Make Things Pretty

Nichole Falavolito

Making things pretty is what Nichole likes doing in her free time.  When she is not enjoying her husband, two children, two dogs, and cats, she loves to make a big deal out of holidays, parties, & special gatherings. Nichole recently took a job as a professional organizer with Pittsburgh Neat. She hopes to show you fun ways to decorate, organize, & just make every day pretty!

Finding Beauty in Failure

(July 2024)

Failure is never the goal but sometimes it is the next best thing.  I usually describe myself as a perfectionist in certain areas of my life.  While I realize I am far from perfect it is often what I aim for when cooking, cleaning, organizing, gift wrapping, gift buying, decorating, and crafting.  I love to do things well and I love to find “hacks” to do things fun and creativly.  When I reorganize an area in my home better than it was before, I am often annoyed with myself that I didn’t think of that way in the first place!  However, I have to stop myself often, from going down a dangerous rabbit hole.  Most people will not even notice the little details.  In fact, they might not even notice the mistake you’ve made!  I’ve found this to be true over the years. And I can’t help but confess my mistakes and tell how I wished the project had gone instead of just letting others enjoy the alternate ending.  I’m working on that part!

A few Christmas’s ago I wanted to make a beautiful chocolate bundt cake which would be dusted with powdered sugar and maybe garnished with fresh greenery.  I searched for an intricate bundt pan that would produce the perfect cake.  After finding the pan, I researched some recipes and tips on baking bundt cakes, to ensure the best results.  At last, Christmas eve was here.  I followed the recipe meticulously.  Taking extra care.  When the moment of truth was upon me… the cake stuck to that beautifully intricate bundt pan and instead of a perfectly molded cake, I got broken chunks of cake.  My first frustrated thoughts were to throw the whole thing away and just buy something from the store.  It would be fine.  Maybe I would still be able to use the fresh greenery and make it somewhat what I originally wanted.  But the thought of going to a grocery store on Christmas Eve made me want to serve the cake just as it was, a chunky mess.  But the thought of that made me cringe.  So, I got creative and looked through the panty and fridge.  I had a box of chocolate pudding mix, heavy whipping cream, and some mint candy.  Sounded like a delicious trifle to me!  I whipped it all up and assembled the dish.  It wasn’t a gorgeous bundt cake dusted with powder sugar and a stunning greenery garnish…but it wasn’t half bad for the mess I previously created.  And bonus, it tasted great!  I did admit my screw up to my guests, due to my lingering disappointment, but if I had not said anything, they would have just thought we were just having trifle!So, remember we see our own failures up close and personal, but others might not see them at all!  They have their own stuff going on.  Do your best and stay positive and enjoy your failures as much as your successes.


The Best for Your Guests

(April 2024)

I always treat hosting like an event in my home. Whether it’s super close friends or people that are coming for the first time.  I love to make them feel special.

Here are some of my go to moves to make people feel welcome and treated like they are special guests in my home.

When Planning the event, even if it’s just a small quiet dinner party of four, I love to go over the top.  Fresh flowers, special napkins (I am partial to paper napkins-more variety and easy clean up), place cards, and sometimes menus at each plate. If it is near a holiday, I will use that as the theme for the evening.  when communicating with the guests that are coming, I like to ask if they have any allergies or strong dislikes. There is nothing worse than showing up to someone’s home and they are serving something you don’t like to eat! But out of politeness you choke it down or even worse you don’t eat it and they worked so hard on it! I believe it is perfectly fine to say, “actually we don’t love fruit and Nichole doesn’t eat sea food.” Your host might be surprised at your candor, but I am always happy and thankful to make something they would prefer to eat!

If they have children, I like to run the menu by then and make sure there is something for them to eat. Having kids of my own I keep Mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets on hand for picky eaters. Especially if we are eating more sophisticated foods. Again, nothing worse than having cranky hungry complaining children at your house!

If we are hosting a large event I will check for allergies and share the menu with everyone. I will always have a child option too.  These events are usually holiday related and make decorating simple.

When hosting a very large party I have liked doing a “potluck” style dining. I will make a list of food and ask people to sign up for certain types of items so not to have repeats and to have enough of each type of food. For these types of gatherings, I stick to table decorations. They have the most impact.

Important things to keep stocked or to have on hand:

-Always have napkins! And have them out. 

I’ve been to plenty of lunches and dinners where I’ve had to ask for napkins and sometimes there are none in the house.

-Check your condiments before people come. You never know what people like when they eat!

-Stock your bathroom! Make sure there is a spare toilet paper roll accessible. Also have a clean hand towel.  It’s also nice to have a toilet spray or air freshener.

Hosting is different for everyone and should look a little different for who you’re hosting.  You’re not a restaurant you’re a home! Treat your guests with love and kindness! Going the extra mile is always appreciated. Happy hosting!

Here are some quick do’s and don'ts

Do - Tell your guests everyone who is attending. 

Don’t—Invite people without letting guests know who will be there when they show up. It’s awkward and can ruin the evening for your guests if they thought they were going to have your undivided attention.

Do - Allow your guests to bring something if they offer.  Even if it’s something small like some butter for the bread! 

Don’t - Ask them to bring something if they don’t offer.

Do - Make something your good at making or have practiced.

Don’t - Make something you’ve never made before! It’s never fun to test out something and be upset with what you’ve made.

Do - Start cooking earlier than you think you should! You can always heat it up!

Don’t - Wait until the last minute to cook and be away from your guests when they arrive. 

Do - Play music! Maybe make a play list!

Don’t - Make the music to loud.

Do - Put salt and pepper out!

Don’t - Over season your food.

Do - Clean up before you go to bed! You’ll thank yourself in the morning.

Don’t - Let your guests help. 

Steps to an Organized Life

(January 2024)

A little over a year ago, I went back to work. It was something I had been considering from a while. Because I was a stay-at-home mom for 12 years, I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to do. I had gotten my degree in cosmetology, and I decided it wasn’t something I wanted to do long term. I have always loved interior design but even an internship requires a 4-year degree in design to get started. Over the years I fell in love with organizing. It seemed like a dream job to me. There was one company that I always watched for an open position, and one opened up at the perfect time. I applied and went through multiple rounds of interviewing and landed the job. It has been both a fun and challenging time in life. I enjoy the job a lot but balancing life at home can be difficult at times. Thanks to our family we have been making it work.

It’s that time of year again…Spring cleaning and organizing! Time to get rid of the old and organize what you’re keeping. Follow this week long list and get your home in order. If you are too busy to do it all in one week then do one day once a week.

Follow the checklist for each space in your home:




  • Declutter the pantry.  Take everything out and throw away expired food.  Wipe down the shelves before you replace items. Be sure to group food by type. *

  • Do the same for the refrigerator. *

* Baskets, bins, and lazy Susan’s are helpful to organize. *

  • Match lids to containers.  Throw unmatched ones away.

  • Assess accumulation of souvenir cups and water bottles.  As well as outgrown things such as kid’s items (bottles and cups/plates).  Edit them down to a manageable amount.


  • Pull out the refrigerator and oven and clean behind it.

  • Wipe all the cabinets fronts clean.

  • Remove items inside drawers and sweep the insides if necessary and wipe clean.




  • Sort through old mail and papers, then shred important documents you wish to dispose of.

  • Get rid of excessive amounts of supplies and asses what supplies are needed.

  • Clean computer desktop and email inbox.


  • Organize paper and mail into files

  • Make a system for incoming mail and papers for easy access and understanding.

  • Organize your books by color




  • Go through clothes and donate old and outgrown items

  • Get rid of old shoes or those pair you say you're going to wear but you never do

  • Clean out nightstands.  Move items to appropriate places.

  • Make sure under the bed is clean or organized

  • Clean ceiling fans and or light fixtures

  • Wash bedding

  • Collect all unused or unwanted items and donate or give away


  • Clean windows

  • Wash curtains

  • Wash and or sweep Blinds

  • Arrange clothes by type and color (hanging and drawers)



Living Room

  • Wash everything that is removeable and washable.  Throw blankets and pillows, couch covers, dog beds and blankets, and curtains.

  • Go through DVD’s and give away or donate unwanted or unused.

  • Clean in the couch and chair cushions.  Remove and sweep in the cracks.

  • Recycle old magazines and newspapers.

  • Dust picture frames.


  • Wash the windows and curtains

  • Move the furniture away from the walls and sweep and clean behind and under them.

  • Clean remote-control cracks and buttons


Coat Closet

  • Donate outgrown or unused items

  • Remove all items that do not belong

  • Move excessive amounts of shoes to appropriate places

  • Baskets or bins help to keep gloves, scarves, and smaller items together.


  • Arrange coats and belongings by person or by size

  • Give each person a bin or basket to keep everyday items in place



  • Wash bathmats/rugs and all towels

  • Clean in and around the toilets

  • Clean bathtub and tile (or wall) around the tub.  Clean the glass door if applicable.  A gallon of water a tsp of powdered tide, 1/4 cup of bleach, and a scrub brush will do wonders on your tile. (Not on marble)

  • Empty out medicine cabinets, drawers, and under the sinks. Throw away expired medicine, products, and items no longer needed.  Baskets, bins, and lazy susan’s work well to organize in these spaces.

  • Sweep and clean the floors

  • Clean sinks and faucets

  • Sort and organize linen closets.  Remove old items (Perhaps use as rags or drop cloths) Arrange into categories.  Baskets or Bins work well in this space as well.


  • Soak the shower head in vinegar to remove water stains

  • Clean the exhaust fans



  • Sweep out the garage

  • Get rid of old or outgrown toys

  • Go through old bins and label them for easy access

  • Sort tools and organize

  • Get rid of any unfinished projects or damaged items that will not be repaired


  • Wash garage door windows

  • Spray the floor clean


The key to cleaning well is viewing areas with a detailed perspective. Look all around, especially UP!


Making old Furniture New

(July 2023)

When I was a little girl, I longed to play an instrument.  Any instrument really, but I wanted to be a musician.  I begged my grandmother to let me have a violin that hung on her wall.  I remember listening outside my grandparents’ door while they discussed it.  It was a no.  We did get a flute and I taught myself how to play with the help of my mother as she had played when she was younger.  I enjoyed the flute and played all the way into high school.  I took fife lessons with some friends in middle school.  That was fun at times, but the hot summer parades and oversized colonial costumes eventually became too much to bare!  So eventually around seventh grade I started taking piano lessons.  I loved it.  I was way behind for my age, but I caught up decently.  We had a keyboard for the first few years that was actually kept in my room, but we eventually got a second hand piano from a family in our church.  It wasn’t anything special, but it was a real piano!  I stopped taking lessons at the end of my senior year of high school.  I still play sometimes for fun, but I’m rusty.

So when I had my own kids I decided that I get to live vicariously through them (it’s a perk of having kids… Am I right parents?!)   I would have them take piano lessons at a young age and we would have a piano in our house!  We ended up with my husband’s family piano.  It was not in the best shape when it came into our home.  I decided I wanted to paint it to fit in with our home’s decor.  I researched how to do it and watched some videos.  Eventually I got the guts to do it.  I purchased the supplies and got to work.  It took me about a day to do it, but I was so happy with the transformation. As well as new paint I changed the key cover pull knobs.   It stayed this way for about 3 years.

 And then, I got even more gutsy and decided I would paint it blush pink.  And I LOVED IT EVEN MORE!!  It is just enough color to make it stand out but not so much that it is something I will tire of quickly.  It has been pink for about 3 years now and I have no plans to change it.

Finding old pieces and making them new is an amazing way to keep some charm in your space and sometimes save some money.  Also, a nice way to keep family furniture around but make it fit your space better.  Go find some fabulous furniture pieces and reclaim their beauty. 

Children’s Spaces

Engaged and organized

(April 2023)

Children take up a lot of space in your home! They need a lot and like to have a lot of things! Making sure their spaces are visually engaging and organized can be a good way to have them help maintain and take responsibility for their stuff.  Here are a few spaces in my home that I have tried to make kid friendly to make our home function more smoothly.


Shortly after we moved in I removed the builder’s grade wire shelf and installed hooks at the children’s level.  Now, they can easily hang coats and bags.  We also have a few baskets for outdoor cold weather accessories such as hats and gloves so they can easily access them.  

Also, in this space I have hung weekly school schedules as needed and we have a large calendar so we always know what day it is.



Designating one cabinet for children’s items is a great way to have your children gain a little independence.  Being able to get their own water or help get a dish for snacks or a meal is a nice way for children to assist when your hands are full.  Selecting a lower cabinet for their stuff is ideal for safety.  I use the corner carousel cabinet that is tricky to store things in anyway.  I bought a few divided containers that fit that type of cabinet and they know exactly where their items are in the kitchen. Most importantly, they know where to put them away!


We are blessed with the space to have a room that is just for toys. Unfortunately, this does not mean the toys stay in that room! But all the toys have a place there.  Having an organized toy area is so nice. Start with labeled bins to help the toys get back to where they belong.  If your children are too young to read, try putting a picture of what type of toy goes in that bin, it is a good way to label as well.  When it comes to toys LESS IS MORE. Don’t take hand-me-down toys unless you truly love them. Having a lot of toys is not necessary or always a good thing. It creates clutter and children become bored with items they have at home. 

When holidays or birthdays roll around, I love to do a purge of toys with my children so I look for opportunities to thin them out. AND I also purge without them! I encourage them to make room for new things and to consider what is not being used and what we could give away to friends or donate to others in need.  The process is not always easy and it might take a few days for them to get use to the idea, but they usually come around after some time of consideration.  If they don’t want to part with many items but I know they no longer play with them or have outgrown them, I will put them in our basement for a few weeks and if they do not ask for it then I know they are ready to actually get rid of those. 

Organize in engaging way

Arranging by color makes children’s spaces very fun.  Rainbow order is an easy way to arrange, and children know how to put things away. You can put any things in rainbow order.

Recognize that children love structure. Designate some spaces today to engage them and make them appealing for your children! See how it goes!

New Surroundings

(January 2023)

I love color! Although, my home and attire are not super evident of it, I am becoming more embolden with the idea of color. I’m mostly a neutral color girl with some color here and there. I love a neutral home with a pop of color in a throw pillow or even a chair that is easily changed when I grow tired of it.  Even adding just a little new paint can give you the feel of a new beginning in your  new surroundings.

However, I do love color. I also sort by color. I love to decide the color of items. I love to guess the color of things. I even have a game about color.

So when it comes to paint, I love a good accent wall!  It is easy to change and so fun to pick. If the thought of paint or even adding a splash of color scares you, here are a few tips to take that anxiety away. Also it’s just paint! It is easily covered with a few coats.

1. Take the time to really think what you want the room to feel like or say.  Do you want a calm retreat, a loud energetic room, or a room that is neutral and blends with the surrounding.  Did you know there has been research on how color effects your brain? How it makes you feel? Check out the chart to learn more.

2. Get paper samples from the store, once you narrowed it down to one color family, and hang them in the space you will be painting.  I know some people think green is green but there are greens with a little bit of blue tone and greens with more of a brown tone and a lot of other greens with other tones! Look at them in various lighting, also. Natural light, with the lamps and overhead lighting in the area.  It makes a difference.

 3. Once you narrow it down to a few, get small samples of actual paint and paint it on the actual wall. This step is scary to a lot of people. But if you do it correctly, by keeping the edges thin when applying, it’s no big deal! Promise!  BUT this step is vital! It really seals the deal. It helps you pick the perfect color and allows you to see exactly what it will look like on the wall and in the lighting in the room.  Don’t be afraid to do a decent size swatch, so you can see the color.  But don’t go to crazy, since you will have to cover it when you paint.

4. Follow up to step three.  Sand the edges of the sample areas painted. You can prime over them as well if they are dark colors.

5. Finally purchase the paint.  Don’t forget the sheen. Eggshell is my go to. Not to much shine. 

In the short, picking paint is simple.  But the process is necessary and helpful. Especially if you are unsure about taking the plunge into a bold color.  New paint for your home could be the new beginning you are looking for this year.

Keeping in Touch

(October 2022)

This issue I will be talking about phone organization and also preparing for the holidays. Specifically, for Christmas cards! The holiday seasons will be here before you know it, now is the time to start organizing to be prepared.


How often have you needed an address while you are out and about? Or your sister has asked you for Aunt Mary’s address for holiday cards? Wouldn’t it be so nice to have them right at your fingertips? For years now I have been about to do just that. By keeping an address with each contact you have, you can too. Let’s get your phone contacts organized!

For years I have had my phone contacts organized and let me tell you it’s AMAZING. Also, so simple. This is the best time of year to do it with the holidays coming up. Here are some ways to beef up your contacts and make your life more convenient right at your fingertips.

1. Add address to contacts

2. Add Email address

3. Add Birthday (multiple if you desire. i.e. children)

4. Add any other important information you want/need to remember i.e. anniversary, favorite coffee drink, favorite place to shop

5. Even add social media names

•Compiling mailing list

I love sending Christmas cards. I start planning my card design a few months ahead of time as well as how I want the envelop to be addressed. I especially love when the stamps coordinate! I enjoy receiving Christmas cards too and especially when people add little details. I recognize all the effort and the thought that went into it. I do appreciate all the cards I get!

The best way to compile a mailing list for Christmas cards is by working from the cards you receive. However, I know that is not possible unless you saved every card from last year. Give yourself a grace year and start new this year. Make a list of people who are in your life on a regular basis, family members close and distant ones you know would enjoy hearing from you, coworkers, teachers, neighbors, church members… whoever you want to add. I save mine in a word document and update it each year. Throughout the year if I receive a letter with an address, I would like to send someone a Christmas card to. I save it to my contacts in my phone and refer to it while updating my list. This way I don’t have to ask them for it again.

•Compiling hand delivery list

I prefer to mail all of my Christmas cards. However, I know that is foolish sometimes. For example, why would I mail my neighbors cards when I can walk or drive them to their boxes? Also, my church, and I’m sure many others, have mailboxes for just such purposes. Since I do put thought into designing an envelope, I will address the ones that I hand deliver, too. Just for that special touch.

Take joy in your card! Whether it has a family photo on it or is a store-bought card, make it beautiful with presentation.

Be sure to mail in a timely manner. I like to send them out the 1st of December. I prefer the cards arrive in December. Also, early enough for everyone to enjoy! But I know November and December are VERY busy for most people and everyone has different priorities. So, if your card is getting pushed to the later weeks of December or even after Christmas, consider a New Year’s greeting card! No shame in that! Be unique! I promise you the time and effort of inputting your contacts address and even email address will be well worth it. Take this life changing step today and start those Christmas card lists today to make your holiday season fun and efficient!

Beauty in Service

(May 2022)

I personally have always been more of a Martha than a Mary. Of course, the Lord’s word is the obvious focus in life, however I am often distracted by the duties of everyday life, or even the aesthetics of a room.  So rather than push away what I believe to be a gift from God, an eye for beauty, organizational skills and using my hands to make beautiful things, I try to use them for the His glory always.  Serving our church in these areas whenever possible has been something I looked for, volunteered for, and am now sought out for on occasion.  

If your gifts are also in the aesthetic realm, here are a few ways I have been able to serve in my church.  I hope this will encourage you to serve in yours.

Decorating for fellowship or events

Each fall and spring our church has a fellowship event for the woman in our church.  There is a speaker, a meal, as well as a time for some fellowship among the women.  The spring event has turned into a bit of a weekend retreat the past few years. The event is held at a hotel and there is time of learning, praying, and of course some down time to fellowship with your fellow retreat goers.  I have decorated for the majority of these events for about 5 years now.  I attended one and simply said if there was ever a need for help in this area, I would be happy to lend a hand. The reigns were quickly handed over by a woman who was burnt out on the task.

Picking upgrades or being on committees for improvements

In more recent years our church building has needed some improvements.  People know I enjoy this sort of thing and I have proven to be willing from the event decorating, so I have gotten the chance to have an opinion or even take the lead. 

Making decorations for the church

I also enjoy crafting things with my hands. Finding beautiful things, especially on a church budget, isn’t always possible. So, sometimes making them the way you want just works out better.  I’ve been asked or volunteered to make anything From Christmas card boxes, faux flower arrangements, to random boxes for programs our church is running. 

The thing to remember when serving in the church, is that you are doing your best for the Lord. You are not there to serve yourself. Some things I’ve learned along the way that I would like share… wisdom perhaps?!  

· Don’t be afraid to have others come along side you to serve with their gifts.  I have learned this the hard way a few times. 

· When working with others, remember to compromise. When it comes to things like aesthetics, your way isn’t always the best and they too are trying to serve to the best of their ability. 

Serving comes in many shapes and sizes. Not all have to be giant tasks or huge commitments.  Here are a few ways to serve.

· Decorating 

· Cleaning

· Yard work

· Cooking a meal for someone

· Helping an older person to an appointment or in any way they need

· Babysitting for a couple who need a night out

· Using words of encouragement in a note

· Smiling!

· Using your professional career in anyway to serve anyone in the congregation 

Volunteer and see what happens. Ask those in charge and see what the needs are, you might be surprised that you are just what is needed to fulfill an area of service 

  For the Beauty of Travel

(January 2022)

Not only do I like to make things pretty I love to travel to pretty places. This quarter I will be talking about my favorite pretty places that I have traveled. Now that travel is becoming possible again, perhaps you can add some of these places to your list to visit this year.

Thankfully, God has blessed me with a husband who loves to travel and explore like it do.  He loves to plan trips as well!  We have been blessed to travel many places, so I am limiting this article to a few recommended locations, Mountain, beach, city, and Two international.


In 2020, like many other people, our travel plans were cancelled and greatly altered. So, we looked around for some locations in the USA that we both would find interesting, and my travel guide of a husband knocked it out of the park with Lake Tahoe!  It is now my favorite place in the US.  It is the perfect climate in the summer, no humidity, high 70’s to low 80’s, and the temperature cools to the 50’s each night. In my option that’s perfect! With the gorgeous crystal-clear lake and the Sierra Nevada mountains there are endless activists and sceneries.  We have not visited in the winter yet, but the climate completely changes, and the town turns into a snow town and a skiing destination.  

We took a guided horseback ride through the mountains and saw beautiful vies of the lake, took a boat tour of the lake and saw emerald bay, played golf on Edgewood’s Lake front golf course, had amazing food, lazed about in the shore, and saw the most gorgeous sunsets.

When I am asked beach or mountain… I always answer mountain!


I am not a beach person… having fair skin, a fear of what is in large bodies of watering what is in them, and a dislike of humidity and heat…the beach is just not for me. However, my family loves it, so we go often! Ha!  My favorite beach to go to is the Outer Banks in North Carolina.  I like it because there are a lot of things to do and see that are not at the beach.  We have not been for some time, but the activities are less tourist and more timeless and about the beautiful land itself.  

The Elizabethan Gardens are wonderful and a nice way to spend an afternoon.  The Wright Brothers Memorial is both fascinating and beautiful.  And if you get lucky like we did and go on National Parks Day you will get in for free!  Bodie Lighthouse is a very pretty spot.  It is not the largest light house that we have been to, but it is a nice little trip.  Finally, Jockey Ridge was probably my favorite thing in the area.  It is especially great at sunset. 


I love cities! I think they are beautiful. They are vibrant and ever changing. My favorite city is New York City. This isn’t an earth-shattering choice, but it is where I love to go. So much to do and see. I have been 5 times now and dream of going back all the time. Each trip I feel like I do something a little different. I’ll focus on my most recent trip which was this past fall (2021). We did mostly our door things because I have experienced the museums and a lot of the “tourist” things already.  NYC has a lot to offer for outdoor activities.  

One can spend a whole day in Central Park seeing famous cites from movies or just taking in the fresh air. We did just that on a pair of electric scooters.  Scooters were a great way to see a large amount of the park in a short amount of time! 

Walking the Highline was another highlight this trip.  It’s a path along an old railroad line through Chelsea.  It is beautifully landscaped with city views.  It is open year-round and would be fun to experience in every season.  I highly recommend this activity. 

We also walked across the Brooklyn bridge.  The bridge itself is stunning and the backdrop is equally amazing.  This iconic NYC landmark is a must do as well.  

There are several famous buildings in the NYC skyline, and it is fun to travel to the top to have a look at the views.  This trip we went to the top of the Empire State Building. We did this on our first trip to NYC, but the views are stunning every time. Sunset is a great time to go. On this journey we saw a rainbow when we reached the top!


Paris! The city of lights. It’s been 13 years since I was there, but I dream of going back. So beautiful.

So many beautiful museums for art lovers, which I happen to be. We visited the Louvre and Musée d’ Orsay. Both are a must in my opinion. The Louvre could take you a day or two to get through so be sure to plan enough time (depending on how much you wish to see).  Norte-Dame Cathedral is stunning.  If you don’t want to spend time inside the outside is worth the visit as well. The Champs-Elysees which begins with the Arc de Triomphe is a beautiful vibrant walk, even if you don’t shop!  The Palace of Versailles is beautiful! Though not in Paris, it is only a short train ride outside the city and well worth it. It is a place that is surreal to experience and highly recommend. The highlight of the sightseeing is the Eiffel tower.  It can be seen from most anywhere in the city and was so fun to go to the top.

Most people in Paris speak English and despite all the stereo types you hear, we did not encounter any rude people. We were there in the fall, and it was brisk but sunny and a nice temperature in the daytime. 

 Quebec City is fun and beautiful small city.  It is full of history but has a modern twist. A food tour is a must in the city! So many delicious treats. Pastries, maple type treats, and poutine are just a few.  We were there for our anniversary, so we took a tour of the city via horse drawn carriage and it was as fun as it sounds.  There are a few museums for art and history.  My favorite thing about the city was how old buildings were turned into something new.  An example being church buildings turned into libraries. The outsides are dark and reverent looking but walk through the doors and you are greeted with bright white walls and beautiful architectural updates.  There are still many churches in the city and are open for worship and tours.  

Travel is one of my passions. I love experiencing new places and seeing parts of history and art. I hope to be able to do it more in my life and even get back to some places I have already been to.

  Less Is More

(November 2021)

 Creating a beautiful holiday surrounding doesn’t mean you have to fill your home with tons of things or buy a lot of stuff to have an amazing time.  Instead, focus on a few areas in your home and make them look amazing and, furthermore, focus on time and traditions with your family.


Let’s start with the forgotten holiday… Thanksgiving.  *Cue Soapbox Rant* It’s very discouraging to me that Thanksgiving has been so overlooked and turned so commercial. As a Christian, I believe it should be a time to think about all our blessings and thank God for them. *End rant* In our home, we have a “thankful poster” that we make and put up each year.  It is just a blank poster with the word “Thankful” at the top.  We each have a different color pen and starting November 1st through Thanksgiving Day we all write down one thing we are thankful for.  It can be something simple like a nice day or it can be more serious like your health.  Being thankful in the small things is when you start to realize just how blessed you truly are!  We usually take time to do this before or after dinner and it is not time consuming at all. 


Keep it simple!  Christmas is where “less is more” is key.  I think a simple thought-out Christmas is a well-done Christmas. 


Choose a few areas you want to focus on, decorating wise, and make them amazing.  Rather than doing everything halfway.  If having a lot of decorations is important to you, start slow and building up your collection over time.


Every family has traditions and making them beautiful is a nice way to incorporate decorations into your home as well (if/when possible).  Our family has an advent calendar that has changed forms over the years, but the tradition has stayed the same.  Our children look forward to it each year.  Here are a few more traditions that can be made beautiful and are simple:

· Making cookies (fun to deliver to friends and neighbors as well so you don’t eat them all yourself!),

· Making gingerbread houses (many places sell kits for ease of assemble and enjoyment),

· Writing Christmas cards (don’t feel like you must send cards to every person you have ever met. Simplify your list), and

· Hosting family & friend dinners (having a beautiful table and meal while spending time with your loved ones is so simple and beautiful in and of itself).

 New Year’s Eve

Saying so long to the past year and looking forward to the year ahead, while not entirely necessary, is a great way to spend time celebrating with loved ones. Keeping it simple with a small group of close friends or family is a guaranteed way to have a good night. 

Keeping the Night Simple

· A beautiful table setting and a few simple decorations.

· A delicious dinner and dessert.  It can be homemade, potluck, or ordered in.

· Games are a fun way lead up to the big moment!

The key to the holidays is to keep it simple and connect with family.  Don’t go overboard with stuff and things.  It is great to make your home look nice but remember that it is okay to be different.  There are plenty of ways to stress during these times, so be sure to step back and remember what is important during these holidays.


Remember how God has continually blessed us above and beyond what we need


Remember that Jesus was born to save us from our sins—for eternity!

New Year’s Eve

Remember to start off the new year with hope and celebrate with the ones you love

 Summer Of S’mores

(September 2021)

 We love a good s’more at our house.  It’s one of our favorite ways to have dessert in the summertime, especially when we entertain guests!  So here are some fun and possibly new ways to have and serve s’mores this summer season.

Classic S’mores

My number one rule with s’mores (and possibly life) is making things pretty.  Presenting things in a beautiful way impresses your guests!  So, line up those chocolate bars and graham crackers and put the marshmallows in a bowl.  Not only will it look so much better, but it will be easier for everyone to access and be more inviting.

The Variety of Bars

In addition to the classic ingredients, it is so fun to have a variety of candy bars to serve.  The fun size candy bars are the great for individual portion size and create less waste. Classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, cookies n’cream, mint chocolate, peanut butter cups, and kit kat are crowd pleasers around here!  BUT anything that is predominantly chocolate would be fabulous.

The Filling

Marshmallow is a MUST!  No way to get around it.  I don’t think you can call it a s’more if there isn’t a marshmallow inside.  But, beyond that there are no rules to what you can add to the inside along with the marshmallow.  With whatever type of bar, you choose or don’t here are some fun and interesting filling options.  Nutella, fruit, jam, lemon curd, peanut butter, coconut, and caramel sauce. * Flavored Marshmallows would present an interesting s’more as well. *

The Shell  

Graham cracker is the classic shell for the s’more, however there are so many options out there!  Really the sky is the limit. Here are a few tasty options.  Chocolate graham crackers, fudge strip cookies, chocolate chip cookies, shortbread cookie, (any cookie really), Oreos, pizzelles, pretzel crisps and ritz crackers.  I am excited to try a few of these options!


Just like having the right ingredients is important, having the right tools for making and assembling the s’mores is so important as well.  A campfire or fire pit is the first thing you will need.  If you don’t have one then a few sternos can do the job just fine, or even an oven on 450 degrees will do the trick.  Next sticks to roast the marshmallows. Telescoping roasting sticks are the easiest way but sticks from the woods will work fine too.  For cleanup, wet wipes are better than napkins, they handle the sticky situations more effectively.  Finally, keep a trash can close by for all wrappers (if you don’t wish to burn them).

Team Golden or Team Burnt

A classic debate among my friends and family, and many others I’m sure, is how you like your marshmallow cooked.  I personally love a nice golden marshmallow.  It requires patience and skill to achieve the perfect golden glow.  However, there is a second school of thought, and that is catching it on fire then blowing it out and calling it a day!  Ha!  We have lovingly started calling these methods team golden or team burn.  Ask around and I am sure you will find a definitive line is drawn when it comes to how people like their marshmallows cooked.


Creating your own combinations is half the fun of making s’mores.  Cut loose and have some fun eating to your heart’s content… or as much as your stomach can handle!

 Be the Host with the Most

(July 2021)

 I love to entertain, in fact a weekend without some form of it at our home is rare.  Hosting, birthday parties, baby showers, sporting events, award shows, outdoor gatherings in the summer, and a nice dinner followed by games are a few ways that we frequently host! With social distancing winding down and people starting to gather more often, I’d like to offer some advice to hosting a beautiful and thoughtful dinner party.

These steps are some of my go to’s

The menu

Whether you’re having a sit-down formal dinner, cookout, or snacks with games it’s important to get the food correct.  Food can be the driving force behind your event.  It might be what someone remembers the most from your event!  So, it deserves proper time and effort.

· My number one rule is to check with your guests for allergies and dislikes. I started adding dislikes in this category because I have been put in some tricky situations with food I will not eat. So, I decided it is better to ask this question and find out ahead of time then after you’ve put in the hard work of deciding what to make, shopping for the food, preparing the food, and presenting the food, only to learn they don’t like said food.

· Next, going with something in season is always a safe and easy option. With the warmer weather coming, the grill is a great way to go.

· Appetizers are not always required but are appreciated if you’re having a late dinner.

· Choose sides that complement your main dish.

· Followed by dessert. Dessert is also a great way to go seasonal. Fresh berries and cream or even s’mores if you’re having an outdoor dinner.

· If your guest offers to bring something a side dish or some bread are nice options for them to bring. Remember no one likes to come empty handed so it is nice to let guest help with part of the meal.

The setting

An aesthetically pleasing setting is everything to me.  I love to be in beautiful surroundings and to go above and beyond to make a setting beautiful and memorable.

Fresh flowers are a super simple way to improve the appearance of your table.

Napkins are one of my favorite ways to tie in a theme. And if you want to take it to the next level place cards with your guest’s name on them are certainly impressive. Or if you’re having a more intimate dinner candles are perfect.

· Be sure to think about food placement when you use a centerpiece or decorate the table. If you wish to keep it in place during the whole meal, leave space for the food and think about the height of the items on the table. You don’t want to block people’s faces.

· If you have an elaborate set up and wish to keep it in place the whole time, then a buffet set up in the kitchen or on a side table is a good way to keep your masterpiece in place.

The entertainment 

No one likes a boring party! Be creative and have fun!

· Conversation is key at a dinner party. Usually, you have invited people you know well or people you want to get to know so conversation flows easily.

· However, if you are having guests that you don’t know well or are obligated to have, I suggest going over topics with your spouse in advance in case the conversation lags.

· If you are with close friends, games are a great way to have some post dinner fun! Games can be played with new acquaintances just be aware of the type of game and be gracious. Some fun group games are guestures, fishbowl, charades, and Pictionary.

· If you’re feeling ambitions, you could kick it up a notch and have a karaoke night, or even a murder mystery party.


Children deserve their own category in my opinion. They are very dear to their parents and should be given special treatment when they are brought to occasions. Having had children of my own, I have held on to some important items to be accommodating to guest when they come.

· A highchair is usually helpful (just a strap onto the seat kind. Also, easy storage)

· Plastic cups and plates, and a pack n play for those who wish to stay later than bedtime or for afternoons.

· Even a few toys can come in handy for active little ones who are interested in your home decor!


Going into a new environment is not always a comfortable experience for everyone.  Even being social is not enjoyable for all.  So, making every guest as comfortable as possible, is the best way to be hospitable.

· Make your guest feel welcome.

· Make sure they know where their personal items can be kept if they need to be stored away from the main area.

· Show them where the bathroom is, which should be stocked with extra rolls of toilet paper and an air freshener of some kind is always thoughtful.

· Offer them a drink shortly after arriving and appetizers if they’re available.

· Be sure to make introductions to all who do not know each other.

· No matter how many times someone has been to your home, continuing to welcome and serve them is a class move.

How to play FISHBOWL

· Supplies

· 3-4 Pens

· Slips of Papers

· A Container to hold Paper

· A Timer

Each person playing the game writes names on the slips of paper. It an eb historical, famous, or even people in the room! Just be sure most people will know who it is. Put all the sips in the bowl. Then you will split into two teams and play 3 rounds.

Round one

Taboo.  Describe the person without saying any part of the name

You will remove any duplicate names and put all the slips back in the container to start round two.

Round two

Password.  Use only one word to get your team to say the name. BUT the first guess is your team’s guess!  So don’t just blurt out a name.

Put all the names back in the container for round three.

Round three

Charades. Using no words or sounds, act out the name on the slip of paper.

Each round you will set a timer for 1 Minuet. Be sure to keep track of how many each team gets correct; this will be how score is kept. Have Fun!

 So Fresh & So Clean

(January 2021)

Time to Spring clean!  It will feel good when it’s done, I promise.  We will go room by room and have even have some projects for those who are feeling more ambitious.  So, pull out the cleaning supplies and start a donation pile, it’s about to be so fresh and so clean!

Get it done in just one week with this Checklist




  • Declutter the pantry.  Take everything out and throw away expired food.  Wipe down the shelves before you replace items. Be sure to group food by type. *

  • Do the same for the refrigerator. *

* Baskets, bins, and lazy Susan’s are helpful to organize. *

  • Match lids to containers.  Throw unmatched ones away.

  • Assess accumulation of souvenir cups and water bottles.  As well as outgrown things such as kid’s items (bottles and cups/plates).  Edit them down to a manageable amount.


  • Pull out the refrigerator and oven and clean behind it.

  • Wipe all the cabinets fronts clean.

  • Remove items inside drawers and sweep the insides if necessary and wipe clean.



  • Sort through old mail and papers, then shred important documents you wish to dispose of.

  • Get rid of excessive amounts of supplies and asses what supplies are needed.

  • Clean computer desktop and email inbox.


  • Organize paper and mail into files

  • Make a system for incoming mail and papers for easy access and understanding.

  • Organize your books by color



  • Go through clothes and donate old and outgrown items

  • Get rid of old shoes or those pair you say you're going to wear but you never do

  • Clean out nightstands.  Move items to appropriate places.

  • Make sure under the bed is clean or organized

  • Clean ceiling fans and or light fixtures

  • Wash bedding

  • Collect all unused or unwanted items and donate or give away


  • Clean windows

  • Wash curtains

  • Wash and or sweep Blinds

  • Arrange clothes by type and color (hanging and drawers)


Living Room

  • Wash everything that is removeable and washable.  Throw blankets and pillows, couch covers, dog beds and blankets, and curtains.

  • Go through DVD’s and give away or donate unwanted or unused.

  • Clean in the couch and chair cushions.  Remove and sweep in the cracks.

  • Recycle old magazines and newspapers.

  • Dust picture frames.


  • Wash the windows and curtains

  • Move the furniture away from the walls and sweep and clean behind and under them.

  • Clean remote-control cracks and buttons


Coat Closet

  • Donate outgrown or unused items

  • Remove all items that do not belong

  • Move excessive amounts of shoes to appropriate places

  • Baskets or bins help to keep gloves, scarves, and smaller items together.


  • Arrange coats and belongings by person or by size

  • Give each person a bin or basket to keep everyday items in place



  • Wash bathmats/rugs and all towels

  • Clean in and around the toilets

  • Clean bathtub and tile (or wall) around the tub.  Clean the glass door if applicable.  A gallon of water a tsp of powdered tide, 1/4 cup of bleach, and a scrub brush will do wonders on your tile. (Not on marble)

  • Empty out medicine cabinets, drawers, and under the sinks. Throw away expired medicine, products, and items no longer needed.  Baskets, bins, and lazy susan’s work well to organize in these spaces.

  • Sweep and clean the floors

  • Clean sinks and faucets

  • Sort and organize linen closets.  Remove old items (Perhaps use as rags or drop cloths) Arrange into categories.  Baskets or Bins work well in this space as well.


  • Soak the shower head in vinegar to remove water stains

  • Clean the exhaust fans



  • Sweep out the garage

  • Get rid of old or outgrown toys

  • Go through old bins and label them for easy access

  • Sort tools and organize

  • Get rid of any unfinished projects or damaged items that will not be repaired


  • Wash garage door windows

  • Spray the floor clean


The key to cleaning well is viewing areas with a detailed perspective. Look all around, especially UP!


Living on Purpose

