Daily Dose

Lynette Lyden

Lynette is a writer and the coordinator of VOICES Magazine who seeks to use her gifts and influence to encourage and promote aspiring writers.  Her Daily Dose blog has been an outlet for her to encourage readers to walk closer to God each day.  She is a wife, mother and grandmother who loves spending time and going on special outings with her family.


I Missed It?

(July 2024)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
— Proverbs 3:5-6

 It was just about this time last year, when my husband Jack and I were debating whether to join a group from our church on a tour of the Holy Land that would be leaving in mid-October. We had put off making the decision as long as we possibly could, unsure of the Holy Spirit’s direction. We wrestled with whether the timing was right since we had always planned to return "someday" but we didn't want travel to the other side of the globe without God being in the decision. One morning, during prayer, I sensed an unmistakable prompting from the Holy Spirit that this was the right time for us to go back.   When I shared, what I got in prayer with Jack, we signed up right away.

October came quickly and I was about to send out a message to my family and friends requesting prayers for our journey when, just two weeks before our departure, war was declared in the region. Disappointed yet grateful for our safety, we had to reevaluate our plans.

This is when the questions in my heart began to come.  The unexpected turn of events left us in a state of uncertainty. Had I missed it?  As I talked it over in prayer with my Father, I was reminded of the things that came up in my heart as I prayed over the decision to go on the trip.  I was sure He was pointing in that direction, and it was so clear to me at the time, but now, things looked very cloudy.  Certainly He knew what was going to be going on in that area at this time?

As the travel agency focused on evacuating current tours, our group quickly dispersed, and everyone received their refunds and moved on. Jack and I, however, remained convinced that God had a plan in motion. So instead of panicking, we prayed and waited for clarity.

In time, Jack was able to speak directly with the travel agency about alternative options. We learned about an Apostle Paul tour in a different region and felt immediate hope and excitement. We began praying to discern if this was what God had been planning all along. Through many steps of faith, we witnessed God’s hand at work, guiding us toward this new opportunity.

On the night before we booked the tour, I read the itinerary out loud to Jack.  As I went through the details of the trip, I became overwhelmed to discover that the tour included the Island of Patmos. This Island, of course, was not part of the apostle Paul’s journeys.  It was actually the place where the last living apostle, John receive the Revelation of Jesus while exiled there.  In 2018, God placed a desire in my heart to visit Patmos, something I had set aside as seemingly impossible. Now, God was bringing it to pass.  To say the least, I was choked up and could not finish reading the agenda.  Needless to say, Jack was confused and had no idea what was wrong with me.  When I told him the words, I had written down about going to Patmos, five years earlier, we were sure this was what God had planned all along.

We joined the tour with a Christian group called the Warrior Poet Society, that was scheduled for May 2024. We were excited about joining this group even though they were not from our church. It was the perfect set up completely orchestrated by the hand of my loving Heavenly Father.

I was thrilled about this trip and eager to see what God was going reveal to us through it. 

The time leading up to the trip aligned perfectly with my writing schedule. I started the book of Revelation for the Daily Dose blog at the end of January 2024 and began my journey months before the tour began. Bringing these events together at the same time was undeniable, showcasing God’s intricate design.

I couldn’t help but marvel at God’s working through this entire venture. His peace was evident every step of the way. We departed on May 4th, for a 12-day land and sea excursion of the Apostle Paul’s journeys through Macedonia and Greece with a stop in Turkey at Ephesus. This trip was more than a tour; it was a divine gift straight from the hand of God to give us a glimpse into what He has been planning for us even beyond this excursion.

As we traveled the roads where Paul the apostle walked, we spent time in Philippi at the site of the prison that was shaken at midnight while Paul and Silas sang praises to the Lord.

Next to the archaeological site of Philippi is a modern baptistry located on the traditional place where Lydia, the first European convert, was baptized by Paul.    

At Ephesus a passage in Acts was read about the place where the people of Ephesus cried out for two hours “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!” as we entered the Magnesian Gate into this massive city.

 At Corinth, we visited what was left of the ancient city where Paul addressed the crowds passing by.            

And at Patmos we went to the cave where the Apostle John was given the Revelation of Jesus Christ. 

Our trip ended at Mars Hill in Athens with the Acropolis in the background. We listened to a powerful message from Acts 17 about the “Unknown God.”  

I was inundated with the information and the history surrounding the many stops we made.  It wasn’t until we returned home, and I had time to process and reflect on the notes that I made along the way, that I came to realize the wisdom the Holy Spirit was showing me through this adventure.  This trip was taken from the beginning with trust, faith, and divine guidance. From the initial moments of uncertainty to the clear signs of God's leading, I experienced firsthand the incredible faithfulness of God’s Holy Spirit.

Trusting His Word

At first, it was about trusting His word, even before I knew what was going to happen. The timing was impeccable, and His guidance was unmistakable. As I look back now I am reminded not to lean on my own understanding in times to come but to trust in the wisdom and direction that the Holy Spirit provides.

One of the most reassuring revelations of this journey was realizing that the Holy Spirit always keeps His promises. Throughout Scripture, there are countless instances where God fulfills His word, and this trip was a personal testament to that truth. He put something in my heart years earlier about going to Patmos, a destination that I would never choose to go to on my own.  He was the one that made it happen in the timing that He planned all along.  All I had to do was keep following His leading until we got to that part of the plan.  If I had not taken time to get His direction on the Israel trip, I would have not been given the option of the Apostle Paul tour.  NO, this was a plan with a creative designer behind it.  There is no other explanation.

Next, there were moments of doubt and uncertainty when the original trip was cancelled, but the Holy Spirit reminded me that He is the One Who works all things together for good when following His lead. It wasn't by my strength or planning, but by His divine orchestration that everything fell into place. This affirmation gave me peace and confidence, knowing that as we follow His steps day by day, He can lead us to the greater destinations in life.

At this point, one of the most profound realizations is that we all have a choice. The Holy Spirit speaks to us, guides us, and leads us, but it is up to us to listen and follow. When we choose to heed His instruction, we align ourselves with God's perfect plan. This journey was a powerful reminder that obedience to the Holy Spirit brings about incredible blessings and fulfillment.

Throughout the past year, there were temptations to make decisions based on our financial concerns or fear for our safety. However, the Holy Spirit consistently reminded us not to let money or fear dictate our choices. Instead, we were called to trust in God's provision and step out in faith. This principle applies to all areas of life—when we prioritize faith over fear and make choices based on His Word and not on how much money things cost, we open ourselves to experiencing God's miraculous hand of provision at work.

Reflecting on this journey, I am filled with gratitude for the Holy Spirit's constant presence and guidance. His wisdom was evident in every step, from trusting His word to witnessing His promises come to pass. As I continue to listen and follow His leading, I am assured that He will make things happen according to His perfect will.

So today I want to encourage you to remain steadfast in your faith, making decisions based on trust in Him rather than on the circumstances surrounding you. The Holy Spirit is your faithful guide, and as you follow Him, you will experience the fullness of God's blessings and purpose in your lives.  When you do, you will not have to worry about missing it where big things are concerned because, He has a bigger plan than you or I can ever imagine.

What does it Mean?

(April 2024)

And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.  
— Luke 6:31

I think it was during 2018 that I was in a small group based on the book “Intentional Living” by John Maxwell.  It was the first time I heard this phrase: “Adding value”.  I have to admit that I didn’t get it at first.  It took me a while, but then I began hearing it more, so I took some time to get some revelation on the subject. 

What does it mean to add value to someone.  When I look at the word value, I think of worth or make worthy. So, to add worth to someone would mean that they are richer when they leave my presence than before our time together.  I am not talking about being richer in a monetary sense but enriched in their worth as a person.  Some examples of adding value to other is anything that leaves people feeling better, stronger, more insightful or empowered to accomplishment.  Helping others to be more joyful or more determined all the while experiencing refreshment and being reinvigorated.

So what are some ways that we can add value to others?  In the scripture above, Jesus tells us the secret to enriching every connection we make in life.  That secret ingredient is to do good for others in the same way and to the same degree that you would have others do for you.  In your kind words of encouragement, you are adding value to someone’s day.  In a kind gesture of helping or serving one another, your presence increases their worth in the time you spend with them. 

So, what are some practical ways we can “do unto others” as we hope others will help us?  Simply put, anything you do to help someone feel better or of more worth is adding value to them.  As mentioned above, a kind word or deed to help.  It can be an act of service to show that someone is important enough that you thought of them.  Could be an email or simple text to let someone know your are thinking of them and praying for them.  It can even be giving money to someone in need regardless of the situation or circumstances that got them into a predicament in the first place. 

At the root of all value added to people is love.  Jesus didn’t tell us to do for others only for the sake of doing something.  His heart and intentions always come from His core of loving people.  He wants us to love all people unconditionally as He does and in showing that love to others, He is then able to draw people to Him through our acts of kindness.

I know what you are thinking.  Many people would argue that doing to others as you would have them do to you is something that takes time.  Not just a little time but intentional time that most would be hard pressed to find.  However, I have found that God provides us opportunities in everyday situations that allow us to add value to others right in the middle of our busyness and it doesn’t subtract any time from the things we “need” to get done.  I would argue that it actually supernaturally increases our time because in doing unto others, you create a space for others to come along and help you with the calling you are purposed for in this world.  In reaching out to those around you and giving a portion of the minutes of your day, you are blessed and enriched in the process.  I like the way this thought is phrased in Proverbs:

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. 
— Proverbs 11:25

 I had considered at one point in my life, who am I  to add value to others?  I didn’t have much and mostly all I thought about was my own needs and the needs of my family.  Still, there is little cost in offering an encouraging word to those around you or doing a kind act as you are on your way.  Every person has something to offer that can add value even the little things that seem insignificant can make an significantly impact someone who is having a bad day or season in life.

So today I want to encourage you to be generous with your time, kind words, acts of service and your finances.  Add value to others wherever you are and increase their value by letting others know they are important to God, so they are important to you.  Don’t fall victim to the mentality that there isn’t enough time to do good to others.  If you do, you will rob yourself of the refreshment that you need to fulfil the purpose of your existence.

What’s Coming Up?

(January 2024)

I was on my way to sleep one night and as I began to drift off I was in that place between awake and sleep when I started to dream. In the dream, I was at the top of a staircase ready to walk down. As I stepped forward to take the first step, suddenly the distance shifted and became very steep. Instead of my original perception of stepping down easy, I was abruptly jolted back into consciousness as I felt like I was about to fall because of the shift in the depth of the step. As I lay awake, now breathing much heavier because of the disturbing images I had just seen, I considered how that dream was a perfect picture of what it sometimes feels like when taking next steps in life. You begin to move forward on a new venture or goal but when you take the first step forward, it looks much different than it did in the beginning. That is when you realize that you are not going to be able to do this next step without the help and support of God’s Spirit guiding you every step of the way.

What’s coming up?

In considering next steps, I have been thinking a lot about it, (even to the point of dreaming). Shortly after my dream, I was driving home from work and began thinking about what’s coming up next on my drive.   As I drove, I could see  ahead a little way a traffic light coming up. Then beyond that there was a row of houses. I could see pretty far down the road, even as far as the next curve in the road.

Life is often the same way. We can see what is coming up in bits and pieces. For example, it’s the new year and maybe you have set some goals and can see some changes coming up. Have you made some plans this year and can “see” a vacation or significant event that will be happening in the months to come? These are things we make plans for and try to stay on top of so when we get to the vacation or event, we are well prepared for the occasions.

I remember the apostle Paul at a point in his ministry that he was heading back to Jerusalem after visiting the churches he had started. Many people were trying to warn Paul about what was coming up for him if he continued on his course to Jerusalem. Things like he would be arrested and given over to the gentiles. Paul actually already knew that this was going to be the turning point in his mission, but he also knew that this was the planned path.

Then Paul answered, “What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.
— Acts 21:13

Finally, after this group had pleaded with him not to go, he couldn’t take it any longer and told them he was ready to face whatever happened there. He wasn’t about to run away from his assignment. Paul didn’t know every detail, but he did know what way to travel.  Being led by the Spirit of God assured him that he was on the right path even when things didn’t seem like they were working to his advantage.

After reading this passage, I considered again what is coming up next for me. I’m not talking about a vacation or even a special event but what do I know about the plan of God for my life in 2024? The Holy Spirit has dropped something into my heart for this year. He has given me a big assignment that I am already seeing parts of how it will play out and taking steps as He leads me. Much like my driving vision, there may be traffic lights I have to wait at or even make a turn from my current direction. There will be some scenery along the way and no doubt some severe curves and unforeseen hills and valleys. Does that mean I am not even going to start out in that direction because I know it will not be easy? No way! I am thrilled for the opportunity and know that the Holy Spirit’s empowering grace will give me what I need, in abundance every next step of the way.

What about you? Have you considered or even prayed about what is coming up next for your life and assignment from your heavenly Father? What great plan does He have for you to walk out in the new year? What awesome adventure has He put into your heart for you to reach the world around you. Yes, it may be scary to take the next steps in that direction.  You may misjudge the depth of some steps along the way, as I did in my dream. However, I promise you will not regret it if you see it through to the end. You are going to experience ups and downs in life no matter what course you take. Why not get on the path that He is leading you on and let Him carry you through the twists and turns. When you do, you will hardly notice the obstacles that get in the way. You will observe the “stop signs” and wait as He dissolves and defuses every roadblock that tries to block you.

Today I encourage you to pray about what's coming up next for you and His assignment for your new year! Take time to listen to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart. Thank Him for His leading and always keeping you on track with your life mission. Determine today that you are going to stay that course no matter what the difficulties may be. He will take you through to success and victory every time if you get on His planned path. Trust that He knows what He is doing and that He only wants to bless you every step of the way!

 Scripture reading: Acts 21:1-14

The “Ride” of Life

(October 2023)

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
— Psalms 118:24

 This is a message that I wish I would have known when I was starting out in life: Enjoy each day!

With all the pressure and fast pace of life, it can be so easy for people to get caught up in activities and responsibilities. Never even considering that enjoying the “ride” of life may need to be planned. It can be so easy to be swept away in the pressures of becoming successful, that taking time to enjoy life can become a low priority. I’m not talking about taking vacations and getting away from the hubbub of daily routines. I’m talking about enjoying life right in the middle of it. What would it look like if you enjoyed your life while you were living it? How would it feel to be inspired as you went to work each day. What would it be like if you enjoyed coming home to your family each evening. I’m sure you don’t have the perfect job or family; nobody does because there isn’t such a thing. The point is you can still enjoy the life God has given you even without the most expensive things or the perfect circumstances. Life is most often enjoyed in the simple things. The verse above says that we can enjoy today simply because God made it! How wonderful that is, yet how often do we actually consider that today I can enjoy my life just because it is a day that God has made and planned for me. You have heard the old saying to “take time to smell the roses” and how true it is. It seems that we have entered an age where we have to purposefully stop and set time aside to enjoy life before it slips away right through our fingertips.

The Psalmist goes on to say in verse 29 of Psalms 118 to give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. A thankful heart is also not only good, but a requirement for enjoying life. To look around and recognize the hand of God not only in the world, but in your life personally will produce joy and thankfulness. On days when it seems like there is no time to enjoy, purposefully spend a minute to be thankful.

In Philippians 4 it encourages us to rejoice all the time. It means to be thankful, kind and gentle. Not anxious or worried about where life is going but committing all to the LORD and trusting Him to handle it all. Then the peace of God comes and will guard against anything trying to steal your joy from you.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:6-7

The bottom line is that when you trust the LORD, you will find it easier to enjoy your days. This life flies by so fast. In fact James 4:14 says our life is as a vapor that is here for a little while then vanishes away. Its like steam or smoke. Now you see it, now you don’t. Even if you haven’t discovered the brevity yet, make the decision to enjoy your days now. If you do, when you get to the end of your time here in this world, you will look back and say . . . Wow! I really enjoyed living the life God gave me!!

I want to encourage you to make a plan right now to remind yourself each day to enjoy it. We make plans for our whole life about what we will do each day. Whether it’s work, play or making more plans, make sure to begin each day with the plan to be glad in it, be thankful in it and rejoice in it. Even when you are in the middle of storms and troubles, remember, your plan is to enjoy life and not let anything get in the way of that. Not by accumulating things and experiences, although they can be part of it. The main thing is that your heart is trusting in the LORD and rejoice because you know He is helping you to enjoy each day you are on this planet.

Read:  Philippians 4:4-9

With Me in Trouble

(July 2023)

When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.
— Psalms 91:15

I was stuck and I was going to have to be rescued! There was no getting out of this on my own. The icy conditions had taken me to a place I had not planned or wanted to be. I climbed out of the van to assess the damage. I had driven through an icy turnaround driveway and slid off the path right onto a telephone pole guide cable. As I looked at the side of the vehicle, I could see the wire completely wrapped behind the passenger rear wheel. I had to face the reality that I was going to have to call dispatch, my manager at the station and the police. UGH!

Not only was this predicament humiliating, but now all my morning deliveries were going to be late. Just how late I didn’t know at the time. I was not able to make my assigned drops on time, and there was also going to be a big expense along with a large dose of embarrassment.  I mean this was not the kind of event that my co-workers would let go of easily.

This was a big inconvenience and was going to completely upend my day. This evening was going to be the first small group my husband Jack and I were leading. I was hoping to be home early to make preparations and have everything ready and in place on time for the group. All hope of that happening was getting slimmer by the minute.

As I sat and waited for the tow truck and electric company to come to my rescue, I did the only thing that would help in the situation.  I decided to pray and press into anything the Holy Spirit wanted to show me. It ended up being a great time of revelation. God was finally able to get me to sit still long enough to recognize and deal with somethings in my marriage that I had been avoiding for a long time. It was perfect timing since we were beginning a group for married couples that very evening. I could have spent the entire waiting time calling people I know to complain about what had happened or scrolling on my phone and posting on social media. Instead, God was able to work good in the situation simply because I “called on Him”

Shortly after that experience I was reminded of this verse in Psalms 91. It says, when I call on Him, He will answer me. He is with me in trouble, He delivers me and honors me. Since that day, I now use this scripture as a reminder that He is close to me when I get myself into a mess so I call on Him.  Then He gets me out of the mess (delivers me) and on top of everything, He makes me look good (honors me) despite the messy circumstances.

 How true it is. We had a great talk while I was stuck there, then He sent the right people to help me. He made me look good with my co-workers and bosses because there was no damage or no lasting effects.  There also ended up being a weather disruption in service that day so my shipments were not considered late. The best part about it all was that I got the things settled with Him that were in the way. I was home in time to still have everything set up for the group and I was even closer to Him because I trusted Him to get me through. After that experience, I will always remember to call on Him any time I get into a crisis or personal struggle.

 Today, I want to challenge you when you find yourself in trouble, take time to call out to God.  Recognize that every setback, predicament and dilemma is a test you can pass or retake.  Be willing to sit quietly with Him to consider what He shows you in that time. Don’t let the “icy” conditions or delay in progress knock you off the course and plan He has for you. Wait patiently, praying with thanksgiving as He sends the help to rescue you. Then watch as He delivers you from the trouble and makes you look good regardless of the crisis you were in.

Lastly, remember that He wants to rescue you out of every messed up situation to put you in a place of honor and high regard. Thank Him for His presence and be willing to make any adjustments in your life that He reveals to you in that time. He will help you because God is on your side, and He is always faithful to answer when you call on Him!

Follow the Next Steps

(January 2023)

Behold, I will do a new thing, now it will spring forth; you will know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
— Isaiah 43:19

A new beginning! I’ve had lots of them, you probably have too! Of course, I had a new beginning when I ask Jesus to come into my life and save me, but I have had other new beginnings since then. When I became a mother and grandmother! Those were great beginnings! New jobs and promotions have always been exciting “new beginnings.” I have even had some sad new beginning. Some after a loved one had gone on to be with the Lord and some after failed relationships in my past. One thing I can always count on no matter what the new beginning is that my Father in heaven will lead me to and through each new beginning I face. Always step by next step.

My most recent new beginning came when I wasn’t even looking, but it has propelled me into the purpose that I was created for. Yes, I have been doing it for about four years now, but it has become my greatest adventure so far. The world has opened up to me in ways I could have never imagined just simply by following the next steps God has place in front of me. This newfound beginning and purpose is writing to encourage and empower others to walk successfully and stronger in their faith walk with God.

I didn’t always want to be a writer; in fact, I really would not have considered myself to be smart or educated enough. Growing up, I was never encouraged to seek out my purpose or God’s plan. It was implied and assumed that I would, but I had no idea how to go about it, nor did I understand that purpose is in place, but it is not automatic. If I had pursued and followed what I knew was right to do in life, I probably would not have ended up here and I would not have the life experiences and devastating outcomes that I now know and have to help others through. My pursuits were self-centered and independent minded. I thought I could make the right decisions without being accountable to anyone. I knew what was right for me and no one could tell me any differently. I know now that I was young and naive, and the truth was that I didn’t want anyone telling me what to do. Who does? Especially at the age of 20 when you think you know everything.

This went on for years and I ended up in one bad relationship after another. Always seeing the same outcome and differences in each connection. I was trying to live life by doing the right thing, but the sad part was that I was unable to do it on my own. I would

 surround myself with friends that didn’t have the same values as me and I would quickly cave on my standards.

Through it all, God’s blessing was always there. I would cry out when I was in trouble and in His faithfulness, He would rush in to rescue me. I knew most of by struggles were self-inflicted, but that didn’t stop me from calling on Him and it never stopped Him from running in to save me. I was blessed with three wonderful children, a loving husband and even with my rocky beginnings, they all gave their lives to the Lord and to this day are constant proof of God’s love and grace despite my rebellion.

Finally, I stepped into a place of submission to Him. My eye’s were open to the fact that I was unable to do life successfully without the help and guidance of God’s Spirit. When He was able to get me to a place where I didn’t want to make the same mistakes over and over again, I was at long last able to step into the close relationship with Him that I had been searching for my entire life. I truly learned what the fear of the Lord meant. I was not afraid of Him, but I was afraid of living life without His guidance and empowerment anymore. I stepped into a place where my greatest fear became missing His best for my life.

The real change came when I made it a priority to spend time with God each day and not just any time, the first part of each day. No matter what time I needed to get up in the morning, I added an hour before that to have a quiet time with Him. I was able to commit the day to Him and then I didn’t feel like I was chasing unattainable goals all day long. It was like the Holy Spirit started going before me into the day to prepare the way and things began to fall into place.

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable (irreversible/unchangeable).
— Romans 11:29

Many years have passed since that point of surrendering my whole life to Him and many things have changed. What hasn’t changed is the fact that God’s plan and purpose for my life was always there waiting for me to line up with it. He had actually woven it into my dna. I just didn’t know it.

His plan was always for me to reach out to and encourage hurting and struggling people. It’s His plan for all His people. I just didn’t realize the gifting that He had given me to step into it. After I had finally gotten to a place where I was consistent in my morning quiet time with Him, journaling was the next step. I would write every day the scriptures and thoughts that would encourage me in that time with my Father each morning. I began to review my journaling once a month and realized that it was very inspiring to read the words that had built me up when I wrote them.

Then one day, He put it in my heart to write a daily word of encouragement that I could put into a devotional for me to have in my quiet time. I started working on that immediately, but quickly became discouraged and overwhelmed. What did it matter anyway if I put the words into devotional format. I could just keep journaling and soon I would have many thoughts and ideas to reflect on. But He had so much more in His heart for me to become.

John Maxwell said: One of the best places to start to turn your life around is by doing whatever appears on your mental “I should” list.
— John Maxwell

Almost exactly one year later, I was compelled again to write the devotional. It came at a time when I was in a small group entitled “Intentional Living.” It was a book written by John Maxwell, and it forever impacted my life. When I came to the section of the book that talked about the “I should” moments in life.

As I considered this thought, I also considered that the Holy Spirit’s prompting inside my heart would often sound just like that. It was the very next day after reading that excerpt, that I had the mental thought: “I should write a daily devotional.” My immediate response to that was, I already tried that and it is just way to much for me to handle. Out of seemingly nowhere came the response: “You just need to become accountable to others to keep you on track.” This dialogue happening inside my brain continued as I questioned, “who would do that?” Finally, the solution came. Send out a daily message of encouragement email for 365 days to a small group of trusted friends and in 1 year you will have a devotional to put into print. Little did I know that the “small group” would grow into a large group by the end of one year. This forever changed my life and has empowered me to take many more next steps on my life’s journey.

What does your next step look like? Or maybe I should ask what “I should” are you hearing in your heart? Maybe it is “I should” start having a quiet time with God each day to get to know Him better? Could be “I should” start attending church regularly or join a small group to help me become more consistent in my faith walk and accountable in my life decisions. Whatever it looks like for you, don’t get overwhelmed. Know that God’s plan for you will be bigger than you can handle on your own so that He can work closely with you to accomplish it. He wants to walk with you to each next step to every plan and purpose He has made for your life, but it is up to you to ask Him to take your hand.

Today I want to encourage you to take a next step. Whatever that look like for you, decide right now that you are going to make the change and step into the great things God is calling you to. He will help and empower you to take that step and once you do, you will be on your way to walking with Him each day. Step by next step.


(October 2022)

Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. ~ Matthew 25:24

Have you ever been put in charge of something. Maybe at your place of employment or maybe at your church? What was your approach? What mentality did you go into the project with? Did it matter if you were doing it for money or just as a favor for a friend? Perspective is actually the intent behind your performance and outcome, whether good or bad. If you view a task as something that is not going to get you any recognition of attention, you may not do your best work. On the other hand, if you know you’re getting paid for the job, you may do it better, but if you get paid no matter how you do it, you may still produce second rate results.

There is a parable in the bible about this very thing and perspective plays a big part in the outcome. There was an owner who had employees and he gave assignments and responsibilities to them while he was out of town. Two of them happily multiplied in their efforts which would actually be giving them more work with additional effort than they had before the owner left. However, their labor paid off in recognition of a job well done as well as peace of mind that they did their personal best.

The third employee was afraid. A fear perspective will cause a person to withdraw and also to look out for their own needs.  In other words, he was concerned with his own business and nothing more. In this case, the person held onto and basically just maintained the responsibility he had been given. He did the bare minimum to keep his job and show that he still had what he had been given when the owner left. This action did not bode well for him. In fact, he was named a wicked and lazy person and what he had been given to manage was taken away from him.  He lost his power and he lost his position and in the end, he lost his job.

The difference between the three, I believe was an ownership vs. management/maintaining mind set. The two that were rewarded were named good and faithful because they multiplied what was given to them even though they knew it did not belong to them. The wicked servant’s outlook was there would be no prophet in it for him if he did anymore than the least required. However, he failed to consider that we reap what we sow. If you so a bad attitude and selfishness, you will harvest problems in life.

This parable was told by Jesus to teach us something from observing how the hired hands handled their mission. Whether it was financial, a business accounts or just some mundane tasks, the point is that the ones that did well, gave it their all. That is what is expected of us today, too. God has given us each assignment and also finances from our employment to be responsible for. He also does this on a personal level, so just because you are not being paid for a job does not entitle you to not do your best. His best blessing is held out for those who do their best no matter what the job is. As for the wicked and lazy? Well, this passage says everything will be taken away from them and they will be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing teeth. Doesn’t sound very pleasant at all.

Today I want to encourage you to examine the many gifts, talents and funds that God has blessed your life with. Are you doing you best in every area? Have you slacked off in areas that may not be as out in the open as some are? Are you afraid to take steps of faith that He may be directing you to because you cannot see a possible outcome? Your responsibilities include the way you follow Him in faith. They also determine where you stand in eternity.  This is not a works for salvation message, simply a message of  harvesting what you have planted.  If you plant hard work and faith you will reap the harvest of God’s best blessings.  If you sow bare minimum to get by, you will have a sorry outcome.  Consider what you attitude and heart you are living your life by and make the adjustments necessary to receive all the goodness God wants to ad to your life.

Scripture reading: Matthew 25:14-30

Battle Scars

(July 2022)

“Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving but believing.” John 20:27

Have you ever wondered why you go through struggles?  Why do any of us go through so many storms in our lives?  Doesn’t it seem like we are constantly stressing, worrying, or fighting against something or someone?  Why does life have to be so hard?

Today’s scripture is about Jesus showing the marks of His “battle” to Thomas.  He tells Thomas to look and touch them so that Thomas will believe that Jesus is truly back from death.  It seems like Jesus is disappointed in Thomas because he wouldn’t believe until he actually touched the print of the nails in Jesus’ hands.  But I believe this is in the scriptures for those of us who have the same issues that Thomas did; those of us who are inspired by the testimony of those who have been through a battle.  Jesus’ story/testimony was encouraging and brought life to the disciples again.  After Jesus died, they didn’t know what to do and how to go on with life.  However, when Jesus came back and told them His story and showed them His prints (the results) they were encouraged and had new direction and a fresh start.

So now we know the reason we go through battles, struggles, and storms.  It’s to persevere and get through to the other side with God’s help, so that we can turn around and show others our battle scars and tell the story of God’s faithfulness that got us through.  Then others who are currently in a storm will be encouraged and see hope for a future and fresh start.

Today I want to encourage you if you are struggling or battling right now, to find someone who has already come through a similar crisis successfully.  Ask them to share their story with you to stimulate new life in your circumstances.  If you are the one who has already come through some storms, ask the LORD to bring others across your path that may need encouraged and are going through similar storms that you have already been through.  Then be ready and willing to share your story/testimony of God’s faithfulness and show your healed wounds to encourage them.  Help others see hope to get through their storm and see the direction for their future on the other side of the crisis through your battle scars!

Today’s scripture reading:  John 20:24-29

Your Assignment

(May 2022)

‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.  Matthew 25:29

Have you ever been given an assignment either at school or work?  Sure, you have, we all have at one time or another.  A task to do what was needed to complete a project or a report to write that required time and research.  I know everyone has been given the assignment at some point in life to study for a test.  So, how did that go for you?  In my case I’ve done some assignments very well, but others not so much.  I suspect that is the case with most people.  I think it is fair to say that it would be extremely difficult to find someone who has completed every assignment in their life perfectly and on time.

Today’s reading is again about a parable (an earthly story with a heavenly principle) that Jesus told those who were with Him.  He told them about a man that was going to be traveling for a while, so he gave to each of his servants (employees) an assignment of talents.  One was given five talents to watch over.  The second was given two talents and the third was given the assignment to watch over only one talent.  When the master returned, he found that servants one and two had gone beyond the assignment they were given and had doubled their talent.  To which the master responds “Well done good and faithful servant.” He was very pleased with their report, but when he came to the third servant all that person had done was hid what was given to him so no one could benefit from it.  The master calls this man a wicked and lazy servant and takes his assignment to watch over one talent and gives it to the one that now has ten talents.

Here is another one of those kingdom of heaven principles that are guaranteed to be successful in this life.  Be faithful over little and you will be given more.  It is sad that there are some people and even Christian people out there in the world that do not want to increase in responsibilities and commitments.  Especially when it come to serving others.  Many and I dare say most are happy to live in their own little world with just “me and mine” and never step into the greater assignments in life because of hiding from their greater call.  Hopefully, no one reading this message falls into that category, but there is a warning in this passage if you do.  The master banishes the servant that was afraid and selfish and calls him unprofitable and useless.  He throws him into utter darkness of torment and anguish.

Today I want to encourage you to increase in your assignment to multiply your gifts and talents.  Wherever you can use them to serve others, take that step of faith.  Don’t worry about being compensated extra, do it because you are willing to go the extra mile to bless someone.  The Lord, who sees what you do in secret will bless you openly.  He will increase your opportunities and you will be able to continue to be a good and faithful servant of the most High God.  If you have buried your gifts in the past, it is not to late to turn this thing around.  Surrender your talents today over to your Heavenly Father and ask Him to help you use them in a way that honors and blesses Him and serves others.  He will lead you to the next assignment and you will be able to begin increasing all that He has blessed you with.

Today’s scripture reading: Matt. 25:11-30

 The Journey

(January 2022)

The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So, he divided his property between them. “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. Luke 15:12 – 13

We are all on a journey called life. Your journey may be different than mine and most likely is, but it is the path you choose to walk each day. Maybe you believe you have no choice, and you are stuck in the place you are right now, but the truth is, you always have a choice.

The parable of the prodigal son that Jesus told in Luke 15, pretty much sums up the journey I was on. Although I didn’t ask my parents for my share of the estate, mainly because there wasn’t one. My route out was marriage. I made the choice to get married at 18 and move to a state far away from the life I had up to that point. Again, I didn’t squander all I had, but I did marry someone who did. It was a bad situation, and at the end of four years, I found myself back in my hometown as a single mother working two full time jobs, trying to hold it all together.

I never found myself feeding the pigs, though I did live with a few along the way. One bad decision after another led me further from the love of my heavenly Father. Until I came to the point that I thought I was finally settled now in another relationship that was destined to fail. As hard as I tried to keep it together, there just wasn’t enough in me to continue on this journey going downhill faster every day.

Finally, I turned around and ran back to my Father, only to realize that he was there waiting and watching for me all along. I found myself in the same position as that prodigal in the parable:

“And I rose up and came back to my Father. But when I was still a great way off, my Father saw me and had compassion, and ran and fell on my neck and kissed me. I said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your child.’

“But my Father said, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on her, and put a ring on her hand and sandals on her feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my daughter was dead and is alive again; she was lost and is found.’ Luke 15:20-24

Now my journey looks a lot different. I follow my Father’s lead wherever He would take me. He has given me a new home and a new life. A wonderful husband and family and good friends. I am connected in and protected by the family He has placed me in…His family, the Family of God!

Today I want to encourage you to take a look at your life journey. Are you on the path your loving Father prepared for you, or have you taken a detour along the way? Don’t make the same mistakes that I made and try to figure this thing out on your own. Instead, turn your life over to His plan and walk out the journey He purposed for your life before you were even born. That is where you will find your joy and contentment in life and that is where you will know the reason you exist.

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 The Heart of a Giver

(November 2021)

 I always dreamt of being an extravagant giver!  You know, the kind of person that has everything and can afford to share it with those who don’t have as much or anything.  It was always a dream that I had for far off in the future.  Even though I couldn’t afford much back then, I made the decision to give right where I was. It became an act of faith as I trusted that God would add His blessing with the gift and multiply it into the life of the receiver.

One day I came up with a plan!  I began to set a little money aside to give when prompted by the Holy Spirit.  Then I thought, “What if I gave some kind of little message along with the gift?”  I began attaching a card with scripture to my gift.  This plan helped me to always be ready when the opportunity came to share with someone in need.  I thought this would certainly put me on the fast track to extravagant giving.

Still, I had heard stories about extravagant givers who would lavish others with grand presents and financial assistance.  My heart longed to be there.  Wouldn’t that be the greatest?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. ~ John 3:16

Because I didn’t know how to get there, I began to search.  I knew who the greatest Giver is, and I knew Him personally, so I asked my heavenly Father to show me.  I yearned for financial abundance so I could shower others with special awards and endowments.  So, you can imagine my surprise when He showed me that not only wasn’t I on the fast track, but I also wasn't even on the right track.  This line of thinking was way off from what the heart of a giver really looks like!

He started with the most well know scripture in His Word.  He said, “Because I loved the people of the world so much, I gave them the greatest gift of salvation through my One and only Son, Jesus, so that no person ever has to be separated from Me but instead could have eternal life with Me.” (my interpretation) This is truly the greatest gift and actually the gift that keeps on giving.  Although God gave the gift of His Son to the world one time for all people, I can continue to give this gift to every person that comes into my life. 

The greatest gift ever given is available for you to give every day of your life, too.  It is the gift of salvation!  It’s not about money and it’s not about sharing worldly possessions.  It’s not even about giving.  The motivation and inspiration behind the heart of the Giver is love!  It’s not: “For God so loved the world that He GAVE . . .”  It’s “For God so LOVED!”

The heart of the Giver is love.  Not a romantic love and not a fraternal love, but it is an unconditional, eternal love.  The heart of a giver loves unconditionally and without reason, and not only nice or deserving people, but all people!

God’s Word tells us, in the book of Matthew, chapter 5:25-48, to...

· Agree with your adversary quickly

· Resist an evil person

· Turn the other cheek

· If anyone wants to sue you let him have your cloak also

· Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two

· GIVE to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away

· Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father (loving unconditionally) in heaven.

So, now we come to the real question:  How is this accomplished?  How can I love others right where I am today and how can I share God’s love with them?  Thankfully, we don’t have to figure it out on our own.  God gives us great details in His Word of how to love others above ourselves without condition.

Of course, these are just a few of many scriptures on the subject, but through these we are able to get a good idea of how to love others as God loves us. We are created in His image, and that image is His love that was placed on the inside of each one of His people.  Romans 5:5 tells us that the love of God is poured into our heart by the Holy Spirit.  Wow!  That is extremely amazing!  God gives us His love to love this world, and we have the message of salvation to give them along with His love.

It turns out, giving can be a prayer, a present or a blessing, but an extravagant giver gives in excessive, beyond reason, love.  You too can be an extravagant giver because when you share the message of God’s love for people, you are deliberately placing that gift in a person’s hands.  Now it is within their power to receive, set aside for later, or reject that gift.  That doesn’t change the fact that you gave them the greatest gift ever.  This is the gift that costs you nothing because your Heavenly Father paid for it with the blood of His Son, Jesus.  Yet, it is available every day of the world to pass to others freely.

Today I want to encourage you to give extravagantly this holiday season.  Not necessarily in dollars, though it is ok to do so, but give extravagantly in love!  Not human love but God’s unconditional love!  Giving wrapped presents is great, but what truly matters is the heart behind the gift.  You have heard it said that it is the thought that counts, but I want to say it is the heart of the giver that counts.  Love all others this Christmas and give to them the greatest gift of love there ever was given . . . Salvation in the love of Jesus!

Today’s scripture reading: Philippians 2:1-4

 God’s Benefit Package

(September 2021)

 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Psalms 103:2-3

Do you have a benefit package at your place of employment? Most employers offer things like paid vacation, health, life and other insurance plans, personal and sick days and a retirement package, to name a few. They try to be the kind of company that make it beneficial for you to work for the long term. By putting together these benefits, they help you feel secure about your future as a part of the company.

Well, in our Christian life, we have a benefit package too. It’s true; God has set up a benefit plan for all believers, and He wants us to know up front what the benefits are of following and serving a good and gracious Father that loves and provides for His children. Even though eternal life through salvation in the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus is the greatest benefit-giving us entry into His Kingdom-He has provided so much more.

2 Peter 1:3 & 4 says By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. Because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. God has provided all things that we need in this life to complete the mission He has called us to. This scripture actually says that through the things He has given us, we can actually have a part in His divine nature. In order to accomplish that, we are certainly going to need some of His benefits.

1. He forgives all your iniquities

2. He heals all your diseases

3. He redeems your life from destruction

4. He crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies (my favorite)

5. He satisfies your mouth with good things to renew your youth

6. He executes righteousness and justice for all the oppressed

So let’s take a look at some of the benefits God He has given us that are listed in this quarter’s scripture reading. (Psalms 103:3-5)

Of course, there are so many more features in God’s benefit package. Every promise He gave in His Word, He has given to us to lead us through this short time here. His desire is for us to be successful in the things He has called us to do and the plan He designed for our life. In much the same way as you desire good things and success for your children, God desires that for each one of His children. Except, God’s blessing are on a much grander scale and beyond earthly limitations.

If you look at the short list above, you see that none of the items on it can be purchased in this life. You cannot buy the forgiveness of sin; you cannot buy God’s divine healing. Neither can you buy your life back from destruction. His living kindness and tender mercies? Not for sale. These are all benefits that can only be received from God Himself.

So now the questions is: Why don’t I see all these benefits in my daily life? In much the same way you would have to choose to use your benefits here in this world through your physical employer, you have to trust God for His benefits to show up in your life. You cannot expect all the benefits to automatically come. They come through your relationship with Him and time spent turning your cares over and then listening to any direction He may give to get you to the place where His benefits are.

For example, when you read through God’s Word, you see that almost every person that walked with God, had to take steps of obedience to get where God had placed their blessings and benefits. Abraham had to leave his home in Ur to go to a place he didn’t even know when he left. Jacob had to leave his home to go live with his uncle. Moses had to go back to Egypt to get God’s people out of slavery. David had to leave the sheep to go kill a giant in battle. The list can go on and on, but the point is, each one had to follow the direction he was given and the way they did it was by staying close to God and getting to know         His voice and His Word. This is where we find purpose in life.

Many of God’s benefits come from simply taking a step of faith by doing what is in His Word. This is the place to start. As you begin to follow God’s direction in His Word, you will begin to walk closer with Him and understand His love for you. Begin by setting special time aside to spend with Him each day and learn the things He has set up for blessings in His Word. Things like: Loving one another, honoring your earthly father and mother, reverencing and submitting to your husband and loving your wife as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her. Tithing and giving to those in need. These are not the easiest things to do and quite frankly, not many people do these things. They require faith in the One who knows how to get the most out of this life, that is the Creator of it.

Today, I want to encourage you to press into your Heavenly Father with a fresh sense of who you are to Him! Recognize that He loves you as one of His dear children and that His desire for you is to walk in all the benefits He has available. It is not about doing good works to get His attention; it is about giving Him attention and then following the trail of good works He sets in your path that leads you to the greatest journey in life. So the next time you wonder if it is God’s will or not, remember that God wants you to enjoy your life every day that you are on this planet. Stay connected with Him, the Creator of your day, to get the best of it.

Scripture reading: Psalms 103

 Creative Words

(July 2021)

 Let your “voice” be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.  Colossians 4:6

What are you listening to?  Many voices speak into our lives. (Many we are hearing that we don’t even recognize their impact.)  From family and friends to coworkers and acquaintances just to mention a few. Top that off with social media, music, youtube, news and television. Today’s culture is saturated in voices that, whether we recognize it or not, are influencing the direction our life is heading. No matter where we are, voices are speaking.  Some positive but most are negative. Some we let in by choice, but some are unavoidable. Sadly, most people seldom consider the influence these voices have on them.  Voices must be intentionally filtered.

Every voice you hear has the potential to inspire, motivate, deflate or discourage.  They can even cheer you up when you’re feeling down. It’s the same with social media and the news.  These voices can irritate you, cause you to be fearful and stir up emotions inside of you, both positive and negative.  The fact is that everything we see and hear is influencing the decisions we make in life, and we must constantly filter these opinions through the lens of God’ wisdom.

God used His voice as a creative force to make the heavens, the earth and everything in them.  If we follow His example, on a much smaller scale, we can use our voice as a creative force to speak life, hope and encouragement into those around us. 

One word of encouragement has the power to completely change someone’s attitude and perspective.  From the beginning and in the original state that God created people, filters were not necessary. God created voices to be creative the way His is. Therefore, voices today carry the power of creativity. We have the ability to use our voice as a creative force of encouragement, inspiration and excitement by complimenting, coaching and proclaiming. We can also use our voice to create disappointment, discouragement, fear even unbelief by criticizing, condemning and complaining.

Our voices are creative. If I speak to you and give you a complement it creates a sense of confidence in, you however great or small.  That confidence was created by just a simple kind word. If I speak words of correction over you those words can create direction but they can also create discouragement depending on the way it was delivered and the intent behind the heart.

The more discussion we have about voices the more we can see how important it is not only to filter the voice speaking into your life but also to selectively choose the voice of creativity you speak into the lives of others. The power of your voice is a double-edged sword piercing the ears and hearts of all who hear.

· Does this voice encourage and inspire?

· Does this voice discourage or condemn?

· Does this voice line up with God’s voice in His Word?

God’s word is full of creative words that you can voice into the lives of others.  Filter what you hear and speak through the light of God’s love, His wisdom and His Word. Consider what you speak and hear by asking yourself these 3 simple questions.

If the answer to any of these is NO, look for ways to filter them from your day.

Today I want to encourage you to make a choice… Choose what you will listen to and allow into your life and into your heart. Choose what you will speak into the heart of others. Decide ahead of time what creative words you want to use to inspire. Whether you are speaking to your spouse, your children, your friends or your boss, determine to be a creative voice of hope and inspiration always.

You have the God-given gift of creatively influencing and leading people through your words. Use your voice in a way that brings honor and glory to your Father in heaven.

Scripture reading: Colossian 4


Big Faith


From the Teacher's Desk