Kingdom Recipes

Lisa Leonard

Lisa is the wife to Michael and dog mom to two pugs. She is the Head Chef of the Leonard household. By day she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Science working as Data Analyst for a financial technology company.  By night she is cooking or baking something in a small group or her business. She has cooked and baked for the corporate arena and private small business. Currently, she is building her own cooking and baking party business called Cook, Bake, & Decorate with Aunt Cake, LLC. It’s like cooking and baking “with a twist.”   She enjoys hosting friends and family for meals and parties and learning to cook internationally while on vacation. She hopes you enjoy the recipes shared with you from her personal collection and those learned from around the world.


Burnt Bacon

(July 2024)

“Oh no! Deanna…the BACON!” We forgot to set a timer …and now… we have burned ALL the bacon. Did you ever forget to set a timer for something while cooking or baking? If so, I’m sure you are taking yourself back to that moment. I have made a lot of wonderful dishes and baked goods throughout the years. Some people have asked, “Have you ever burnt something?” Of course I have! We all fail in life, it is inevitable. The bacon was the most recent item I burned. It wasn’t even my bacon, it was Kathy’s.  She bought it for us ladies for breakfast.

I can't remember the first thing I burned as a child in the kitchen but if I had to guess it would be cookies. We made them all the time. Had I let that first burnt item stop me from continuing to learn to bake or cook in the kitchen, it may have stopped the purpose for my life. What I did instead is learn from these mistakes. Sometimes I have repeated them as people sometimes do. It was this past Spring 2024 that I burned Kathy’s bacon. We were all together getting ready to go on a women’s retreat early the next morning. A few of us stayed at her house so we didn't have to get up as early. She was so thoughtful to buy bacon and other items for us to have for breakfast. I thought I would help her out by cooking off the bacon that night, after she went to bed early. We had a long day ahead and we decided to move cars to Sharon's house that was two minutes away. That bacon had 20 minutes to cook, and I figured we had enough time. I did not factor in the excitement and conversation at Sharon's. When is the last time four women got together and spent less than 20 minutes talking? It takes our group of women 20 minutes to say goodbye to each other. I should have known this. I should have waited to cook the bacon until we got back.

In life, there is failure. Sometimes this failure is unavoidable and catches us off guard. It is how we react next that matters the most. God could prevent everything from happening in your life, but how would we learn to rely on him when times are hard. How would we know how to fight the next time? We would not know how to fight our battles in life. When Joshua died, the Israelites were in the Promised Land living a good life. God could have directed Joshua and the previous generation to kill or drive out all the enemy nations, but He left some on purpose. Without knowing how to fight off these enemies, the next generation of Israelites would have been unprepared. They would have been defeated by these armies if they were not taught how to fight. The obstacles God left for the Israelites helped to toughen up and build physical and mental strength in the people. It prepared them for the battles ahead. 

These are the nations the LORD left to test all those Israelites who had not experiences any of the wars in Canaan (he did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience): the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains from Mount Baal Hermon to Lebo Hamath. They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the LORD’s commands, which he had given their ancestors through Moses.
— Judges 3:1-4

Everyone deals with failure differently. My husband Mike looks at failure in a logical way. He sees the problem or failure, looks at his options for correction and makes that correction. I am more emotional about my failures and think about the people involved and how they are affected in the situation before seeing the options of a solution. Remember the burnt bacon? I was worried that Kathy spent her hard-earned money on the bacon and no one would have bacon the next morning. I dashed quickly to the store nearby at 9:00pm to buy more and cooked a new pack. I felt bad she spent the money, and I ruined it. Though I fixed the failure, it could have been prevented if I had learned from my previous mistakes of not setting a timer. No matter which path you take on failures in life, Jesus wants you to bring these failures to him and lay these problems at his feet. He will help give you a solution. That solution may be in the form of peace, forgiveness, or an actual answer to a problem you are facing. The important part is that you take this to Jesus right away. 

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
— John 16:13

The Holy Spirit will guide you in the answers you need to overcome your failures.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of his dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
— Ephesians 6:12

The enemy is waiting for us to fail so he can whisper lies to us.  

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
— Luke 10:19-20

 If I had let the enemy talk to me when I was young and tell me I couldn’t be a chef or that my skills were not good enough I would not be where I am today.

My failures have taught me to be stronger and wiser in life. I have learned from these failures and have been able to share with others to help them avoid these same failures. Sometimes we are in such a rush and forget those nuggets of wisdom from the past. Such as forgetting to set a timer and burning bacon. Your failures not only teach you to grow and be strengthened in yourself but are used in helping others. Having friends that have experienced similar situations is helpful to come alongside them to offer prayer and support. An army of one is weaker than an army of two or more. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Having prayer warriors stand with you in a situation will be your best defense against failures. Though you cannot avoid failures you can use the outcome for good. Burnt bacon can be used on a salad for a nice salty crunch and once you mix that with some ranch dressing you can’t even tell it is burnt. How have you used a failure for good in your life or someone else’s?

Here is a candied bacon recipe that is simple and versatile for any occasion. I made this for my New Years Eve Bacon themed party. I highly recommend doing a bacon themed party. It was a huge hit. Find every recipe containing bacon or bacon wrapped items and you cannot go wrong! And don’t forget to set your timer.

Candied Bacon


 · 1lb thick cut bacon

· 1 cup light brown sugar

· 1 T.  ground black pepper (optional)


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. On parchment lined cookie sheet, sprinkle the black pepper over all the bacon followed by the brown sugar. Bake until the bacon is cooked and crispy. About 25 to 30 minutes. Serve with your favorite melted chocolate, on a burger, for breakfast or with any meal.

Be the Icing on the Cake

(April 2024)

Have you ever eaten cake without icing? It is still sweet, but icing makes the bite in your mouth much sweeter. Most people would agree that they want icing on their cake. You can make a cake in three different levels of difficulty. You can bake it in a 9x13 pan and put the icing on the top. You can bake a single layer and take it out of the pan and ice the tops and the sides with icing. The other way is to continue with that method but add another layer of cake and icing. No matter how you slice it, the taste of cake and icing will be a sweet taste in your mouth. Adding value to other people’s lives is like a cake. There are many ways to add value to other lives depending on the gifts and talents God has given you. Do you use those gifts with those you know? Do you know what those gifts are? Have you even thought about what talents you have that will enable you to bless others with? It is possible you have never even considered this topic before. I bet you know a thing or two about cake either by making it or eating it. So, let’s see if cake can help you find your gifts and talents to add value to those around you.

The 9x13 cake of added value

If you have ever made a 9x13 cake or a sheet pan cake you would agree that this is the simplest way to make a cake. If you haven't ever made a cake, now you know! This is the way we made cakes growing up. You don’t have to take it out of the pan. You just let it cool and add the icing on top and it is still a delectable piece of cake. The 9x13 way to add value to other lives is using some commonsense values. These are gifts such as kindness. Opening a door for someone as they are exiting or entering. Helping a loved one with groceries. Taking someone to an appointment when they can't drive or do not have a vehicle. Helping someone clean a house when they had surgery or are elderly. Make lunch or dinner for a family. You can always pray for your friends, family, and co-workers. This is the simplest task that has the most impact.

Truly I tell you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
— Matthew 18:18-20

Don’t be afraid to sit with this person and pray with them and for them. Ask the person, “Can I pray for you?” Then lift their burdens to the Lord in prayer.

Single layer cake of added values

I am sure you have seen a cake from a bakery or that someone has made that is a quarter sheet cake or bigger. These are popular at birthdays or graduation parties. They have a beautiful design on top with icing covering the tops and sides. They also have a border of icing usually on the top and bottom. If you like icing more than cake this is the type of cake you will want to make. I have been to parties where people argue over the our corners. This level of adding value is still simple but adds a touch of “extra icing” on the side for people. Instead of making the person dinner you could take them out to dinner. You can watch their children for free so the parents can have a night to themselves. You can send a friend a card in the mail with encouraging scriptures. Give them a call or text to let them know you are thinking about them. Give someone a book that can speak to them during the season they are going through. Jesus added value to those he met daily. Jesus added value to his disciples by teaching them Gods commandments and scriptures. His love and teachings equipped them with knowledge they needed to continue ministry.

A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
— John 16: 32-33

His words and teachings also encouraged and prepared them for the grief that they would experience after his passing. You can also give encouraging words to others during hard times in their life. Such as a loved one passing or someone that is sick in the hospital. Sacrificing your time with someone and being there for them adds value to their lives in ways you may never know.

Multi-layer Cake

Imagine sitting at your table with a piece of five-layer chocolate cake. Five layers of cake and chocolate fudge icing. Surrounded by chocolate chips and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. This is a much higher level of difficulty, though it is not impossible for anyone to make. This is true of adding value with this level of intentionality. This degree of adding value is not impossible but may cause you to step outside of your comfort zone. The more you connect with people by inviting them to sit and talk is one way to add value. Sometimes they may not see each other until later in life. They may stumble upon a situation and remember a conversation you may have had that could help them.

A friend of mine told me during a conversation that I talk more than I listen. Ask more questions, and you will find more information about that person. I didn't think much of it at the time but the next time I was talking to someone I was thinking of her suggestion. I remembered what my friend said, and I started asking how that person was doing and what they were doing. That suggestion has helped me to be more aware when I am talking to others now. Time in life is so valuable. Giving a person your time will allow more opportunities. You can add value deeper into their lives by helping them work through a problem at work. They could be walking through a difficult time with their children or spouse. Our experiences in life help us to learn from our past to help others avoid mistakes. Sometimes we don’t even know what to say. When a person is in distress or having a problem all they may need is for us to listen and know that they are being heard. All too often everyone is talking, but no one is listening. You can add value to other people’s lives by being a listener. When you invest your time into other people’s lives and listen to their needs, you will see where you can lend a helping hand.

Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.
— Matthew 5:1-2

Some of these gifts are simple and need a little bit of your time, such as praying with someone. You can go one step further and take time to write out an encouraging word to someone and text, email or mail it. If you have more time, schedule a time with them. Spending time with someone to enrich their lives will add value far beyond that day. We all have different levels of gifts, and talents that God has given us to add value to other’s lives. How will you add value to someone today? Be the icing on someone’s cake and make their day a little sweeter.

Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
— Matthew 22: 37-38

The below German Chocolate cake is a favorite of my brothers. It can be made for all levels of difficulty. The easiest in a 9x13 and topped with the chocolate and coconut frosting. Alternatively, you can make it in 2-8inch round pans and fill the side and middle with the chocolate and coconut frosting. No matter how you slice it, it will be sweet and delicious!

German Chocolate Cake


For the Chocolate 

· 2 cups granulated sugar

· 1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour

· 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

· 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

· 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

· 1 teaspoon salt

· 2 large eggs

· 1 cup buttermilk

· 1/2 cup oil (vegetable or canola oil)

· 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

· 1 cup boiling water

For  the Coconut Frosting

· 1/2 cup light brown sugar

· 1/2 cup granulated sugar

· 1/2 cup butter

· 3 large egg yolks

· 3/4 cup evaporated milk

· 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

· 1 cup chopped pecans

· 1 cup shredded sweetened coconut

For the Chocolate Frosting

· 1/2 cup butter

· 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

· 3 cups powdered sugar

· 1/3 cup evaporated milk

· 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Heat oven to 375°F. Grease two 8 or 9-inch round baking pans or a 9X13 pan. I like to cut a round or rectangle piece of wax or parchment paper to fit the entire bottom. This ensures the cake comes out easily.

For the Cake:

Stir together sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt in large bowl. In a separate bowl combine the eggs, buttermilk, oil and vanilla and mix well. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix to combine. Stir in boiling water (batter will be very thin). Pour batter into prepared pans.

Bake for 25 - 35 minutes. Depending on your cake pan size, 8” or 9'' pan takes less time to bake. When a toothpick is inserted into the center and comes out clean or with few crumbs it is fully baked. For the 8” or 9” cool 10 minutes in the pan and then invert onto wire racks to cool completely. For the 9x13 pan just let the cake cook directly in the pan. If you want to take it out to ice the sides you may do so also after cooling it for 20 minutes.

For the Coconut Frosting:

In a medium saucepan add brown sugar, granulated sugar, butter, egg yolks, and evaporated milk. Stir to combine and bring the mixture to a low boil over medium heat. Stir constantly for several minutes until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla, nuts, and coconut. Allow the cake to cool completely before layering it on the cake.

For the Chocolate Frosting:

Melt butter. Stir in cocoa powder. Alternately add powdered sugar and milk, beating to spreading consistency. Add small amount additional milk, if needed to thin the frosting, or a little extra powder, until you reach your desired consistency. Stir in vanilla.

Cake Assembly for 9x13 pan:

When the cake is completely cool, spread the chocolate frosting over the cake first. Then place a small spoon full of the coconut layer on top and gently spread this over top the chocolate frosting. You may not use all the chocolate frosting if you make this size depending on how much icing you want on the cake. You can reserve the chocolate icing to use to dip with graham crackers or pretzels.

Cake Assembly for 2- 8 or 9-inch Rounds:

Once the cake has completely cooled, place one of the cake rounds on your serving stand or plate. Smooth a thin layer of chocolate frosting over the cake layer, and then spoon half of the coconut frosting on top, spreading it into a smooth layer. Leave about ½ inch between the filling and edge of cake. Stack the second cake round on top. Smooth chocolate frosting over the entire cake. Spoon remaining coconut frosting on top of the cake.

Healthy Next Steps

(January 2024)

Have you ever taken time to consider what is next for you in your life? Are you thinking that there must be more than this? Sometimes we get impatient and act on a decision before we are supposed to. Sometimes, we sit there waiting for something to happen and nothing does. What about your spiritual walk with God? Do you read your bible, go to church, serve others and yet you feel like something may still be missing? Are you lacking a deeper connection with God, your purpose, or others around you? So many questions to ponder. I am not here to give you the answers to these burning questions, but I do know one solution for you that has always worked for me. After prayer, I would take that next step that God has revealed to me. This prevented me from being stagnant and helping to propel my life in God and to help others around me. There are many ways to do this depending on the season you are in.  

In life, there is a time to wait on God and there is a time to move. When God says move, I would suggest that you move. You might not know where you are going, how long it will take to get there, or where the resources will come from to make it happen. You just need to have faith and believe that God will make it happen.

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
— Psalms 37:7

During this time of waiting, we need to make sure we are taking steps to hear what God is impressing on us. Sometimes we get into such a routine where life is calm, and every day seems to be going very smoothly. Perhaps nothing can upset you. The bills are paid, everything you need is provided, and there is nothing you would change. However, it’s in these times that the enemy is also waiting and watching us. He is getting ready to make his move if we are not careful. We need to make sure that we do not become stagnant in our walk with God that we ignore the enemy’s tactics. The only way to stay vigilant is to be in God’s word as we speak life over ourselves and others in the world around us.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have to the full.
— John 10:10

To stay alert from enemy attacks we must continue to take steps to know God more and more each day. The only way to hear his voice in your heart is to get to know him more. Let’s say you and your spouse or a group of friends go out to dinner with some people you didn’t know. The restaurant is rather noisy, and you are trying to talk to these new people you just met, but you can only hear bits and pieces of what they are saying. Most likely you would be leaning into the table to understand and hear what they are saying. After dinner, you decide to get dessert at an ice cream shop down the street. It is much quieter there and you can clearly hear everything they are saying. Now you can have a deeper connection and get to know the people better. If after dinner you only see these people occasionally, you may not know much about them. However, if you decided to have dinner with these new friends more frequently, you will start to form a deeper connection and understanding. God wants this deeper connection with us. He wants to talk to you daily, and He wants you to get to know him on a deeper level. The only way to do this is by setting aside that quiet time. This is a great next step to growing closer with God to hear his voice and listen to see what His next step for you is.

O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
— Psalms 139:1-3

Another next step you can take is by helping others to become closer with God. When you encourage others you strengthen yourself in your walk with God and be blessed by others. One of the best times I have had with others and God was a women’s retreat in Holland, MI. A couple of my friends encouraged me to take a “next step” and go with them on this retreat. I was a little concerned because of how much “quiet” time there was scheduled. In case we have never met personally, just know that I’m not good at being quiet. I just love talking to people. The Unveiled retreat is two full days of teachings, worship, prayer, praise, and journaling what God was saying to me. I would have to quiet my voice and my mouth long enough to hear what God was putting on my heart. I took a step of faith and attended. These two days were a transformative time alone with God, yet I was also surrounded by other sisters in Christ. This retreat was a time of complete vulnerability to give my undivided attention to God. He did not disappoint me. This was my next step in my walk with God to lay all my busy thoughts aside, to block out the noise of everyday life and allow him to minister to me. After this weekend I decided to schedule more quiet time with him and to invite others to experience the same thing I had the opportunity to do that weekend. This retreat has now become a new tradition for me that I will be making time for every year. During this time, God showed me how I can be a better wife, sister, and leader. He showed me the value of resting in him.

A way my husband and I take next steps together to become closer to God on a yearly basis, is to go on a marriage cruise with Family Life Ministries. This 7-day cruise has marriage sessions that allow us to get uncomfortable and build our marriage stronger. We are surrounded with Christian married couples of all ages sharing our daily struggles, learning from couples, and teaching others how we have navigated life’s roadblocks. This week is so fulfilling we don’t ever want it to end. This week doesn’t just strengthen us, but the knowledge we learn while we are there, we are able to share with our friends and small groups at home.

I realize you may be reading this and thinking, “Lisa, I cannot afford a cruise or a weekend retreat.” I know these may seem a little expensive, and they can be. You can also see them as investments into what is most important in life. There are other ways to invest in your relationship with God by joining a small group at your Church. Mike and I are in small groups to meet others, strengthen our walk with God, help others in their walk with God, and strengthen our marriage. Being in a small group will help you to step out of your comfort zone, talk about situations you are experiencing, and prevent yourself from living a stagnant life. Small groups allow others to help encourage you when you need that extra nudge in life. God uses others around us to help us through life. One small group helped me and encouraged me to take that next step to launch my business. I had NO CLUE what I am doing or where I should be going with it, but I knew that is what God was calling me to do. If it wasn’t for the encouragement from everyone, I may not have taken that next step.

He already knows you and He desires you to know Him. He knew you before you were formed, and He wants you to know what His plan is for you. You just need to keep taking those next steps to continue the journey He has for you. Taking next steps such as reading the bible, praying, worship, small groups, retreats, and seeking out friendships will help you to stay strong in His word and live a more fulfilled life. What steps will you take this year to move yourself forward spiritually, mentally, or physically?

For me, inviting people over for dinner is my favorite next step in getting to know others. Take the next step by simply inviting a new couple or some new friends over for dinner to get to know them. Here is a healthy and simple dish you can prepare ahead of time so you can focus on your new friendship or just some quiet time with God.

Baked Salmon Fillets with Dill


  • · 8) 8 oz. salmon fillet, skinless, boneless

    · 2-3 tsp dried dill

    · Salt and pepper to taste

    · 2-3 T. olive oil

    · 4 lemon wedges (1 whole Lemon cut into 4 pieces, seeds removed)


1. Coat the bottom of a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper with olive oil. Place all eight salmon filets on the baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and rub filets to coat with the olive oil. Sprinkle all the filets with dill, salt and pepper.

2. If making ahead. Stop here and put the salmon back in the fridge until the next day.

3. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes or until salmon reaches 145 degrees in the thickest part. Squeeze a quarter piece of fresh lemon over the top of each piece of Salmon.

Mixed Vegetable Medley


  • · 1 tsp spice rub & marinade (from fresh market) or Italian seasoning blend

    · 1 tsp chili powder

    · 2 tsp ground cumin

    · 1 tsp salt

    · 1 tsp pepper

    · ¼ c. olive oil

    · 2-inch piece, fresh ginger, peeled and minced

    · 2 garlic cloves, minced

    · 4 medium yellow onion, finely diced

    · 5 carrots, peeled & finely sliced

    · 5 celery stocks, finely diced

    · 4 fresh sweet banana pepper or 1 bell pepper, sliced, seeds removed

    · 12 oz frozen peas

    ·  3 oz fresh baby spinach,


1. In a small bowl, whisk the olive oil, spice rub, chili powder, ground cumin, salt, pepper, ginger, garlic. Mix well to combine.

2. In a large bowl, combine all the vegetables. Pour the olive oil spice blend over the vegetables and toss to coat the vegetables well.

3. Stove method: You can also sauté the vegetables in a skillet if you prefer. Once you toss the vegetables with the spice blend sauté all vegetables in a skillet until desired tenderness.

4. Oven Method: Place all the vegetables in a 9x13 pan covered with a lid or foil.

5. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 – 30 minutes or until the vegetables have the desired softness.

Sunrise Sunset

(October 2023)

It’s time for bed,” my mom motions for my brother and me to get to our rooms after brushing our teeth.

“But I’m not tired mom!” I exclaimed in a whiny voice.

“Lay down and you will get tired,” she would reply.

After she pulled my blinds down to shield me from the sun, still setting behind the hill beaming an orange and pink glow, tucked me in, kissed me good night, and closed the door. Down the hall I hear her footsteps to the kitchen to finish her evening dishes or simply relax from a long day. I would wait a few minutes and then sneak out of bed to peek out the window to watch the sun fall down behind the hillside. There is just something about a sunset that calms my soul.

Have you ever enjoyed a sun set? I don’t mean looking at it for a few seconds, then going about your evening. I mean really watching the sunset as it completely disappears behind trees or a hillside. It almost seems like the earth is sucking it down into the ground. Maybe you have been on vacation and watched the sunset over the water. Conversely, a sunrise looks like it is being pushed out of the earth, or a fireball coming out of the ocean bursting into the sky. It is these little moments in life I try not to take for granted.  

I grew up in Scottdale, PA on Wesley Chapel Road. My parents’ house was situated on the flat part of the rolling hills of Westmoreland County. I had the corner bedroom, which meant I got to see the sun rise and sun set depending on which window I was peeking out of. I rarely saw the sun rise, unless forced out of bed for school. However, I saw many sunsets in my childhood either by sneaking a peek out of my window or just enjoying it late into the summer days waiting for it to disappear so we could start a campfire.  As I journey into my adulthood, I still seek them out, but I do not see them as often as I did as a child. The colors of a sunset that is painted by the hand of God is indescribably beautiful every time. No matter how good your camera is, it will never match the exquisite colors the naked eye will see in that moment.

The one thing I love about sunsets is they are like snowflakes; no two sunsets are ever the same. At this point in my life, I live in a house that blocks both the sunset and the sunrise. However, I don't mind, because that is something that I try to make a priority when we are out and about or while on vacation.

Mike and I love to travel and though he is really good at packing our week full of activities and fun, I will usually try to see the sunrise or sunset a couple of times. One sunset that sticks out in my mind is when we were in St. Maarten. One evening, we decided to sit at a restaurant near Princess Juliana International Airport, which is on the Dutch side of the island. The planes fly in super close to the island and restaurants nearby because of the size of the island and shortened runway. It is considered one of the most dangerous runways at only 2.164 meters long, originally built for smaller planes. However, as tourism has grown over the years bigger planes are now landing there. As we got to see and hear all the planes flying extremely close overhead, we also got to watch the sunset over the Caribbean Ocean. A sailboat was far out in the distance just sailing along and at the perfect moment I got a picture of the sun setting with the boat dead center of the sun. It was an incredible shot!!  As I look at that photo, the moment and feeling of that night returns in my memory. The smell of the ocean, the laughter of people around us and the sounds of the planes overhead.

There is one sunrise I will never forget on vacation that I had an alarm set for 4am. Probably the earliest sunrise I have ever woken up for. When we visited Maui a couple of years ago, we went to the top of Haleakala National Park at 5am to see the sunrise. Wrapped in a bed comforter from the hotel and the warmest clothes we brought from Pittsburgh, standing up against a stone wall staring into the darkness waiting for the sun to appear in the mountains and the Pacific Ocean. This mountain is the southeastern portion of Maui and is 10,023 feet above sea level. The temperatures hover around 40 degrees Fahrenheit compared to the bottom of the mountain which is a consistent 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Hence the reason why we were wrapped up like it was the middle of winter in Pittsburgh! We stood there waiting for the sunrise as if we were all getting something for free. In reality we didn’t get anything physically for free, but spiritually we all got a free gift of God's beauty that morning.

There is a song called “Promises”, by Maverick City Music. Part of the song states, “…Great is Your faithfulness to me, Great is Your faithfulness to me, From the rising sun to the setting same, I will praise Your name, Great is Your faithfulness to me… ”

 Ever since I heard that song, I think about His faithfulness from morning until night. Enjoying God’s grace and blessings through all the small things in life. The next time you get to see the sunrise or sunset take a moment to enjoy his beauty and thank him for his faithfulness.

For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.
— Psalms 84:11

One of my favorite things to eat in the morning is donuts. It takes a lot of time to make donuts from scratch and I try not to make certain things at home so I can enjoy a treat out and about every now and then. I did come across these donut muffins one day and they are a quick and easy game changer for a donut. You bake them like a muffin and then roll them in the cinnamon and sugar. You can make them the day before if you want to, but they come together quick and can be baked for a morning sunrise if you can get up early enough. Enjoy these muffins with a cup of coffee or hot tea as you enjoy Gods beautiful sunrise or sunset.

Donut Muffins  


  • ¾ c. granulated sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • ¾ c. whole milk

  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract

  • ¼ c. vegetable oil

  • 1 ½ c. all-purpose flour

  • 2 tsp. baking powder

  • ¼ tsp. salt

  • ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg

    For the topping:

  • 2 T. butter, melted

  • 4 T. granulated sugar

  • 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray a muffin tin with non-stick spray.

  2.  In a medium bowl, beat 3/4c granulated sugar and egg until combined. Add milk, vanilla extract and vegetable oil. In a smaller bowl sift together all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Add the bowl of flour mixture to the sugar and egg mixture.

  3. Add about 1/4 cup of batter to each muffin tin. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

  4. While the muffins are baking, in a small bowl combine the 4 T. sugar and 1 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon and set aside until muffins have baked.

  5. When the muffins are completely baked brush the tops with melted butter and then roll in the cinnamon sugar mixture and set aside to cool. You can roll the muffins in the cinnamon and sugar mixture again after they cool, but the sugar will stick to the muffin best when they are still hot. Be careful not to burn yourself. May use two forks or tongs to roll the muffins in the cinnamon sugar mixture.  Enjoy with your favorite hot beverage at the next sun rise or sun set.

Breaking the Chains

(July 2023)

Clink, clink, as the gentleman squirmed in the chains wrapped tightly around his body. As I watched during a church service one day my heart couldn’t help but feel for this man who was bound. These chains were placed physically on him by the pastor as a representation of the chains that we allow ourselves to get entangled with in life. As he wiggled to break free it seemed that nothing would break the chains loose. As the pastor preached about the spiritual chains that surround us daily and the strong holds that are in our lives, this visual representation was all I needed in that season to help me understand the reasons for my difficulty. In that moment I so clearly heard God say to me, “Lisa, you don’t have to live this way.” The strong hold in my life at that current moment was the final semester of my Bachelor’s Degree. At this time I was almost done with my degree and going through an internship that wasn’t going as smoothly as I would have planned.

Tink..tink..tink..creak..BOOOOOM! the metal chains came crashing to the floor in a loud thud. As the pastor instructed the gentleman how to release the chains. This illustrated, when we allow God to guide and direct us, He will be able to break those chains that bind you. The tears from my eyes came crashing down just as hard as the chains fell on the floor. In that moment, I realized that I was almost done with that season of my life and the chains of homework, assignments, and projects were done! The flood of tears was a flood of happy teardrops knowing that I was being rescued again from the things of this earth that were binding me mentally and physically.              

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” 
— Galatians 5:1

The Lord God has set us free. Why do we enslave ourselves with life’s daily activities? Why do we choose to be bound and not free? Do you need rescued from the cares of this world? Stop now and ask the Lord to rescue you from the chains that are binding you.

For many years, I chose to feel bound for earthly reasons that had no validity.  I didn’t fully let the Lord lead, and therefore I was struggling and squirming as the gentleman did on the stage that morning.  When I finally hit a wall of sorrow, I knew from the foundation my parents laid for me, it was time to ask for forgiveness and surrendered completely to His leading for good.  I needed rescued. My God was there with open arms to welcome me again and rescued me from the poor decisions I have made.

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving for many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and our children.” 
— Genesis 50:20-21

He took what the devil meant for evil and turn it into something good. We serve a good God that always is there for us even when we don’t see it. He was working to provide a job for me even though I was stressing about it and has always been there to take care of me.

The next time you have a fork in the road of life, go to God and let Him lead you toward the correct path.  Don’t do what I did and follow other people’s paths, which at the time seemed like the easy route.  Our vantage point is limited on the earth, but when we let the spirit lead, He can see the whole picture and our eyes are opened much wider because of His direction.

As the service ended that morning and the worship team came up to sing, I had such a peace in my heart about the end of this season in my life. Though I didn’t know the how or the when, He did. After He rescued my heart yet again, the days and weeks to follow weren’t always rainbows and butterflies, but the peace was always there through each storm. He has blessed me with that same company for the past 5 years since the day I graduated.  Give Him the opportunity to break the chains that are binding you today. Lay all your cares at his feet and let him rescue you from any physical, mental, or emotional pain you may be going through in your life.

Fast forward to the present day, after those chains have been broken. Now that season has ended and another exciting season is upon me. I am stepping into my purpose and His plan for me as I am building a business to help people cook and bake and to teach others, so they can pass these skills down to the next generation. So just remember whatever you are going through is a season that God is teaching and preparing for the next season. Through all the stress and/or excitement of a season, step back as ask yourself, “What can I learn for the future in this current season.” Remind yourself that this is just a season and it will end and God is always walking with you through it all.

When I think of food being a chain, I think about a pretzel from Philly Pretzel Factory. We liked to get the big box of pretzels for parties in the past. They are so delicious and convenient when you have lot of people. Sadly, I do not have the exact recipe for Philly Pretzel Factory, but I have found one that is just as tasty when we want some at home pretzels. Make a batch of these pretzels into chains and as you break and eat each one, think about all the strong holds in your life that are falling off like chains to the floor away from you. Allow the Lord God to rescue you from all these strong holds.

Soft Pretzels


  •  · 1 ¼ cup warm water (115o F)

  • · ½ cup + 1 tsp granulated sugar

  • · 4 tsp active dry yeast (2 packets of active dry yeast)

  • ·  4 ½ cups unbleached flour

  • ·  1 teaspoon kosher salt

  • · ½ teaspoon iodize salt (table salt)

  • · 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

  • · ½ cup baking soda

  • · 4 cups hot/simmering water

  • · large pretzel salt to sprinkling on top


  1. Combine 1 ¼ cup warm water with 1 teaspoon sugar and yeast. Let stand about 5 to 7 minutes until yeast starts to foam up.

  2. In a mixer bowl, add 3 ½ cup flour, ½ cup sugar and both salts. Stir to combine evenly. With a dough hook, add the vegetable oil and the yeast mixture. Gradually add the last cup of flour as needed. (Add warm water if it becomes too dry.)  

  3. Put dough in a large bowl greased with a nonstick spray or vegetable oil. Put a dry towel on top of the bowl and sit in a warm area until double in bulk which is roughly 1 hour.

  4. After the dough has doubled in bulk punch down the dough and separate into 12 equal parts or roughly 2 oz balls. Set balls aside to rest and covered with a dry towel while you complete the remaining steps.

  5. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper, spray parchment paper with non-stick spray and set aside.

  6. In a large 4inch deep skillet or sauce pan, heat 4 cups of water and ½ cup baking soda on medium heat until the baking soda has dissolved. Turn heat to low.

  7. Whisk with a fork in a small bowl 1 egg with 1 tablespoon water and set aside with a pastry brush for an egg wash.

  8. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

  9. Roll out all the balls of dough into 24 inch rope. Make a U shape with the rope, holding the ends of the rope, cross them over each other and press onto the bottom of the U in order to form the shape of a pretzel. Repeat with the remaining pieces of the dough.

  10. Then, dip each pretzel in the simmering water and baking soda solution for 30 seconds for each pretzel.  Remove pretzels with a slotted spoon leaving most of the excess water behind. Place on the parchment covered sheet pan. Repeat until all 6 have been soaked in the baking soda water solution. Then, brush each tops with the egg wash and sprinkle desired amount of salt on each pretzel.

  11. Bake pretzels for 8-10 minutes. Remove from pan immediately to prevent sticking to the parchment paper. Repeat this method for the final 6 pretzels.  

No one takes Just one Bite

(April 2023)

Have you ever been in a house where someone is making cookies? You are waiting patiently in the living room or in the kitchen until they are done baking. The sweet smell coming from the oven is painful while you wait for 10 whole minutes for them to come out. They come out but are going to burn your mouth if you try to eat one too soon. So you wait…another 5 minutes to let them cool. Finally, the moment you have been waiting for is here you get to sink your teeth in to a still warm but gooey soft cookie. Are you going to take just one bite and put the rest of the cookie down and walk away? I bet you’re not! No, you are going to devour that whole cookie faster than it took to bake it. So why don’t we do this with our faith? We get one taste of His goodness and then something happens and over time we drift away.

You’re probably thinking, how can you compare cookies and Jesus? Well, truthfully, I am always talking about food, because it is how I relate to many things in life. We need food to survive in the literal sense and we need Jesus to survive for our eternal wellbeing. In John 6:35 it says,

…I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and who ever believes in me will never be thirsty.

Do you remember when you were a child or the first time you heard about Jesus? Were you not hungry for more? You wanted to know more, and you wanted to tell everyone. Then over time that hunger may have slowly faded. Maybe you took it for granted or maybe life got in the way. Those teenage years and early college years are a huge adjustment for children. Childlike faith is a hunger to know more combined with a trust from a parent that they are getting served all the necessary skills and nutrition in life without questioning the parent. Why do we question our heavenly Father when He directs us where to go?

In Matthew 7:9-10 it says,

Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?

When answering a child’s request, have they ever questioned a drink or food that you gave them? Did they ever say, “Are you sure this food or drink won’t poison me?” Most likely not. Why? Because of the child like faith that all children have and the trust they have in you to provide for them. We need to always have that childlike faith with our own heavenly Father. We need to listen to Him and trust Him when He leads us. We can stop questioning Him. I know I have done this in my own life. If you are reading this and thinking the same thing, you are not alone in these thoughts. I can guarantee you there are many others that have done the same, because we have the enemy working overtime to put doubt and fear into our heads to cause us to question our loving Father.

As a child I remember, my dad would tell me on multiple occasions, “Lisa, you are not invincible.” To my obvious reply, “I know.” He told me this regularly because I would not pay attention to my surroundings. My childlike faith in my parents was so strong that I trusted my parents would always find me and because of this I would wonder off sometimes in a store or on vacation at the beach. I never thought twice that they wouldn’t come find me because of this childlike faith I had in my parents. As I got older, I matured, and learned the reasons for staying close. There are bad people in the world that are after small children. As all children do, they grow and mature in life. As we mature physically and mentally as a child we also grow spiritually when we first come to know Jesus. Though we stop growing physically we can never stop growing mentally or spiritually.

Children have not built up all the excuses that we as adults have in life. So, it is easier as an adult to make an excuse for what God wants you to do. I know I have been through these many times. Most recently, I have overcome a long-time excuse by launching Cook, Bake, & Decorate with Aunt Cake, LLC. The Lord has put it on my heart for many years to have a company that teaches others how to cook, bake, and decorate in the kitchen. Unfortunately, due to so many excuses I made I didn’t follow His direction.

Is there something that the Lord is putting on your heart and you have been making excuses  to not follow through with? Take this opportunity today to make a step in the right directions to fulfil what God is calling you to do. Are you scared and do not know the how, where, when, parts to get this plan into motion? Grab your closest friend and tell them what God is calling you to do and ask them for help. That is what I did but I did it in a small group setting. In Mark 3:14-15 it says,

He appointed 12 that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have the authority to drive out demons.

We were not meant to do life alone. If you are reading this and say, I don’t feel like I have anyone I can talk to, I don’t really have many friends. Join a small group, as Jesus did with his 12 disciples at your local church and you will have many friends to rally around you.

I have included an easy orange drop cookie recipe you can bring to your small group or friend’s house. When I make these cookies, some of them don’t even get the icing on them because my husband, Mike eats a few before they even cool. I promise you they will be listening to you because they will be eating your cookies the whole time you tell them what you need to share. No one takes just one bite.

Orange Iced Drop Cookies


  •  1 cup unsalted butter, softened

  • 1 cup vegetable oil

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 cup powdered sugar

  • 2 large eggs

  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • zest of one orange, finely chopped

  • 4 ½ cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 teaspoon cream of tartar

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda


  • zest of one orange, finely chopped

  • Juice of one orange

  • 4 tablespoons butter, melted

  • 4 cups powdered sugar



    • Beat, using a paddle or electric hand mixer, the following : 1 cup butter, vegetable oil, 1 cup granulated sugar and 1 cup powder sugar until combined and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Scrape down the bowl. Add eggs, vanilla extract and zest of one orange, finely chopped.

    • In a separate bowl whisk the flour, cream of tartar and baking soda until well combined. Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix until just well combined. Do not over mix.

    • Drop by teaspoons onto a parchment lined baking sheet pan. You can use a #40 ice cream scoop which will yield approximately 45 to 48 cookies. Space the cookies about 2 inches apart because they will spread out. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 8 to 11 minutes. Cool on a rack completely before spreading the icing on top.

Drowning on Dry Land

(January 2023)

Have you ever jumped into a 15-foot pool never thinking you would touch bottom? Then when you do, you quickly head back to the top, so you don’t run out of air. You can see the top, you can see the light from the sun bouncing off the water, and you feel so close to the top, yet still be so far away. It feels like you are never going to reach the place to take another breath. Your heart starts pounding so hard from the energy you are exerting, and the pressure is so strong you can feel your heartbeat in your head as you frantically swim toward the light. You keep telling yourself, “Hang in there, you are almost there. Just keep going a little further”

That is exactly where I was not long ago, but I wasn’t in a pool. I was sitting in a Java class staring at a white board as my professor wrote out the Java code for that day’s lesson. He was clearly speaking English, but nothing…absolutely nothing made any sense to me in that moment. I felt like I was drowning in my seat. Have you ever felt like you were drowning in fear of the unknown of a hard season of life? I definitely have, more than once. It’s in those hard seasons that we learn the most about ourselves and how to lean on God for the answers. I learned in this particular season that if I would have listened a little more to God it may have not lasted so long. When we listen to His direction instead of our own wants and desires, the situations tend to go much smoother.

Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plan I have for you, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

After a back surgery that changed my life in 2006, I knew I needed to start to make some changes. I was devastated and downright depressed about it. This is where I starting to feel like I was under water. I felt like I was punched in the gut for a long time. Food is all I ever wanted to do and at the time the options were limited for the hospitality industry. After many tears, and countless mistakes the Lord directed me to an Information Science Degree. My husband, Michael Leonard, graduated from Penn State with the same degree in 2004 and had been working in the Technology world since he graduated. He encouraged me to get the same degree and in his famous words, “It will be fine.” This new beginning started for me in 2007. I decided to go back to school for many reasons, the main reason was to have a better work life balance and to have a schedule that aligned with our new marriage goals.

I don’t know why the Lord kept nudging me to do this degree, but it didn’t make sense in my mind. I kept saying to myself, “this is crazy, what am I doing? I should be in the kitchen. Those are just not my gifts.” But what I didn’t know at the time is that God was preparing me for something else and something else I did not know was I had gifts in this field that I was not aware of yet. Mainly because I never tried to do it. But what I DID know is that I have the MOST supportive husband. This was my new beginning that was a domino effect of other new beginnings. When you listen to God’s direction and follow, He will take you through doors you never even imagined.

I had so many moments with God during this hard season that I could share, but the two most important things I can tell you are: I doubted my skills and He proved to me that when I needed help He sent the right people in my path to help me. I learned how to hear His voice on the inside and when I listened during a critical time, it led me to an internship that I would have never found on my own.

There were many times I wanted to quit, but Mike was the one encouraging me to finish. I would sing to myself some days, “..just keep swimming...” as Dory would sing in the movie, “Finding Nemo.” It just made me chuckle, but I knew I had to keep going. It was in those    moments, when I could see the light, but I wasn’t at the top of the water yet.

There was a particular day I was still struggling much harder than the days before. It was during my internship, I crashed a major ticketing system in the company (without knowing it of course), while doing what my supervisor asked me to do. He didn’t realize it would cause this type of impact. However he was also not willing to admit that it was his fault. There wasn’t much grace from him in that moment, and I felt like the next conversation was going to be that I was done working there. As I hid in the bathroom in tears, that is when I heard God speaking to my heart. “I have you here for a reason and I need you to trust me.” I just wanted to get my degree, and wanted what felt like a living nightmare to be over. By God’s grace as         

2 Corinthians 12:9 says “…My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

That same company later hired me on full time with a compassionate supervisor and I still work there today.

It took 12 years to finish a bachelor’s degree going part time, while working full time. In my fear and stubbornness, I dismissed His voice within and went a different path. Thankfully He sent messengers to coarse correct me. A word of advice here: When you have complete strangers advising you something that you know deep down isn’t what you are supposed to be doing, do not ignore that warning. In that moment, I knew I chose the wrong path, but in God’s grace and mercy there was still time to make this correction without too much loss.

Fast forward to December 2019, where I graduated and reached “the top of the water” if you will. I could finally breathe now. Not only was I able to breathe, but the Lord blessed me with a career that allows me to pursue my passion for cooking and baking. Also, I have found purpose through this new season. In the process, we found a great church, Victory Family Church, and many people along the way in the church that have encouraged me and gave me opportunities that I never even thought about. 

1 Peter 4:10 - “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

I didn’t see what God was preparing for me in my gifting, but the latest new beginning is being able to co-lead a cooking small group with a sister in the Lord. I am excited for all the new beginnings He has brought, and I know He will be bringing more to me in the future. In the words of  our Pastor, John Nuzzo: “The two best days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” I am excited to see where all my new beginnings go, and I pray that if you are reading this and haven’t been listening to God’s direction while in a season of struggle, that you get to a quiet place and allow yourself to press  into Him. He has the answers, and He wants to give them to you, but He gave us the free will to follow or to resist. Choose to be obedient and see what God has planned for you. The ride is much better when you listen to your Father.

In our first small group cooking class we made pierogies with four different types of fillings. I wanted to share this recipe with you all. This recipe came to me from a friend’s mother-in-law. It’s easy in terms of mixing it up and the tastes makes you feel like you are in a polish kitchen. Enjoy the final product, everyone is still talking about them from our group.


Pierogie Dough


  •   4 ½ cups all-purpose flour

  • 2 teaspoons salt

  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted

  • 2 cups sour cream

  • 2 large eggs

  • 1 large egg yolk

  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil


  • In a large mixing bowl, stir together the flour and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter, sour cream, eggs, egg yolk, and the vegetable oil. Stir the wet ingredients into the flour until well blended with a dough hook or by hand. Cover the bowl with a towel and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Separate the pierogi dough into two balls. Roll out one piece at a time on a lightly floured surface until it is thin enough to work with but not too thin so that it tears. Cut into circles using a drinking glass or a circular cookie cutter. Brush a little water around the edge of the circles and spoon 1 tablespoon of filling into the center. Fold the circles over into half circles and press to seal the edges. Place pierogis on a cookie sheet line with parchment paper and freeze. Once frozen, transfer to freezer storage bags or containers.

  • To cook pierogis: Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Drop pierogies in one at a time. They are done when they float to the top, roughly 6 to 8 minutes. You can cook the pierogis as you are making them but they will only take 4 to 6 minutes and are more likely to burst open if they are not frozen.

Pierogie Filling


  • 5 pounds of Russet Potatoes (You want a drier potato like Russet)

  • 1 stick of unsalted Butter, sliced

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • ½ teaspoon black pepper


  • Peel the skin off all 5 pounds of potatoes. Wash and cut into small dice pieces. Place the potatoes in a large pot of water that completely covers all the potatoes and still has about 2 inches at the top to allow potatoes to boil without boiling over. Bring potatoes to a boil and reduce to a simmer for 15 to 20 minutes until the potatoes fall apart when stabbed with a fork. Drain the potatoes and place in a large mixing bowl with a whip attachment. Add to the potatoes, 1 stick of butter, sliced, salt and pepper. Whip potatoes until creamy. **Do not add any liquid such as milk or heavy cream because it will thin out the potato filling.

  • Once you have finished whipping the potatoes you will end up with approximately 4 pounds of filling. You can leave it like this or divide it up into 4 equal parts to make 4 different types of filling. Options below:

    Potato and Cheese Filling:

    ● 1 pound cooked potato filling from above

    ● 8 ounce of sharp cheddar cheese or any cheese of your choice

    ❖ Mix the potato and cheese together until completely combined. Set aside until ready to fill the pierogis or keep in the fridge for up to 5 days.

    Potato, Jalapeno, and Cheese Filling:

    ● 1 pound cooked potato filling from above

    ● 8 ounce of sharp cheddar cheese

    ● ½ cup fresh jalapenos chopped very finely (or pureed in a food processor)

    ❖ Mix the potato, cheese, and chopped jalapenos together until completely combined. Set aside until ready to fill the pierogis or keep in the fridge for up to 5 days.


    Potato, Mushroom, Pepper, and Onion Filling:

    ● 1 pound cooked potato filling from above

    ● 4 ounces mushrooms cut very finely (about half of an 8 ounce package)

    ● 2 ounces green peppers (about ½ green pepper)

    ● 2 ounces onions (about ½ yellow onion)

    ● Seasoned Salt

    ❖ Cook mushrooms, green peppers, and onions separately in a skillet with a non-stick spray. Sprinkle lightly with season salt for each: mushrooms, peppers, and onions. Add to potatoes when all the vegetables have cooled down. Set aside until ready to fill the pierogis or keep in the fridge for up to 5 days.

From Seed to Soup

(October 2022)

For me the taste of summer is a bright red, freshly picked tomato from my garden, sliced at room temperature nestled in between two lightly brown toasted pieces of sourdough bread, sprinkled lightly with salt, pepper, and the sweet tang of Hellmann’s mayonnaise. As I bite into this seemingly simple sandwich, I think of how hard my husband worked to get me this simple delight.

This process of this simple sandwich all starts in March, from a tiny seed, in our basement. A packet of seed contains about 15 seeds. He plants each seed into its own compartment in the seed starter containers, filled to the top with the best potting soil, and watered each night and taken outside in the sun to start to become acclimated to the environment. With each seed he plants, he gives them all the same care and attention. Every plant gets the very best soil, ample sun, and plenty of water. However, some plants do better than others. Planting a tomato seed is like planting a seed in other people’s lives. You should always plant seeds the same for everyone you talk to. Always giving them the best care and the best advice no matter who that person is.

Growing up my parents planted the seeds of life in this very way to myself and my brother. Though sometimes we stray in life, having that foundation of good soil that I was brought up on, helps me get through the challenges that life often brings. We were taught to turn to Jesus, knowing that He is the author and finisher of our faith and that He hears our prayers and can help us through each season. The seeds my parents planted in my brother and I didn’t stop there. They continue to plant and to sow into other people’s lives which taught me as a young child to be generous and sow into others’ lives as well.

In 2 Corinthians 9:10 it says, “Now he who supplies seed to the Sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” Then in verse 13 of the same chapter it says, “Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.” God will blesses us when we sow into others, and I am living proof of that. With this gift of cooking and baking I have been able to sow into other people’s lives by sharing food or recipes. This simple act of kindness is the door that opens up hearts to plant seeds in people’s lives.

It only takes one seed for a tomato plant to grow, but that one plant will give you more than one tomato. The same is true when we sow into others’ lives. It is not just for that one person, but for many generations after. Remember to treat all the seeds you sow in others with the utmost care, never knowing how that seed will grow, but knowing you sowed the very best seed you could in that moment. Allowing God to do the rest of the work in that person as he does when we plant that tomato plant in the ground.

When the harvest is plentiful in our garden with tomatoes I like to make tomato sauce, salsa, and tomato soup. Though some of you may have tomatoes left over from your garden I know many reading this will not have left over tomatoes to make a completely from scratch tomato soup. However, here is a soup I created one day in the middle of winter, because I wasn’t feeling well and wanted some tomato basil soup. It was the best soup I created and I now it’s a requested soup from my husband and many

others. It pairs well with a grilled cheese sandwich and is my winter comfort food. Make a batch up for your family dinner and start to sow seeds around the table tonight.

Tomato Basil Cream Soup


  • (2) 14.5 ounce cans fire roasted diced tomatoes, can substitute regular diced tomatoes, undrained

  • 6 ounce can tomato paste

  • 1 tablespoon dried basil

  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled or ½ teaspoon of garlic powder

  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • 1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

  • ½ teaspoon smoked paprika, can substitute regular paprika

  • ¼ teaspoon dried mustard

  • 6 ounce half and half cream

  • 1 ¾ cups water


  • In a large bowl combine: both cans of roasted diced tomatoes, undrained, tomato paste, dried basil, garlic cloves or garlic powder, black pepper, salt, red pepper flakes, smoked paprika, dried mustard, and water.

  • In batches that will fit your blender or food processor mix the contents of the bowl until all has been blended together. As you blend the ingredients place in a separate bowl.

  • After this step you have 3 different ways of cooking the soup.

  • Stove Method: Add the half and half to the bowl of blended soup and cook soup on medium to low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Do not let soup boil or the milk in the soup will boil over.

  • Microwave Method: Add the half and half to blended soup in a microwave safe bowl. Cook on high for 5 to 8 minutes, stirring every 3 to 4 minutes, until desired temperature. Times will vary based on individual microwaves.

  • Crockpot Method: Add the half and half to blended soup and pour in your crock pot. Set heat to low for 2-3 hours. Check after 2 hours as crock pots vary with heat.

A Sweet Reminder

(July 2022)

Have you ever burnt yourself on the stove while you were cooking? I definitely have! When I was a kid, my mom kept warning me to slow down in the kitchen, but I was always in a hurry to the next thing. I was about 10 years old, and I was helping her cook dinner one evening. I reached over to grab the spoon to stir the food in the pot, and I bumped my forearm on the side of the pot and burned my skin. I have no idea what I was cooking at the time, but I do remember how bad it hurt and I was definitely screaming. To this day I have a scar on my left forearm that reminds me to slow down when I am doing things, or I will get “burned” or be hurt in some way.

Thankfully, I have only done that once on my forearm. The scar and the memory of that pain reminds me that I need to slow down, not only in the kitchen but in life in general. Sometimes the scars we have experienced are a good reminder to prevent mistakes like the ones we have been through in the past. However, scars can help others and prevent them from going through the same situation you have gone through. Scars can also give perspective as we help others heal after they have gone through a situation that we have already been through and learned from.

When I think about healing while going through a situation, first I turn to Jesus and thank him for his grace and love in all things. Then, I love to turn to friends and family, music, and of course some comforting food. Having family and Christian friends that can help me heal in a situation is something I thank God for every day. There have been many times that I have had others be able to help me and my husband through many difficult situations in life. These people were able to give me Godly counsel and comfort. If you have ever met me, then you know I LOVE my carbs. I tell my friends all the time that I have a friendship disclaimer: I am not that friend that can help you lose weight. I am that person however, that will make you some really comforting food in time of need and always be here to help you celebrate, heal, serve, and listen.

In music, when I am going through a storm or someone else is, I like to listen to or suggest them to worship to a song titled, “Praise You in This Storm” by Casting Crowns. A section I particularly like in the song is: “…. And I'll praise You in this storm, and I will lift my hands, for You are who You are, no matter where I am, and every tear I've cried, You hold in Your hand, You never left my side, and though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm..” I love these words because it reminds me that no matter what is happening, no matter the storm you are in, He is always with us, walking behind us.

In Psalms 89:8-9 it says, “Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule over the surging sea; when it’s waves mount up, you still them.” When the waves of life come crashing down on you and the storm seems to hard to bear, call upon Jesus he is always listening and ready to comfort. Allow God to speak to you to, to comfort you during a storm and see what he wants to teach you in this storm so that you can help others. Remember our scars are a reminder to help ourselves and others in the future. My scar still remains to this day on my left arm and is a constant reminder to slow down in all aspects of life.

Don’t forget to reach out to your Christian brothers and sisters for help. We were not meant to do this life alone. In my opinion, it will also be comforting if you take something sweet to share as they weather the “storm”. I have never been turned away, when I show up with a sweet treat. Below I have one of my favorite cinnamon roll recipes. Whip up a batch and enjoy them over coffee while you begin to heal through the storms of life.

Cinnamon Rolls

 Approximately 3 dozen


· 2 packets active dry yeast (1/4 oz. per packet)

· 1 tablespoon sugar

· ½ cup butter, melted

· 1 tablespoon salt

· 7 cups all-purpose flour

· 1 cup water (heat to 100-110 degrees)

· 1 cup milk (heat to 100-110 degrees)

· ½ cup sugar

· 4 eggs, beaten


· 4 tablespoons butter, melted

· ½ cup sugar

· 1 tablespoon cinnamon, ground

· Maple powdered sugar glaze:

· 1 cup maple syrup

· 8 cups powdered sugar


· Dissolve yeast in water and add 1 tablespoon sugar. Let sit for 5 minutes while you measure out the other ingredients and allow the yeast to bloom.

· In the mixer bowl add: ½ cup sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, and ½ cup butter, melted. Mix with a rubber spatula until combined. Add 2 cups of the 7 cups of flour and mix by hand, until completely combined.

· In a small bowl with the 4 eggs beaten, add ½ cup of the warmed milk slowly into the eggs while stirring the eggs, to temper the eggs. Then, pour the egg/milk mixture, the other ½ cup of milk and yeast mixture into the mixing bowl.

· Using the dough hook on the mixer, combine all the ingredients and slowly add the rest of the flour into the bowl until all is combined, and the dough is soft and elastic looking. Add more warm water if the mix is to dry. Scrap down the sides if needed.

· Place dough in a bowl that has been lightly greased with vegetable shortening or non- stick spray. Spray the dough lightly or rub the dough in the vegetable shortening to make sure it stays moist while it rises. Place a clean damp kitchen towel over your bowl and place in a warm area of your house Let the ball rise for 1 hour.

· Punch the ball of dough down in the center and divide into two balls.

· Roll out the first ball of dough and brush with 2 tablespoons of melted butter. Then sprinkle ¼ cup sugar and ½ tablespoon of ground cinnamon. Roll up the dough jelly roll style and cut one-inch pieces. Place on a greased cookie sheet about 2 inches apart to allow room for rising and baking. Place another clean kitchen cloth on top the cookie sheets and place back in a warm area to let rise for 1 hr. Repeat with the second ball of dough.

· Preheat oven to 375 degrees and remove the kitchen towel from the cookie sheets. Bake 15 to 20 minutes.

· To make maple sugar glaze: Mix maple syrup and powdered sugar together with a wire whisk. If glaze is too thick, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of water to thin out. If glaze is too thin add a few tablespoons of powdered sugar to thicken.

 Serving Spiritual & Physical Appetites

(May 2022)

When I think about serving others, serving food is the first thing that comes to mind. But serving others is much bigger than that!

Serving others may look different to each person based on their skills and how they were raised. Growing up I was taught to always treat others as Jesus treated those he met along his journey. Jesus served in many ways. Sometimes he served them spiritually, physically, emotionally, and sometimes it was as a meal.

Serving is always about going the extra mile for people and giving your time and talents for another person. While some people think cooking or baking is exhausting or difficult, I find it enjoyable and relaxing.

One of my favorite stories in the bible is In John 6:1-14, where Jesus fed 5000 people with loaves of bread and fish. When Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee, the crowd of people followed him, and Philip wasn’t sure how they were going to feed all these people. Not only did they have enough but they had leftovers.

I think about people that do not have much and look for ways on how I can serve them. I find that when I am serving others with my gifts and talents it will feel effortless. During the last Christmas season, I had the opportunity to provide a homemade meal and cookies for approximately 40 men, on behalf of Angel Ambassadors. As a team, we visited a few recovery houses in Butler, PA and delivered food, decorations and the gospel to them. Many of those we served did not have family supporting their situation due to past hurts. Serving a meal was nice, but the best part was feeding their souls with the word of God. There are some things only Jesus can do for them. Most people think what was accomplished sounded like a lot of work, but it didn’t seem like a lot of work to me, because I was working with the gifts and talents God has blessed me with. Feeding people physically is how I am able to open the conversation to talk to others about Jesus.

What talents has God blessed you with that you can serve others with? I challenge you to use your strengths and gifts to serve others around you. If you love to cook or bake, invite someone over to dinner that may be struggling or take a meal over to the person. They will certainly appreciate you serving them.

Below I have a recipe that I love to make that will feel effortless even if you don’t like to cook that much. Who doesn’t like tacos? Whip this up today and drop it off to someone in need.

Pulled Pork Tacos with Vinegar Slaw and Chipotle Mayo


Servings: 8-10

  •   5-6 pound pork butt roast

  •  4 tablespoons yellow mustard

  •  4 -5 tablespoons pork barrel BBQ - all American seasoning rub

  • Rinse pork butt under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Rub yellow mustard all over the pork covering all parts of the meat. Next, rub the pork barrel BBQ- all American seasoning rub over the mustard making sure to cover all parts of the meat. More seasoning and mustard may be needed depending on the size of your pork butt roast.

  • Crock pot directions: Place in crock pot on low for 7 to 8 hours until meat is between 200-205 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooking times may vary. After meat reaches 200-205 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the meat rest for 30 minutes covered. Then pull meat apart with two large forks.

  • Oven directions: Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place pork roast in a 4-inch-deep pan to hold the juices. Roast, pork butt uncovered for 45 minutes. Reduce the oven temp to 350 and continue to cook uncovered for 1 hour. Finally, cover pork roast with a lid or foil for an additional 1 hour or until the meat reaches 200-205 degrees Fahrenheit.


Servings: 8-10

  • 32-ounce bag coleslaw mix

  • 1 tablespoon onion powder

  • 1 cup cider vinegar

  • 6 tablespoons granulated sugar

  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • ½ teaspoon pepper

  • In a medium bowl with matching lid, whisk together the onion powder, cider vinegar, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, salt, and pepper. Toss the dressing with the entire bag of coleslaw mix. Place lid on and let marinate in the fridge until pulled pork is cooked. This coleslaw can be made the day ahead and is better the longer it marinates.


  • 7 ounce can chipotle pepper in adobo sauce

  • 30-ounce Mayonnaise

  • 2 tablespoons water


In a food processor blend the entire can of chipotle pepper in adobo sauce, 30-ounce Mayonnaise and water. Scrap down the sides at least once and pull up larger pieces of pepper. Blend until smooth. Place in the fridge until pulled pork is cooked. This sauce serves well as a dipping sauce for tortilla chips.


Servings: 8-10


  • 16 -20 (8 inch) soft tortilla shells

  • Pulled Pork

  • Vinegar Slaw

  • Chipotle Mayo

  • Chips and Salsa


    Place one shell on a plate, warm if needed. Top with 2 to 3 ounces of pulled pork, 1/4c vinegar slaw, and 1 tablespoon chipotle mayo. Serve with your favorite chips and salsa. Serve 2 tacos per guest for a hearty meal.

 Cooking Abroad

(January 2022)

 For some, cooking is a daunting task. It is a “have to”, not a “want to.” For me, though, learning to cook and bake has been an exciting journey that started standing on a chair in my mother’s kitchen rolling out dough. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

“Mom,” I asked, “Can I have an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas?” My mother loved to bake, and I was confident she was going to get that for me. But she just stared at me as if I asked a confusing question, then she smiled and said, “Honey, those Easy Bake Ovens produce terrible food, I will show you how to really bake in the REAL oven.” For a moment I was crushed, no child wants to hear no. But then my little brain just processed what she said. “YES!” I exclaimed.

This is where my journey began and, to this day, I credit my mom with fostering my desire to learn to bake and giving me the platform, I needed to realize my God given talent.

While I love to exercise the gifts God has given me, creating meals for my family while we are traveling is not always practical.  While I don’t mind the family enjoying a “ready to eat” meal, my urge to cook does not go away when on the road. It just takes a more conservative tone.

It says in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” I absolutely love using this gift to serve my family and others as we travel but there is also a more ‘practical’ advantage to cooking on the road.

On top of the expense of transportation and lodging the cost of eating out can break the budget. Cooking a few meals during our trip reduces the total cost of traveling and actually allows us to afford enjoying more activities during the vacation. To take advantage of this money saving trick, though, you must plan ahead.

When we travel, we look for hotels that have a partial kitchen to cook the meals in. At minimum, the room should have a range top, microwave oven and toaster. When making reservations, ask about cookware and dishes provided.

The first day we arrive, we will eat before we check in at the hotel. After unloading our luggage, I assess what is in the kitchen to ensure we will have everything we need. Kitchen items you may expect to be in there are sometimes not, such as a can opener or a cookie sheet. I then adjust our eating plan as needed and head to the store for food.  Keeping things simple is the key to saving money and still having a great vacation.

The following are a couple of wonderful meals we have cooked up while traveling.

Italian Chicken Stuffed Baked Potato

Servings: 4

  •  1lb. boneless, skinless chicken breast

  •  1 Italian seasoning dressing packet

  •  non-stick spray

  •  4 baking potatoes - found single in most product sections

  •  8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese

  •  8 oz. sour cream

  •  16 oz. broccoli, frozen


  • Potatoes: Prepare potatoes by washing the potatoes and poke a few holes in the potato with a fork. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Bake on a baking sheet for 45 to 60 minutes until soft. Once cooked set aside.

  • Chicken: Cut chicken into bite size pieces that are roughly the same size. Heat a large skillet to medium heat. Spray with non-stick spray and place all chicken pieces in a skillet and cook chicken until fully cooked. Set aside

  • In 4 bowls or plates, cut all 4 potatoes in half and top with 1/4th portion of the chicken, and 1/4th of the frozen broccoli. Cover and set in the fridge until ready to serve.

  • Ready to serve: When you are ready to serve. Microwave for 2 to 3 minutes and top with shredded cheese and sour cream.


 Ground Chicken or Turkey Tacos or Taco Salad

Servings: 4

  •  1lb. ground chicken or turkey

  •  1 packet of taco seasoning

  •  8 oz. of sour cream

  •  8 oz. of shredded cheese of your choice

  •  4 to 6 tortillas of your choice

  •  1 bag of shredded lettuce of your choice, 2 bags for Taco Salad

  •  16 oz. jar of salsa

  •  1 bag of tortilla chips or 1 bag of Doritos of your choice for Taco Salad


  • Cook the ground chicken or ground turkey until fully cooked and follow the taco seasoning directions on the back of the packet to finish cooking the meat.

  • Once ground chicken or turkey is fully cooked with the seasoning packet, divide into 4 to 6 portions in a bowl to reheat later. Judging ½ cup of meat will fill 2 tortillas per person.

  • Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge until ready to reheat. Reheat in microwave for 1 to 2 minutes when ready to eat.

  • For a taco: Take 2 tortillas, add to each tortilla, ¼ cup of taco meat, 1 Tablespoon of shredded cheese, 1 Tablespoon of sour cream, 1 Tablespoon salsa, and ⅛-1/4c cup of shredded lettuce. More can be added as you wish, but I keep recipes simple when traveling.

  • For a Taco Salad: In a bowl, mix 2 cups of shredded lettuce on a plate, add 1/2 cup of taco meat, 1 Tablespoon of shredded cheese, 1 Tablespoon of sour cream, 1 Tablespoon salsa, 1 serving of chips (about 14 individual chips). Mix all ingredients in a bowl until covered. Serve on a plate.

Cheesy Beef Pasta with Garlic Bread and Veggies

Servings: 4

  •  1 lb. ground beef, 90/10 fat content

  •  1 T. Italian seasoning

  •  2- 16 oz. jars of your favorite pasta sauce

  •  12 oz. box of your favorite pasta noodle

  •  16 oz. jar of parmesan cheese

  •  8 oz. cream cheese

  •  salt and pepper to taste

  •  frozen garlic bread

  •  14 to 16 oz. bag of frozen vegetable or 2 cans of vegetable of your choice


  • Cook ground beef with 1 Tablespoon Italian Season, until it is no longer pink. Add 8 oz. of Cream cheese and one 16 oz. jar of pasta sauce until cheese is melted. Divide cooked meat and sauce in 4 portions in another container. Let cool.

  • Cook pasta according to the directions on the package. Drain and divide into 4 portions, adding those 4 portions on top of the cheesy meat mixture. Add ½ cup of sauce from the second jar of pasta sauce until all the sauce is gone from the jar. Cover each portion and place in the fridge when it is cooled.

  • When you are ready to serve: Cook garlic bread and vegetables according to the directions on the package. For the pasta: heat in a microwave for 2 minutes, stirring after 1 minute. Depending on the microwave it may take longer to reheat. Continue until completely heated and top with parmesan cheese, salt and pepper as needed.


Breakfast Sandwiches with Fruit & Yogurt

Servings: 12

  •  1 loaf of bread or 12 bagels or 12 English muffins

  •  2 dozen large eggs

  •  12 slices of your choice of cheese

  •  12 pieces of pre-cooked bacon or pre-cooked sausage of your choice

  •  12 pieces of whole fruit of your choice

  •  12 yogurt of your choice - optional

  •  Yellow mustard or stone-ground mustard

  •  Salt and pepper to taste

  •  non-stick spray

To prepare Sandwiches:

  • Eggs: Scramble 2 eggs at a time in a small bowl and pour into a small sauté pan sprayed with non-stick spray, over medium heat, sprayed with non-stick spray. Cook until eggs are fully cooked. Season with salt and pepper as needed. Set aside and repeat until all 24 eggs are cooked. You can put them in a container or in a zip lock bag to reheat for breakfast when you are ready to eat them.

  • When you are ready to have breakfast the next morning. Toast 2 pieces of bread, 1 bagel, or 1 English muffin. Heat the egg, and sausage in the microwave for about 30 sec to 1 minute until hot. Place desired mustard on bread, bagel or English muffin, add 1 slice of cheese, followed by egg and bacon or sausage. Serve with fruit and yogurt. Repeat each day until all breakfast is gone. Have no fear, your eggs will be good for the next 6 days,


 Multiply One Recipe to Connect with Many

(November 2021)

 Nothing connects people better than bringing them together over a meal. My name is Lisa Leonard, and if you have ever met me in person, we probably talked about food in some fashion. From a very young age, my family would gather over food for a holiday, a family reunion, or maybe just because someone’s fruit trees or vegetable garden was ready to be harvested. I grew up in Scottdale, PA, where most of my neighbors were family with medium to large size gardens. This year my grandma’s apple tree produced a large crop of apples with which I was able to make four jars of apple sauce to share with family. The greatest joy I have now is being able to make it and give it back to my grandma and family since they are getting older and not able to stand and cook in the kitchen as they used to.

Sharing food with friends, family, and even strangers is where you will experience a deep connection with one another as well as create memories to last a lifetime. You will have many opportunities to learn from your guests and enjoy them during this time. In the bible, you will see countless times that Jesus often met with people over a meal. During this time, He deepened his friendships, welcomed strangers, and served the poor. In Matthew 26:17-30, His final meal was shared with His disciples at the Last Supper. Here, He reminded them of His love and equipped them with knowledge for the journey ahead. For larger dinner parties, Jesus gave this advice in Lk 14:12-14. “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, our relatives, or your rich neighbor; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

I challenge you to invite those that may be struggling this holiday season to join you as Jesus told the Pharisee’s. Below is a recipe that can feed your crowd of 12-15 and can be doubled or tripled. You can make it a day or two ahead of time and reheat in a crock pot or your oven.

There is something comforting about food that allows people to relax and share their deepest thoughts and ideas with one another. Don’t pass up the chance to make a connection this holiday season.

Red Sauce 


· 6lb 9 oz. can tomato sauce or 7-15 oz. cans of tomato sauce

· 6 oz. tomato paste

· 1 Tablespoon basil

· 1 Tablespoon oregano

· 1 Tablespoon parsley

· 1 Tablespoon fresh chopped garlic or 1 teaspoon of garlic powder

· 1 Teaspoon marjoram

· 1 Teaspoon ground bay leaves

· 1 Teaspoon salt

· 1 Teaspoon pepper

· 1/4 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Pour the olive oil, basil, oregano, parsley, garlic, marjoram, ground bay leaves, salt, and pepper into a medium size stock pot.

Then, place the pot on medium heat until oil becomes fragrant. Do not burn the garlic. Stir to prevent herbs from sticking. This should take about 4 to 6 minutes.

Then add the tomato paste and 6 oz. of water and whisk together.

Add tomato sauce and bring to a boil, then reduce to low for about 30 minutes.

Taste to see if more salt is needed.

Chicken Meatballs


· 2 pounds ground chicken 96% lean

· 1 egg

· 1 cup panko breadcrumbs

· 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

· 2 Tablespoons olive oil

· 1 teaspoon minced garlic

· 1 teaspoon salt

· 1/2 teaspoon pepper

· 1 teaspoon dried basil

· 1 teaspoon dried oregano

· 1 teaspoon dried parsley


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line a sheet pan with foil and coat the foil with cooking spray.

Place all of the ingredients n a bowl. Mix until thoroughly combined.

Roll 1 inch sized meatballs, and place the meatballs in a single layer on the baking pan.

Put a little cooking oil on your hands when you form the meatballs. That helps keep the meat from sticking to you and gives you smoother meatballs.

Bake for 20 minutes, or until meatballs are browned and cooked through, or reach 165 with a meat thermometer.

There are many ways you can use this recipe:

Serve in the red pasta sauce with your favorite pasta, and garlic bread or rolls with a side salad or on a hoagie bun with mozzarella/parmesan and bake until the cheese is melted and yummy!

OR...Serve the meatballs in another savory sauce alongside rice, couscous, or quinoa, and your favorite vegetables

OR...Cut meatballs in half after they are cooked to use as a hearty Pizza topping or toss cooked meatballs in your favorite BBQ sauce and serve with toothpicks





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