticism?”

(July 2021)

Receiving criticism is usually not high on one’s list of favorite things.  It is often awkward, uncomfortable, and can seem unfair to the person receiving it. However, it is an unavoidable part of life.  So how do we deal with it?  James 1:19 is a perfect example for us. -You must all be quick to listenslow to speak, and slow to get angry.

1. Quick to listen. It is important to be quiet and listen to the person criticizing. Whether they are right or wrong for criticizing you, firing back immediately without even listening, isn’t going to help. Quiet yourself. You might learn something.

2. Slow to speak. after taking it all in maybe take some time to think on it. Reflect. Pray. Determine if this is actually something that needs to be corrected and what the proper steps of action are. And follow up with the person who has delivered the criticism with a constructive conversation.  

3. Slow to anger. This is a big one! It is natural to get defensive when criticized. Anger usually follows the initial criticism. I believe this is a learned skill and takes time to develop.  But following the first two points are great ways to start the process. Not shouting back or aiming to wound the other person and taking time to think and respond.  Even if there is anger at first you won’t spew it all over the criticizer.

Also remember just because a criticism is brought to you, doesn’t mean it is true. Taking time to pray and reflect on it may reveal this to you.  However, if the same criticism is brought up repeatedly it might be a good sign you need to reflect a little more. 

-Nichole Falavolito


We would love to hear from you!  Got a tricky problem?  Need advice on this or that…  Let us know what has been puzzling you. Submit on our contact page. HERE


 What is the simplest way to budget money so that I have a little left at the end of each month...and maybe save a bit?”

(January 2021)

Managing money is one of the most important things we do for our family.  It is essential to honor God and important to sustain the household while preparing for the future.  The simplest effective way I’ve found to do this is through the 10/10/80 method.

It is really easy to understand and do, although it will take some discipline.

Each payday honor God with the first 10% of your gross earnings...take it to the church.  Thank Him for the increase and ask His blessing on the remainder!

Next, put the same amount into savings.  The rest?  Spend away...bills, food, clothing, household expenses, and all the other things that you need. 

And, when the 80% is gone, you are done spending until next payday.  With a little thought and planning you can make this work for you! 

We would love to hear from you!  Got a tricky problem?  Need advice on this or that…  Let us know what has been puzzling you. Submit on our contact page. HERE




On Abby's Bookshelf